Home turf soda vendor.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Shinigamikami, May 17, 2013.

  1. Shinigamikami New Player

    Why don't these repair your gear? really doesn't make any since. anyone think they should repair you gear.? yeah i could just go to my base or a nightclub, but should i have to when a robot is right there. o_O
  2. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    for me, every npc should repair our gear.
  3. Zhouz Well-Known Player

    The base amenity Soder Vendor does repair.
  4. Nitefelina New Player

    The rnd one doesn't. Stingy *****
  5. Frostbight New Player

    walk into ace chem alert right there. theres a vendor inside then pop out
  6. ToneMD New Player

    A work around. But doesn't answer the question.