Things I Love About DLC7

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Nekron 99, May 14, 2013.

  1. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    For anyone that is thinking of buying the DLC today I thought I would share some of my favorite things about this DLC that I've seen so far.
    • Time Travel/Alternate Worlds - Being able to go to alternate Krypton, Metropolis where Green Arrow is in custody, Crime Alley on that fateful night when Bruce was a boy, etc., are such cool moments to experience.
    • Random Iconic Bounties - Encountering Weather Wizard within a speed force tunnel caused a huge smile for me. Then when I said "Hey look at me I'll solo Weather Wizard" to only get dominated in seconds made me smile a bit bigger. Having these makes it feel more epic in my opinion.
    • Raids Dropping Highest Gear - I am so glad this is now the way of the world. Tier gear is great but the highest gear should be rare and difficult to obtain. This feels more correct for an MMO to me. You work for common gear and buy the mid level set, then play the Raids to get the highest gear. I remember when that existed in this game before tier gear was declared the gear to rule them all. I remember running Outer forever to get that Might Bow and Arkham for the Scarecrow Hat. I loved trying to search for gear to make my stats better.
    • Operations - These are fun, challenging but not overwhelming, make me feel like as a Tank I'm actually doing something, have great cutscenes and artwork, and just when you think they are over there's more. There's a shared area in Central City and through the Speed Force Tunnel then there's a good amount of space in the alternate locales. So cool to play through.
    • Quantum Power Animations and Sound Effects - I haven't changed my troller toon to Quantum yet, although I will soon, but the powers and sound effects are very neat looking.
    • Raids - These I haven't experienced much of yet but based on this little I have seen and everything else I think they will be very cool.
    If you're thinking of buying this DLC I personally would highly recommend it. I think this one is a must have.
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  2. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    Agreed. This DLC is a throwback to the good ole' days. I love it. This should be the new standard.
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  3. Cloud_9 New Player

    You forgot some stuff.

    Iconic Anomalies: PvE Legends take the place of On Duty solo missions. This needs to be the standard upon which all future DLC are graded: Does it include Anomalies? (It may need a rename, or to quite possibly file it under a PvE Legends tab in the On Duty)

    The return of faction specific styles: No explanation necessary.
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  4. recespieces31 New Player

    All I can say is: I agree
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  5. YodaDog New Player

    Me three!
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  6. Feenicks New Player

    I love this concept so much I created a Quantum powered character named Oswald Bastable. He's from a set of books not only about time travel but also alternate time lines. Imagine WWII fought not with planes, but derigibles!
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  7. Strydorman Well-Known Player

    I agree with everything you've said here you just forgot one thing.

    Tanking has returned! If you are a Tank, you are now in very high demand. You will have no trouble finding a group to run content with.
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  8. Hendrix Well-Known Player

    No, don't buy the DLC because you must be a subscriber to afford the repair costs and costs associated with crafting the new plans.
    This release is a reason to subscribe if you are CR84+ , but the costs all require a subscription and, therefore, there is no good reason to purchase the DLC outright. None.
  9. Stitch Well-Known Player

    Don't forget the most important aspect of the DLC. Warlan getting no controller gear.
    • Like x 3
  10. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Only thing I would add:

    • Difficulty - You're not just going to easily walk right through the content. You have to pay attention and have a good team to get past the new content. The higher the content the better your team needs to work together.
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  11. WonderValkyrie New Player

    i love how much faster it seems im gearing up compared to hands of fate, like it took me forever to get a 131 weapon,weeks, and i got a better 1 in 2 days, also i was ever only able to win 2 runic gear pieces, and now every last t4 armor i had has already been replaced, this dlc makes you feel so much more powerful for t5.
  12. Doc Holliday New Player

    This might be the thing I love most about this DLC, it separated the men from the boys and the ladies from the girls.

    It is very easy to see who are the weak links that need to improve both their game play and stats/skill points.
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  13. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    And they count toward your solo challenges feat too. I forgot to mention that as well. Thanks!
  14. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    I did mention that and I totally agree with you. Preach on BROTHER STRYDORMAN!
  15. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    Is that why my new nickname is Neckita the ****** Boy?
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  16. Hallows Eve New Player

    Before my sub lapsed I purchased thousands of interface type IV's, I'll be fine with repair costs.
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  17. Toofunn New Player

    Awesome, some intellect is displayed on the forums. Glad there are actually premium members that understand their limitations and embrace them using work arounds. I'd raid with this guy any day.
  18. Hallows Eve New Player

    I could have purchased millions more but if I really have to I can plop down $5 dollars for 7 days unlimited escrow access and just buy up a few more thousand interfaces.
  19. Hendrix Well-Known Player

    You cannot make the plans, you will need to acquire and mod T5 gear to advance in raid content. You will need to subscribe to complete the DLC7 content. (unless you have a benefactor) Since you need to subscribe, you will have access to the DLC anyway, therefore, there is no reason to buy it. Maybe just for the iconic anomalies. Play those two instances forever I suppose.
  20. Hallows Eve New Player

    Why do I have to be subbed to make a mod? I can make those myself like I always have.