Unnecessary Hostility

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lightful, May 8, 2013.

  1. Black House New Player

    Actually it is a viewpoint and a valid one, it is a longstanding much shared belief system..

    You may disagree with it, but it still holds true in many instances, forums have a long history and reputation, nobody is compellled to use them or to contribute to them,calling a viewpoint "ignorant" offers nothing to the debate and undermines the good intentions of your post.

    So if you want everyone to respect each other than setting the example you want to see followed in your own thread is always the best policy.
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  2. Lightful New Player

    I'm not demanding him to leave. Of course, it's all his choice.

    It's not "just" because he disagrees. His comment served NO purpose. It WAS aggressive and it WAS negative. Nothing constructive about that comment what so ever.

    You're becoming hostile.

    This is my last response to you.

    - Thanks for reading.
  3. OMAAR New Player

    It's an MMO, you have to accept the bad with the good.
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  4. MattMinus New Player

    I think "sub up or shut up" is a perfectly valid response to the eleventymillionth raise the cap thread. It pithily expresses the idea that the devs have heard the money complaints, responded by supplying you with multiple methods of raising your cap, and at least a portion of the community is tired of the forums being spammed by people that want all the benefits of a subscription without paying for it.

    There have been enough of the cap threads that I don't blame anyone for using shorthand. The example you give certainly isn't an ad hominem attack, as it addresses the content of the OPs thread.
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  5. Lightful New Player


    It's all an attempt to have a more peaceful community. I know I didn't have much of a shot, this thread isn't going to really change anything.

    It doesn't hurt to try though.

    - Thanks for reading.
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  6. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Some of it comes down to people getting tired of seeing the same old threads popping up when the answers have already been given by the devs. But I think a greater part of it comes down to the tone and content of the posts themselves.

    Very rarely do you see request threads that are, well, requests. You don't often see someone post a thread where they are reasonable in what they ask for and polite while making that request, and more importantly willing to discuss the issue at all. More often than not it's slams against the dev team, rants about how unfair everything is, and outright demands for the things they want to change. And when people question them or try to debate the topic, the OPs get extremely defensive and overly aggressive in their defense.

    You get what you give, and if you're giving out hostile vibes and aggressive behavior you can pretty much expect to see it in return.
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  7. Lightful New Player

    It wasn't necessary, you're right.

    It was my opinion and I wasn't bashing him nonetheless. My original post refers to players who give insults like "dumb, stupid, ********" etc.

    - Thanks for reading.[/quote]
  8. Lightful New Player

    I've already discussed and debated with many on this thread while I give my input and they give there's. I didn't turn it down and as a matter of fact I said I agreed with most of the responses I have given.

    It's the last page in this thread where these players think I'm being a hypocrite. I've already responded to these players, I'm done defending myself.

    - Thanks for reading.
  9. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    That wasn't really meant as an attack on you or anyone else. It was just me chiming in on the topic a little later than others and giving my opinion about it. My apologies if you took it that way, I wasn't trying to make you or anyone else defend themselves.
  10. Captain Spire New Player

    There was a Youtube video showing off the new quantium powers. In the video there where a bunch of tracks from the Two Steps from Hell music.

    One poster asked, "What music is this? Can someone tell me?"
    The next said, "Which one? They are all from the Two Steps from Hell sound track and you can youtube it.
    The 1st poster said, "Yea, but I want to know the name of that one song."

    What does this have to do with the OP? Good question.

    If you ask a question, or post a comment that lacks any foundry of reason or forethought, you just opened yourself up for ridicule.

    Next, to think my question is original is like saying Hollywood doesn’t make remake movies.

    Someone already asked it, in some form or another. Problem is, there is always that little bit that makes one answer not quite fit the answer you may want. Fair enough.

    Now, posting a thread based on another thread that has been a topic of choice for a long time and done over and over then to eek some as semblance of conformity by asking in a thread like this to “just get along, “ Is kina leaning towards mockery on the same scale.

