Premiums ripped by the Devs

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Teknyka, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. Luthia1281 New Player

    Devs arent rippin anyone. Its your loss really for trying to "cheat" the system. Premium and free to play players cannot trade money.
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  2. REEEPR New Player


    Wrong. F2P saved the dying game. Microtransactions saved the day. I have everything you rent as a legendary. I bought it all so um....why should i rent the stuff i already own? Bank, character & inventory slots. Check. Rings and necks from 3 months of legendary. Check. Trading bits for interfaces to have repair cash. Check.

    Renting what i own would be a dunce move on my part but you enjoy thinking i'm a drain on your game.

    Anyone need remixes? Yeah, i'm premium and i make and give away free remixes, I bet the person i quoted doesn't even do that. Pompous people tend to not be very generous people.
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  3. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    You've officially earned yourself the title of "Stingy".

  4. Jason Martin Dedicated Player


    I already bought all DLCs.

    Why should i SUB? for the unlimited money cap? it seem so greedy from SOE's part.
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  5. PerfectLegend Dedicated Player

    I wouldn't call it being stingy. If anything, you're the stingy one.

    Subscriptions are one of many ways they make money. As you obviously know, this game wasn't free to make, and it's definitely not free to maintain.

    Microtransactions (another way they make money) support the game, but there are some that just buy a few things and leave it at that, demanding more for less. I'm sure that's what is irking people.
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  6. PerfectLegend Dedicated Player

    I'll say this - if you agree with me, good. If not, sorry. This is what I think of the situation, though it's not backed up by numbers, for the sake of the argument, let's just say this is how it is.

    There are three kinds of supporters for this game. Legendary, Premium, and Freemiums.

    You have your dedicated Legendary players who pay a monthly sub, and microtransactions.
    Premium players who buy the DLC's and support the game via more microtransactions.
    Then you have the Freemiums who buy one Legends character, or maybe a DLC or two, feeling they should get the whole game since they spent a minor amount.

    Most people played knowing that without subscribing, you were basically playing a demo. The incentive was to make you sub, or support the game.

    If you support the game via microtransactions, that's cool, great. But if you're one of the many who complain that the whole game isn't free, or that there is a cash cap, when you can find a way around it and have only bought one thing to become premium, then I don't pity you, sorry.

    If you're a premium player who has indeed supported the game, then I hope you guys get rewarded somehow for at least showing dedication.
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  7. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    this man knows whats up
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  8. Kristyana New Player

    The problem was that you didn't send him enough money. Send him about half of what you have (anything over about 250k should do it) and it overloads his escrow account, putting the money directly onto his toon.
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  9. Zezimar Committed Player

    Are you sure that's working ?
  10. Kristyana New Player

    Are you a free player or a founder? All the content may be free but there are so many restrictions put on you compared to a founder or an elite that it's nearly impossible to do endgame content.
  11. evil keebler elf Well-Known Player

    I find it funny how some ppl say they spend all this money on marketplace items but are still premium. Then come on here and complain tht they dont have any in-game money and need us legendary to buy them interfaces n such. It clearly states what F2P, prem n legendary accounts get in the game. If you dont like what F2P and premium gives you, simply dont play. $15/month really isnt tht expensive.
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  12. Tocimus Committed Player

    rhetorical question for the op: what happens when you make a sale on the broker? the money comes in through the mailbox, but is instantly put into your wallet.

    so the same would be said about your attempted work around. the money was sent 1-2k at a time, but it was instantly put into your friends wallet 1-2k at a time as well. that is why it went to the escrow.

    tell your friend to sell bits 1 at a time on the broker. best way to get instant cash.
  13. Chris Stryfe New Player

    *shakes head* This again...
    Started when the game went F2P. Went Premium within a month's time by buying DLCs. Stayed premium over a year with no cash issue whatsoever. Went full-on Legendary after almost a year of playing. I've stated before, premies should get a slight raise in their cash cap, not unlimited, but enough to purchase everything the vendors offer. After subbing for over 8 months, I would not go back to premium status. Yes I technically "rent" all the content by being legendary, but I don't have to worry about a cash cap either.

    To premiums, there are ways to survive the 2k cash cap if you bother to look rather than coming into the forums to whine and complain.
    To freebirds, sorry, buy something, increase that 1500 cap to 2k and adapt.
    Legendary, you know what you're doing, just don't be dooshy about being a subbing player. Help out those unfortunates who need it, mock and ridicule those too cheap to support the game silently.
  14. Teknyka New Player

    Nope, not trolling... I had a serious issue that I needed an answer to, and I got it.
    I started the game as a subscribing member, and have been Legendary for nearly 2 years, so I've never experienced the Premium or Free account and the restrictions that went with it. Until I talked my friend into trying the game out recently.
    Therefore, I didn't know that incoming mail was also restricted to items only until I tried to send him money.
    If I came across as rude in my response to the moderator when I said that I had apparently not made myself clear, it was because I didn't understand that money couldn't be received by premium members, and misunderstood the reply. My apologies to the moderator.

    Whenever someone brings up an issue, it doesn't always mean they are Q_Qing, or that they are trolling just to rile people.... sometimes, they actually have a legitimate question that has just never come up before during their time in the game.

    As far as sending items in the place of cash, I'll have to look into the cost/return of different items and see which items give back the closest to what they cost. Thanks for the advice.

    And speaking of someone being rude....
    THAT is rude..... I didn't even come close!
  15. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    are you SURE?!

    for me legendary members give more prejudice than premium, because they can have the whole game for only 15$ a month, and premium have to pay 10 dollar for EACH dlc and the rest is all up to you buy or not.

    SOE already make alot of money without subs and dlc, you know? yes i am talking about Replay badges, even if you stop your sub, you'll waste money with replay badges i know it.

    Replays Badges, DLC, Weapon Skin <----- SOE infinity and SURE source of money to this game, the rest is just a complement. am I wrong?
  16. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    like what?
  17. Itazuki New Player

    Send your friend items to sell. Like stacks of interfaces. This is just like cash to a Premium.
  18. PerfectLegend Dedicated Player

    Read my other posts.

    What point are you trying to make?
  19. Captain Spire New Player

    I’ve been Free to Play since the Larfleeze missions. I -just went premium three weeks ago.
    I have choose not to be a legendary status player.

    I know that there will be things I simply will not be able to do that a Legendary player
    I believe that any increase in my abilities of a Premium player, cheapen the point of going Legendary

    Where I couldn’t exchange items in e-mail, now I can. The 1st post page had a perfect Idea. Buy a bunch of Equipment Mods I or II and e-mail him in packs of…what 24? He can then CTRL click one at a time and sell one at a time to use for money any time he wants to.
    I know the frustration this gives to premium players. I was tempted to feel cheated but, this is -my- choice. That choice has consequences. The devs could have prevented any access between Legendary and Premium on any level, but the mail does provide a midway avenue to help out a friend.

    I plan to every few months, buy a SOE card and get 7-day access to escrow. He’ll have that choice as well.

    I don’t feel scre-wed by the devs, I just acknowledge the limits of being a premium member vs. Legendary.
  20. xXMDKXx New Player

    What happened to your manhood?