How to become "beast"

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by HeavenSent, May 18, 2013.

  1. HeavenSent New Player

    you know, i see all these shouts "beast xxx for xxx"

    how do i know if im "beast" ?

    how do i become "beast" ?

    heavensent is a female socercy toon (my accolades are listed in my sig)


    do i NOT shave her legs for a week ? to become "beast" ?

    or not

    do i not shower for a week ? two ?

    do i eat paradox prowlers raw ? yummmm

    in family, as a healer i walked over to future lex and physically slapped him in da booty with my dual pistol ? ( to the dismay of my was that beast ?

    out dps a fire and gadget dps as a sorcery dps in gates (admit it, that would be "beast")

    solo the bizarro anomlie blindolfed, with one hand (amost did it, true story..its that easy)


    what could it be

  2. Frostbight New Player

    You are bad your tank screwed up and caused everyone to wipe on the second boss of nexus. He promises to try harder next time if you dont yell....
  3. The Kitsune New Player

    An ego the size of the Pacific.
    A head so large they need cranes to get it out of the house.
    A stupid attempt at looking better than a person is.
    A stupid attempt at impressing others with false bravado.
    • Like x 3
  4. Frostbight New Player

  5. HeavenSent New Player

    not your fault my tank

    you did great, read what dub put on the website.

    well go at it again,

    and you are "beast" too , my friend.

    crimson-prophecy por vida !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. uXix Committed Player

    Imma beast.
  7. HeavenSent New Player

    i think ive played with you

    and harleydawn....

    and if youve been healed by heaven

    then you are a beast :)
    • Like x 1
  8. Elusian Crowd Control

    looks like Ima beast then :cool:
  9. Statman New Player


    I think the only true requirement of being a beast was already stated:
    Skills to match not required.

    Self proclaimed "beasts" are generally only average at the game.
  10. The Kitsune New Player

    Since my character is the fox body type I am a beast as well. Hurraayyy
  11. Psych E New Player

    Great effort on your website guys, but holy hell... perma-ban your "designer" from any future photoshop usage and do it immediately. o_O

    I love the Bizarro anomalie. The only time this troller gets to feel like a DPS lulz...
  12. Deathmark New Player

    I'm not gona lie, i hate most modern gamer's idioms. Beast(ly) is one of them. Though the worst of them all by far has to be the whole r*pe thing.

    The only superhero that can rightfully refer to themselves as being beast is:

    • Like x 1
  13. Deathmike Devoted Player

    I guess I'm a beast.. but i don't really like the term. I prefer brutal. I'm brutal.

    Deathmike out.