Deserter Problems

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by David3663, May 31, 2013.

  1. David3663 New Player

    Ok so this just happened to me and i have to admit it really made me mad and most things dont. I queue for a 1v1 i get a geared tanked i cant beat them which is fine as im undergeared atm. He wins the first round easy then he starts to troll me in versus chat saying he is going to make me sit there or leave and get deserter. So thats basically what he did i could not kill him so he made me wait the whole time. This is a big problem for me it really makes pvp suck i don't mind being beat but this just allows the little kids that want to troll pvp do it. I am not sure what could even be done about this as i do agree the people leaving before was a problem but i would rather have that than this.
  2. Brazil world cup 2014 New Player

    this is a soooooooooo pontual case. never saw that in my two years of game! you dont really want the devs take this as a serious threat to gamers. This dont even go to the statistcs panel. Just leave, wait ten mins - that wont kill anyone - and wait for more 1000 hours till you find another dumb kid to do that again.
  3. MARK2099 New Player

    Working as intented, he can do whatever he want, op you are free to drop lair but you have to eat the desertor, nice penaltys am i right? lol.

    I think every players should be doing this now, prolonged as much as they can arenas until players start leaving over and over get desertor and get tired, eventually when there are not enough players devs may learn their lesson and stop doing changes who only affect players, since never fix the actual problems, just like some guys killing players around the crystals in robinson park, since devs first say they were removed because were closer to a lvling area, they could easy be move somewhere, then come with the excuse wasn't meant to be fill the sc like that, yet players do not get reset the sc in arenas, neither the sc is saved if players log out or freeze or dc, there is not really excuse to be removed if those 2 things aren't address either.
  4. aganusn New Player

    I farm when I desert, or I get some food, or make a drink, or do a load of laundry. It's not a big deal.
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  5. Oddpodd Dedicated Player

    Best thing you could do when this happens is Log Off. :D Problem solved!
  6. David3663 New Player

    Yeah i guess you guys are right. Just wanted to post about it here and let it be known i know its not a huge deal.
  7. Ixnay New Player

    Yeah they were being a jerk, don't let it put you off. What you could have done is tried to get the 65000 healing feat if you had any sort of self healing possible. Had a match earlier against a healer (i'm a troll) where I might have had a shot but they gave up at 2-0, literally just stood there and I wasn't gonna be asinine to force them to fight...might have dragged round 2 out longer than I needed to.
  8. iBehemoth New Player

    They should remove the deserter penalty then reinstate the rewards for losing pvp matches like it was just a couple months ago. Problem solved. No reason to leave if you still get something from losing.