New PvP hack (imo) or just more GU26 bugs?

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Curae, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. Curae New Player

    I just spent 25 damn minutes stuck in a Lair Battle cause I refused to give the person a free win by leaving early.

    He could barely touch me but I could kill him about as fast as I can kill most tanks as a healer role. So I simply killed him, and he gave me the green E timer.. but no round credit. Over, and over, and over, and over. Dead hacker at my feet but no credit. Dead hacker at my feet but no credit.

    I killed him 78 times during the 5 'draw' rounds. He kept coming back fully healed and powerred and tried to kill me, but he was so laughable that I didn't even need to use a soda or trinket or sidekick or supply drop or anything.

    If it was an honest bug he would've done the honorable thing and left after the first round. Therefor I am pretty sure this guy was knowingly hacking.

    At the end of the 'tie match' it showed me 0 kills 0 deaths (instead of the 78-0 it should have said) and it showed MENINBLACK BOSS 0 kills 1 deaths (instead of the 0-78 it should have said).

    I've sent in a report ticket but there is never any GM online when garbage like this is going on cause they know to only pull this stuff when they can get away with it. -_-

    If it's an honest to goodness bug then they need to fix it asap, but that lame sack of garbage still knowingly abused it if it was.
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  2. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    Thing is why would someone want to leave b/c of the new desered pentily anyway that why they should have left everything alone.

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  3. Curae New Player

    Are you an idiot? We both were stuck in the thing for 25 minutes. What's a 10 minute 'deserter' ban if he was legit as opposed to deliberately prolonging it for 25 minutes? As the true loser of the battle it would've been the honorable thing to do if he wasn't deliberately abusing the system by either hacking or bug abusing.
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  4. chaosknight0331 New Player

    You said honorable....apart from him possibly being a hacker, most players don't give a **** about who should have won.
  5. Liongale Dedicated Player

    I'm glad you sent in a ticket, and kept your pride. That must have been quite annoying, though. I'll never understand why people risk cheating and losing their account over a win- a win that won't matter because you'll lose everything when you lose your account. It just wastes everyone's time all around.
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  6. Kroye Loyal Player

    Did he have a league tag?
  7. PopBot New Player

    Same thing happened to me prior to GU26. I sent a bug report. The player entered the lair battle with the new revive icon (so post GU25) but started the first round with full health. I defeated them in the first round and another revive icon appeared. They respawned with full health and did the confused emote, before continuing with the fight. The round ended in a draw and I didn't receive credit for the knockout.

    It didn't happen again that match, so who knows.
  8. Adogg5 New Player

    I'm a admitted newb - but isn't it bad form/against the forum rules to post names? I'm not saying your wrong/lying but what if he came in here and posted the same thing with YOUR name on it? Right?
  9. Amarsir Well-Known Player

    I've seen a single death not count as a round end, though not that many. But it wouldn't be a stretch to assume that kind of bug is possible.

    That doesn't sound like a hack though, because why would death and respawn be client-controlled? Surely the server is arbitrating that. Hacks only control what the client is telling the server, so hackers can send an odd position instruction or queue up a bunch of attacks in a burst (as if in a lag spike). Since it makes zero sense for the server to delegate match wins to one player's client, I strongly suspect this is just a bug. I could be wrong, but Occam's Razor says I'm not.

    And man are you stubborn! That's 25 minutes of both your lives you'll never get back. Now he doesn't get the win? So what? You're only spiting yourself.
  10. MARK2099 New Player

    You could simply leave the first round, see how the penaltys aren't helping the game at all? you didn't leave because you knew going to waste 10 minutes on top of the time waste until you take the decision to leave lol.

    Die and spawn is a glitch who not happen often but happen, i been killed like 4 times so far and rather than lose the round i spawn with full health, if i did not manage to kill the other players end in draw round, if i kill him i get credit lol.
  11. PopBot New Player

    This bug has nothing to do with deserter penalties. He was probably happy to take advantage of a bug when it appeared. You seem to agree in the portion of your post you removed.
  12. shiny mackerel Committed Player

  13. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    Well by what you just say. You could of lefted to o wait you are hate losing to & you don't what to get deperter so o well. Stop crying over spill milk.

    Maybe he did not want it to so it a lose lose.

    Like I said on a diff threadpeople hate slow pace game I try to make the people scworm. & lolby doing that.

  14. Armada New Player

  15. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    BITE ME for spell check

    My vocaly is limited.

  16. kingmasternova Loyal Player

  17. Armada New Player

    Laughing at your own post and you expect people to take what you say seriously…

    @the op: regardless if you think what you saw is a bug or hack, you should remove the player’s name from your message to avoid getting this thread locked/deleted.
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  18. ToneMD New Player

    That bug happened to me before GU26 but only once. Transported into a match with a Dot on me that killed me so I had a gear as the match started. Revived for first round but even when i was killed no credit given. After talking to the other player trying to figure it out i just left and put in a ticket.
  19. Itazuki New Player

    I've seen this happen before but it only lasted one round where I killed the Tank over and over with it not counting. The next rounds it was normal... I think it is some bug and not a hack... Should be looked at if possible though.
  20. Changeme New Player

    the self revive bug has been around for ages, & it seems to be random. i had it on my villain recently were i got knocked out in 2v2, and straight away i got the rally flee option, i chose to flee because i know if my opponents saw it they would say 'hacker' instead of 'my god SOE fix bugs instead of patching over them'