How do I get block broken if i wasn't BLOCKING?!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mave, May 16, 2013.

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  1. ISO-Muay-Thai New Player

  2. Prodigy Progeny Dedicated Player

    So you go to a fast food place and order a $5 chicken sandwich, but instead they give you a $2 you just eat the cheeseburger (because thats what they gave you) or do you go back & ask for what was expected & paid for.
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  3. Captain Just New Player

    Those things never look like what is in the picture anyways
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  4. Frostbight New Player

    As always when this happens to me at places like taco bell or mcdonalds, i eat the cheeseburger and dont go back right away. Why? Because its not worth the time to go back there and complain over a measley 3 dollars. The cheesebuger still fills the need of sedating my hunger. The time it would take to raise a stink, the travel time back there (if i wasnt there to begin with) and the gas isnt in my mind worth a headache crying over spilled milk. Maybe i just have a different outlook on life and dont want to fly into rage mode the minute something doesnt go my way but theres a lot worse things to worry about then somebody giving me a wrong hamburger.
  5. Breedin Bull New Player

    The devs already hinted that the system isn't perfect. Add in the fact that some bosses ignore these all together, to make them more (wait for it) challenging :rolleyes: (sure that's the first word that come to mind) Then finally, if you are on my precious PS3 side with the awesome hardware, added into the system that is not even working properly and you gone learn today.
  6. Evian Well-Known Player

    "How do I get block broken if i wasn't BLOCKING?!!"

    You ask? By blocking -- and even self-admitting it (see above).
  7. Duskstrike Well-Known Player

    They're not PVP mechanics. Just mechanics. Just saying. :)
  8. the solowing Unwavering Player

    dude who said he was its happened to me MANY times and i still dont know why, but PVE mobs dont obey the same parameters set as the players are. so throwing a blockbreaker then shifting into blocking still gives me around 1.40 seconds to still hit you with a smash, however for PVE mobs their is no delay at all, they chuck a blockbreaker at you and clip into blocking animation and no matter what your going to get knocked down if you react accordingly
  9. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    The mechanics for this are messed up. I get block broken and interrupted when using powers in PVE and I'm not clipping when it happens.
  10. Emerald_Starlight New Player

    The PvP mechanics have always been a bit buggy, and they try to fix them occasionally but it almost always makes things worse. I will say that the most recent fix to BB vulnerability was actually decent. It's still not perfect, but definitely better than before and I'll take any small victory. I think most people saying that the mechanics aren't messed up are PC players; no offense, but it's little different on PS3. The problem does have to do with lag on the PS3 sometimes, but it's not where it comes from. In PvE the mechanics are given to adds & bosses, but not correctly/fairly. Often bosses can BB/Interrupt you while you can't do the same to them. The most obvious issue with bosses is their ability to melee you for full 5+ combo hits; while you get knocked on you *** after 2 or 3 tap melees while they're blocking. They also like to block or fake block in the middle of your melee, when the game requires you to be holding block before they start meleeing. The fix for the issue is simply either remove it from PvE and put everyone on the same playing field (not what I personally want) or distribute the mechanics properly, so certain adds aren't immune to the laws of DCUO.
  11. Gant Well-Known Player

    I agree. It should be looked into. Several of our league members have pointed this out as well. If it's lag-related, perhaps the data packets could be looked at for better distribution with send/receive signals.
  12. DG-MOD-17 New Player

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