A couple questions.....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by LucidityKJ, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. LucidityKJ Dedicated Player

    Here's the honest truth to it: I have been playing this game off-and-on since it went F2P. Although I have a good understanding of a lot of the game mechanics, and I have gotten to the point where I can take just about any powerset/weapon combo and make it a force to be reckoned with, there are some questions I have that I cannot seem to find answers for.

    I might not be a noob, but here are some noob questions I have from reading these forums:

    1. What is POT? I keep seeing people say POT and I just don't get it.
    2. Apparently some powers are might, some are precision, and some are both? I don't understand this. I have found mixing powers with your weapons on about a 50/50 scale to be the best route every single time. Can somebody help me to understand the difference?
    3. What does dominance really do? I once reset my skill points to put them all in boosting dominance as much as I could and I didn't notice a difference whatsoever. I know what the description SAYS it does, but I didn't notice.
    4. What's the rule of thumb with this game on Need and Greed? Every other MMO I played has a rule of thumb. For example, I don't want to "need" on furniture items because, well, I don't need them. They won't make my character any better, etc. But as soon as I greed on something I want but do not need, somebody else needs on it and gets it. Every time. I am torn between the "I don't want to greed it and be outclassed by a need" and the "I don't want to be that ONE guy that hits need."
    5. IS every league in this game a joke or have I just gotten unlucky? In all the MMO's I've played I join a guild/league/faction/whatever and there are so many people on there talking and planning and being helpful / needing help. Here I join a league and it's.... nothing. 50+ people can be online and I'll say hello or ask for some help or ask if anybody needs help and... no response. Is this just a game thing I have to get used to?
    6. Is there a trick to finding the collections and investigations? I absolutely hate thinking I got all of the green exclamation points, only to kill the final boss of that run, collect it, and see 5/6. I no longer have the red boxes for the missions telling me that the points are somewhere near there. Is there a trick to this other than just to be extra diligent while doing the missions? I know this is pointless after a certain point in the game, but I have a mild obsession with making new characters so I go through this a LOT hahahaha.

    I'm sure I have more questions... mostly irrelevant and will probably cause most of you to roll your eyes but... yeah.
  2. iBehemoth New Player

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  3. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    1. POT means power over time. Unless you are a controller you do not need to worry about that. Power over time is when you get that ticks of blue numbers over your head.

    2. The might/precision thing is about if you use your powers more or your weapons more. I know DPS who are solely might based and they use their power a lot. I mostly heal do I try to keep them even.

    3. Dominance is used (mostly) by tasks and controllers. Tanks use it to pull/keep aggro while controllers use it to crowd control.

    4. For me, the rule of thumb for base items is need it if you want it, unless the group states otherwise. For gear it is need if current role and upgrade, greed for style or offspec role. Pass for salvage or you can't use.

    5. I would like to say that you have been unlucky in the league area. It is hard to find a good group but I would suggest finding someone you have run a few pugs with that you get along with and seeing if you can join their league or form your own with friends.

    6. If you have a hard time with the investigations/briefings you could always use a scanner or go to dcuommorpg.com. They have everything you might need there.

    I'll be happy to answer any questions you might have to the best of my ability. Hopefully someone else can answer might/precision question better than I. Sorry.
  4. LucidityKJ Dedicated Player

    Awesome. I appreciate the responses. One of my favorite characters at the moment is an electric DPS, so I can relate to that. Somehow, though, I end up having to switch to healing halfway through any runs because there seem to be no good heals these days. :\

    Regardless, thank you.