Ice tank = easy mode, ice tank + home turf = super easy mode.

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Jason Martin, May 31, 2013.

  1. Wizz Tron New Player

    They've always been on a nerf binge
    they love nerfing so much I think they nerfed themselves
  2. Nobody New Player

    This one time, I thought there was nothing left for the devs to nerf, and they nerfed the mail.
  3. Wizz Tron New Player

    This one time they buff something in a GU and then 2 days later the nerfed it
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  4. Funking Amazing New Player

    joking? i use fire.... if anything thats OP... im practiclly a healer with ALOT of health
  5. Cerbius New Player

    Ice Tanks are incredibly OP for PvP. Shields on top of Shields, on top of shields. I mean seriously? How was this ever made to be intentional?

    My guess is the devs mistakenly overlooked it and its in need of an over due fix.
  6. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    they must do something with the healers, healers vs tank = poor tank, tank vs troller = poor troller, troller vs healer = haeler has a BIG chance to survival WHAT?!
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  7. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    While Ice Tanks got a bump with Home Turf mods, Fire Tanks where not left out as several mods increase their defenses by several thousand and offer some shielding. The issue is not the HT mods, it's the broken mechanics behind Fire tanking in general.
  8. Shield New Player

    Ice was the first powerset to be overly nerfed about 6 months after launch. It took devs a year to finally bring ice back to EVEN with other powers and now their are nothing but whiny jerks trying to get the power nerfed again. Grow up and leave s**t alone. Ice balanced with other powers. 1v1 is not the judge of a powers balance.
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  9. aganusn New Player

    Go look at the ice guide toward the end. Even they admit some of their abilities are over powered. I don't really care, though. They are useful for raids.
  10. Nobody New Player

    Except, you know, that 1v1 is a PVP map. I'd say that requires it to be balanced. Why do ice tanks get a free pass in dueling and 1v1 arenas? I can struggle to hold my own against fire and Earth tanks in DPS stance (I'm gadget) but against an ice tank I know I stand no chance at all.

    Even my league ice tank is wanting an ice nerf since PVP isn't fun for him anymore. NO ONE EVER ATTACKS HIM. And in 1v1 arenas, people just flat out QUIT if they're not a healer. I guess what it boils down to is some people like playing the game on easy mode while others like being challenged.
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  11. Shield New Player

    And some people complain because the lose instead of man up live with it. 1v1 was added to the game one in dlc 6, so you think they should unbalance the power in the rest of the game to keep you from crying in 1v1. Anyone that calls ice easy mode is a sore loser and needs to grow up.
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  12. MARK2099 New Player

    Coming this from an ice player, make sense lol.
  13. TheLoneLantern New Player

    Ok, there's something I want to know, can f2p players use HT mods? I get that they want people to subscribe/buy the DLC, but that is a HUGE advantage, not including having higher level r&d mods available. I agree that f2p should have some disadvantage to paying customers, but it's getting ridiculous imo.

    This also includes the pvp crowd that doesn't want to be forced to buy a pve DLC.
  14. TDSK Committed Player

    I can check on my ps3 account, it's premium so it only has the Dive, hideout
  15. WarHoundZero New Player

    Meh people love to qq about a power being op when in all actuality it's not. The biggest issue people have against ice is that in most cases you should avoid tanks. If you're a dps in anything higher than a 1 v 1 rule of thumb is to avoid a tank because there are squishier targets and those with more priority i.e. healers and trolls and dps. I think the majority of qqers are either dps ore trolls who aren't supposed to kill tanks and have issues doing so. Now don't get me wrong in a 1 v 1 situation it's hard to beat a tank in general but none the less their are ways around it. Also if you think ice tanks are problems go against an earth tank who also uses shields and has better damage mitigation than a ice tank. In all honesty I think a good majority of the people complaining are just horrible in pvp and don't understand how to "rope a dope" a tank in 1v1's or use powers that are at a disadvantage against tank powers in general.
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  16. TDSK Committed Player

    Alright, so I made a dive hideout on one of my PS3 alts. I made the Dive hideout, and went in. While it initially looks like you can. The minute you try to buy an active cell, you can't. You can't access the dispenser either. So no, people who do not have Home Turf cannot get the mods.
  17. FrostyMagma New Player

    I dunno i think with the right fire guy it would of been even, ice tanks are deff. tough but I never had an ice guy beat me like that. I do believe that fire heals should be a little better but still. I think the devs nerfed our heals because of the resto in the gear we get but they might not of even had the seield heals in mind when they did it. I allways have over 1600 resto and 1000 dom in a pvp match and with that the fight should of been a draw i never been beat like that.
  18. Quarknova New Player

    Symphony X - Set The World On Fire (The Lie of Lies)
  19. Funking Amazing New Player

    Pay2Win.... i know i do
  20. Dawnius New Player

    Time to start a nerf thread! :rolleyes: