Premium Players Getting DLC7 - Repair Costs

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Nekron 99, May 13, 2013.

  1. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    Similar things where said about the T4 content. In the end, some Premiums will find a way and most will not.
  2. Owl Devoted Player

    The key to low repair costs is not to be knocked out.

    Unequip your armor before running the Iconic Anomolies just like Legends matches.
    Trade exobits to Legendary Subscribers for Interfaces. Pop a single interface off a stack to sell to fill up your cash limit.
  3. Hendrix Well-Known Player

    We need a $10 station cash permanent repair bot trinket. Just like the R&D trinket.
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  4. Liam Solo New Player

    I would like this trinket also.

    Relating this to the topic the repair bots still charge to repair.

    Good Ideas in the thread T5 is fun go legendary and support DCUO. I only pay $10 a month.

    If you are premium starting out and buy all the DLCs this year (at least until DLC9) you will spend a minimum of $90 and thats just for the DLCs.
  5. Breedin Bull New Player

    I doubt they will cripple their 1 use repair bot sales with one of these :(
  6. blklightning New Player

    As Legendary, I've started doing that for the premiums who need $ to repair. Easy to trade and you can stack 12, so that's $18,900 for each inventory slot.
  7. Madara Well-Known Player

    Thats one of the greatest ideas I ever heard on these forums..

    Too bad will never happen because of #entitled.

    I was thinking this same thing earlier during family reunion do the devs expect premium players who buy this DLC to do anything but the solos every day..personally if a premium is in my group and needs repairs I go buy him stacks of sodas from the vendor or give him interface 1s if i happen to have them on me

    Seriously if premiums could repair from escrow it would probably also stop the cash cap raise request..cuz all they want 10K or so for is repairs..we all know this..I do not understand why so many are against it. If the repairs are this bad with T5..what happens with T6..etc? why should premiums even buy dlcs if they have to prepare hours in advance for 2 alerts..
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  8. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    im not against this
    as a legendary Sub, i would drop my subscription in a heartbeat if u could repair from escrow...

    if ur idea is to make Premieum happy +1
    if ur idea is to keep existing legendary subs -1000
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  9. Madara Well-Known Player

    You know I would say you are right, but considering the past 2 days I witnessed 2 DPS's drop 4 times in a row during last fight in FR..

    I can't help but believe any premium who buys DLC7 is essentially getting jipped, cuz we know it won't be fixed anytime soon..and if that happens to a premium he can kiss his repair money goodbye if hes even able to make it to the last fight. I still crash at the same spot in BD every single time..months after its released..and I know other peeps who have same problem at same spot..(when i say dropped I mean game crashed btw, causing us to wipe and wait to return..premiums can't afford these wipes because of glitches/crashes..another reason they shouldn't even buy the DLC)
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  10. Octantis New Player

    I don't think everyone would. I mean, I used a month of Legendary to buy Interfaces and Broker items. Those would still be inaccessible if escrow withdrawls could be used strictly for repairs. Heck, I even got myself a view out my Lair window from the top of LexCorp Tower. There's still a lot of incentive to have an unlimited cash cap.

    But then again, you're probably right :)
  11. REEEPR New Player

    "WTT red stack exos for 4 stacks Interface type 2 PST" 2 seconds later i'm grouped and in a trade. One type 2 sells for $1850 to a repair vendor in a raid.

    I made a thread about this but i don't think more than 10 people saw it.

    Premiums, if you want to play you gotta farm. No ifs ands buts or "i don't want to farm" excuses. Do you see my sig? I run all those guys as a premium player. I can wipe in a raid a 1000 times without breaking a sweat. I even have enough interfaces to craft Remixes en mass to give away.

    That's how i do it and having to sing for my supper means i've memorized many many bit routes. What really eats through interfaces is transmuting bits.
  12. NoobishGuy New Player

    I asked for 3-4 for stacks of Interface type 2 and this guy buys me 2 stacks of interface type 3. made the trade anyway but it was such a waste
  13. BumblingB I got better.

    This. When I did the Nexus raid last week, I died 45 times. I went in with x amount of money and came out of there with about the same amount of money. (Minus a little bit from the attempts at the final boss.) You get a LOT of money from the raids. I think they took the repair cost into consideration. Of course, if you don't pass the first room, then yeah, you will be wasting money away, but if you guys are good, premiums should be fine.
  14. Hate Me Well-Known Player

    i carry interfaces on me just for premiums

    cuz i think its silly they cannot be allowed to even just when they run out of money they leave which slows everything down and hinders everyone in the alert or raid..

    most of them aren't even bad players its just after 3 wipes they are usually done..its silly..just silly.

    I'll leave this here maybe some premiums buying new DLC will stumble upon it:
  15. BomombRook New Player

    Did not think of the interface idea like some of you said. I am a premium and I usually went with the common plans idea. Well thanks for the heads up about the repair costs on the new raids and the whole "carry interfaces". It's gonna help me greatly with repairs.
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  16. TheLoneLantern New Player

    It doesn't matter if all that money you're making goes into escrow though. Then, when you go to repair, you have $4000 in repair bills but only $2000 to spend.
  17. willi3bx Committed Player

    supplies supplies supplies, get someone to give you 7 stacks of 16 EIT2's (equipment interface two's) sell one at a time only for repairs instead of soda stacks. bits, complex, simples will be more than enough for trade with someone.
  18. NoobishGuy New Player


    How many pieces are in a stack of EI2? Last time I did a trade it was like 5 pieces a stack but just now I did a trade and it was 16? Was I conned the last time lol
  19. Elysia Well-Known Player

    Im one of the very few Premiums in my League, they already know the deal and they're always prepared to get me some Interface's or Soder Enhancer's.
  20. The Kitsune New Player

    What about trading bits for interface IV?