Post complaining about healers being OP vs controllers D:<

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by BuzzWorthy, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. BuzzWorthy Well-Known Player

    It seems every other day I see a post about controllers not being able to take down healers, healers being OP, devs favoring healers, etc. Not only on forums but in-game as well. Seems controllers don't know their job. Just as a reminder, there's several types of debuffs controllers have: defense debuff, attack debuff, and HEALING debuff.(<---kindda important one) Chances are if you use a combo of these, your chances of victory should soar through the roof, implying you've got some fighting techniques of course. /ramble over

    P.S. Que 5's
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  2. Celsius Z New Player

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  3. BadHansel New Player

    Healers without HT-mods and serums and all this crap are ok. Otherwise NOT
  4. Celsius Z New Player

  5. PopBot New Player

    It's pretty bad on the forums. Even if you make an unrelated thread they come in and try to hijack it with some ham-fisted segue into Home Turf/buff us.

    On the forums, it's the same three or four people and their alt accounts. I haven't seen anyone talk about it in game yet.
  6. Talve Dedicated Player

    Unless they changed it back after i became inactive, serums have not been a problem for a while (as they share cooldown with sodas and provide no actual immunity window like trinket does).
  7. Why so serious? New Player

    Red - You don't need to keep applying the debuffs. It's a waste of your power and why you bad trollers are having issues killing healers.
    Green - You only need to apply these 2 debuffs when you don't see them on a healers buff bar
    Yellow - "technique" ??? Are you serious? Everyone in the game is blasting 1 handed and mashing square square triangle. It's the same thing in every fight and the block break with one handed is as fast as dual wields USED to be before DW got the nerf bat. How much skill or technique does that possibly take?

    Blue - Everyone has HT mods. If you choose not to select the ones that benefit you and your role the most you have no reason to complain.

    If you're still having issues, then switch to DPS stance. Your CC powers are still so trollish in the way they work that you don't need to be in troll stance to get the CC benefits from your powers, thus reducing the healers power bar to nothing because you can still stun, encase, root and everything else while in dps stance with a troller counterpart.

    -From an experienced healer to you terrible controllers.
  8. razor Red New Player

    Healers benefits from home turf the most making us the top dogs.
  9. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    I agree people just been using pot not there debuffs. They need to learn the full role of controllers.

  10. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    I see more ma then 1h in pvp but in pve I see more 1h.
  11. Kroye Loyal Player

    Same here...I see a lot of martial arts, dual wield, and brawling. Handblasters nearly as much as one-handed.
  12. Kroye Loyal Player

    I think Ice tanks benefit from HOme Turf the most.
    So true. It's funny to see some of these folks carry on conversations with themselves.
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  13. Notangie New Player

    Good controllers keep healers stunned, using all power to breakout instead of heal.
  14. thenewkidd New Player

    Let's see.. even with all the "debuff cleansers" and HT trinkets... hmm.. how many matches do I win against controllers? let us see... OH yeah... maybe 1-2 out of 10...
    Controllers, earn your role and you beat a healer.
    Now ask me how many tanks I have lost to :p

    Alas.. I bet us healers need to complain about tanks and that WE need to get buffed against tanks... :rolleyes:
  15. Itazuki New Player

    I think Tanks should lose half their gear when I debuff them as a Healer.

    Doing it right?
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  16. Zypher New Player

    They think being in troll role is enough to warrant a win. :rolleyes:
  17. ToneMD New Player

    I don't know about you but when i use my heal debuff I expect healers to fall down dead....with a 10 second respawn. I also expect them to turn their own cogs out of respect.
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  18. BadHansel New Player

    I have only the one-time-pay-mods, nothing more. And they are by far not so OP like the T2-Mods....By Far!

    And I have no problem to lose against those players. But its not about skill. And I didn't say, that I can't beat those healers, I do win most times, but I don't feel to have an advantage.

    Ridiculous how much healers after HT feels to be skilled, lol
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  19. razor Red New Player


    you use home turf I automatically assume you have no skill. I'd rather quit and get a penalty than to entertain bull crap.

    me and my league just started pvping again we all bought t2 gear and put t3 mods and a break out trinket and scrimmage it's soooooo much more fun than what pvp is these days. No home turf no utility belt now if we could just take off immunities.
  20. FrostyMagma New Player

    If i get debuffed by a great healer it feels like im stripped naked of any gear, the precision dps healers have hit me for 3 to 4k with a weapon, and im not a slouch i have full veng and high sp.
    all i can do is