    We can’t control posts like that so human nature is to want to take control.
    We can either insult, instruct, or ignore.
    I’m sure of you were looking the person in the face, none of the people who posted such comments would say it to the OP face.
    Got it.

    Yet the more this game compromises how it was original intended to be, there will always be things deserving of mocking.
    It also comes down to what I want vs. what will really happen vs. my effort into getting what I want. That guy could have searched Youtube and not only eventually found his song from TSFH but been amaze at all the other amazing scores from the same people and those like them. Immediate Music for one.

    That OP in the other thread you mentioned could have looked up SOE, DCUO, Pay to win, or other Mmos who have thought and done the same thing. His answer would have been: Given time, the game developers cave in and give what the newer people want.

    Still, people want it now. No effort, no struggle, no real value other than they have their -thing- and to heck with anyone else. That mind set angers people on a community internet rage scale. When you talk to a person in private, expect a 1 on 1 answer. Say your thoughts in a crowd of the Internet and you will get this.

    Incite the mob and you get a mob reation.
  11. Lightful New Player

    Oh lol

    I'm sorry too.

    - Thanks for reading.
  12. MattMinus New Player

    So "dumb, stupid, ********" are out of line but "ignorant" is A-OK? You seem willing to cut yourself a lot of slack that you don't extend to other people.

    Just goes to show that what the censors always want is for their voice to be the only one.
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  13. YodaDog New Player

    I agree. He is bashing the "cant take the heat, get outta the kitchen" line.. Even though that's basically a shorter version of exactly what I said... which he agreed with... So Im royally confused... but whatevah..
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  14. Noxx New Player

    I think you can be just as (if not more) insulting and offensive using nice words and a polite tone than you can by using 13-year-old level curse words. Eye of the beholder, as you will.

    I honestly think that it's nice to have all these passionate players around. When people start throwing out insults it's because they care. And we like people who care, don't we?
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  15. Lightful New Player

    I agreed to an extent.

    That's what I put addressing your previous comment.

    - Thanks for reading.
  16. YodaDog New Player

    is that gonna be your thing now? "-thanks for reading" after every post.. I sure hope so, cuz that is straight awesome, dewdski..
  17. Sgt Photon New Player

    If you have expectations of across-the-board decency, respect, or often even social competence for intense hardcore gamers to live-up-to, you will surely be frustrated/disappointed. Remember, you're not dealing with a truly normal population here. It's certainly not true for all gamers, but I'd imagine MMO's must be among the the last refuge's for the socially inept or possibly worse. So for the rest, maybe just consider the source and try not to take anything too personally, don't feed the chat trolls, stay positive, be helpful, and apply /ignore liberally to the irritation.
  18. Lightful New Player

    When you start throwing insults around, not much is getting done.

    When you elaborate why you disagree, you receive a different perspective on the matter. A new thought. That way, we continually forge our mind becoming more creative and even educated.

    I disagree, if I give you a constructive response. You see my point (valid or not). If I half-a** a response or I lack elaboration and go on to insult you with what you would call 13 year old lvl curse words, it's being counter productive.

    Please, I love DCUO so, stop referring my previous comment. I have already responded to those who addressed it earlier. It was not a means to bash him. We are all ignorant and inexperienced in our own ways. I however would not go on to voice my ignorance in a aggressive manner. "If you can't take the heat then stay out of the kitchen" is not neutral, positive or constructive.

    - Thanks for reading.
  19. Lightful New Player

    Yes lol

    I value time and I appreciate people who give me their time to read and respond to me. It shows that I'm some what important to them. :)

    Though, I only add that when I compose a some what decent response. If its a small one like "lol, np, :)" I don't even bother.

    - Thanks for reading.
  20. YodaDog New Player

    In that case, maybe you're setting the bar a little low as to when you're new catchphrase is to be employed.. I mean, its brilliant. I wouldnt want it to get too played out if I was you...
  21. Mad9 New Player

    lol, you got me there.
    I'd be watching you very closely.
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