What is the most convenient movement?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Hellsream, May 31, 2013.

  1. Hellsream New Player

    What is the most convenient movement? And also can u run on water with super speed?
  2. Notangie New Player

    Each has its own benefits. I vote for flight.

    Superspeed can run on water.
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  3. Steak Sauce New Player

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  4. Funking Amazing New Player

    Acro is best well rounded- you can fly and move in combat with double jump
    Super Speed is OP in terms of combat
    Flight is good for farming but VERY slow in combat
  5. Tskales Well-Known Player

    Acrobatics has given me the least amount of hissy fits.
  6. Powerman New Player

    This game was made for flyers.

    But it depends on what you will not get tired of ;)
  7. OMAAR New Player

    Super speed is great for both battles and farming exobytes.
  8. DrewCheech New Player

    Super speed I think is the most fun, but I find it a pain in the butt farming exo's (sorry omaar but it really is)
    Acro while yes you can fly with it, requires spending a skill point better spent elsewhere IMO
    Flying, while slow, is the most convienient movement all around.
    Some say it's a pain during combat, but I never use my movement in combat anyway
  9. Funking Amazing New Player

    im super speed... but i have 8sp in my movement tree...lol
  10. DrewCheech New Player

    That's cool.
    But I was referring to Acro, not SS.
    I'm aware SS has abilities worth spending in.
  11. Echephyle New Player

    If you want the breakout recovery innantes, you'll need to spend that point anyway.
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  12. Funking Amazing New Player

    even in flight or acro also......
  13. DrewCheech New Player

    The only point I spent in flight was for more speed, which now that all I do is on duty missions for marks, I find kinda pointless.
    But to each is own, SPEND THOSE POINTS BABY!! :)
  14. Pop a Trinket dey sweatin Dedicated Player

    I love flight.

    No other movement mode can rest or fight while suspended in mid air.
  15. Funking Amazing New Player

    10% stun resistant, 10% encase resistant. Power back when breakout
  16. Funking Amazing New Player

    I can.... its called Joker Jetpack
  17. Pop a Trinket dey sweatin Dedicated Player

    Which changes your movement mode to..............

  18. Remander Steadfast Player

    For convenience, I'd have to go with flight. It's great for exploration, hunting blues/greens, collections, and bits. You can easily avoid mobs and just float around effortlessly. My main is super speed, but my alts are both flight. As soon as I have the above feats complete on them, though, I plan to switch both to super speed. For combat, super speed is tops, IMO. Being grounded in combat as a flyer is like moving through quicksand. I've never been a fan of acro, though I know some who swear by it.
  19. Breedin Bull New Player

    In terms of convenience, I would have to go with flight. But, as convenient as it is, it does have drawbacks as mentioned in some posts above.
  20. Appolos New Player

    I truly enjoy all 3 movement types, each has it's strong points to me,
    I think Acro is the funnest
    Flight is the easiest( especially in raids)
    SS has the coolest animations(Lightning at your feet, bro!)