Are Consumables Game changing?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Funking Amazing, May 31, 2013.

  1. Funking Amazing New Player

    i was told that if i dont use Soder Remix, Personal Damper Field IV & a Damage consumable IV in PvP.... i would fall behind and possible be a liability.
  2. PerfectLegend Dedicated Player

    It's down to skill/gear.

    If you're even in terms of skill/gear, the ones better prepared will prevail since they have additional resources, leaving them with an advantage over you.
  3. Funking Amazing New Player

    so thats a yes? if two teams that are evenly geared/ skill fight... the team with the consumables gain the edge?
  4. UltraElite Dedicated Player

  5. Breakforce Loyal Player

    They definitely won't hinder you, I would say that much.
  6. Pew New Player

    In PvP you need all of this.
    Two raid runs will get you more of these items then you can consume in multiple weeks worth of PvP though. It's basically extra loadout slots.
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  7. PerfectLegend Dedicated Player

    Yes on the remix.
    The other consumables vary, so that would be a yes and no.

    Keep in mind, there are many other beneficial consumables such as the PvP debuff ones and so on, that can change the outcome of a match if people aren't on their toes.
  8. Funking Amazing New Player

    so i guess premiums cant be as affective in PvP..... sad.

    guess i move on to a new game.... im not paying to win matches. i just find it odd that this game if F2P but you really cant play it as one.
    This cash cap is BS..... the next teir of colas are over 2000.... the catalyst are already over 2000.....
  9. Funking Amazing New Player

    i cant craft half of the stuff. catalyst are over 2k.... on the USPS3 people as for millions for a stack of them..... i guess this game isnt a F2P
  10. PerfectLegend Dedicated Player

    Due to the new matchmaking, you'll most likely face people with the same skill level. Keep on losing, and you'll meet players who are worse. By this, I'm trying to say there is a chance to still win.

    Many people do NOT use damage consumables or others in PvP, especially random ques with pug teams. I do fine even when I don't use consumables - I always make sure I have remix though. Many people give it out for free.

    I would only use consumables when with a pre-made team.

    The cash cap is there because they need to make money off of this game somehow. A huge chunk of it is already free. Without the cash cap, no one would go Legendary.