Something that's been annoying me for the past 2+ years

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by aceCase, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. aceCase Committed Player

    Chat scrolling. You scroll up in the chat window to read something that you might have missed and the chat keeps on moving. I know there are far more important things to fix right now but after 2 years, I think it's about time to address this.
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  2. topflow619 Well-Known Player

    I agree this should be address when they are not that busy and all
  3. neptunesBeard New Player

    That's an issue with many chats I've noticed, not just DCUO.
  4. General_Gear New Player

    What would be the solution to fixing this? Stopping chat flow completely?
  5. Original Kal Well-Known Player

    There needs to be a separate LFG chat that when you click on it you do not have to type "/lfg". I know you can set on up but the typing "/whatev" for any of the chats is a pain in the butt. plus it cuts down on the speed scrolling. either that or come up with a lfg board of some type
  6. OG ELITE Committed Player

    Make a personal chat window and take out lfg, shouts, and trade. This is what I do so I can see tells and league chat
  7. Voltacious New Player

    The solution is to disable scrolling if your scroll bar is not at the bottom. Basically make an "auto-scroll" zone on the scroll bar and if the slider is out of that zone then stop scrolling.
  8. Ivy Bird Committed Player

    Dunno why, but my chat box already does that. I will have a look and see if I have clicked an option others may have missed though.
  9. thirty six Loyal Player

    The title had me ready for laughs, but this is a legit complaint. Don't use such good titles on things that really need fixed! ^_^
  10. Goony New Player

    i would like if the group roles are put into their own seperate chat instead of going into group chat, cause when someone is typing something it gets overlooked or nobody is able to read it because the group roles have spammed the chatbox
  11. Voltacious New Player

    If that is an option I missed then I would be grateful if you could tell me which one. It annoys me to no end that i have to keep scrolling to see a message.
  12. DcuoRelentless New Player

    Its called disable lgf and trade from the tab. go to settings and press r1 til for you get to tabs and the go down to defalut and press edit and check off lfg (looking for group) and trade chat and your done
  13. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    Separate chats

  14. Breakforce Loyal Player

    I can't be the only one that just puts all the channels in their own tabs
  15. D0SE New Player

    Most people probably just don't know or want their hand held through the process.

  16. Propel New Player

    +1 and something related I've wanted for a long time is the ability to put your own status message when someone hovers over your name in friends or league list, such as "tired, just farming" or "busy in Nexus". This space could also be used to remind friends your role or what raids you need, anything.
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  17. deltablues New Player

    Agreed, it drives me crazy and always slows me down when trying to find a healer for t5s every evening.