HT neck vs PVP cr 84 neck

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by IQTester, May 7, 2013.

  1. IQTester New Player

    just got my HT neck(cr78) and
    HT neck:
    99 health
    13 power
    21 prec
    47 might

    PVP 84cr neck:
    37 toughness
    361 health
    47 power
    19 prec
    43 might
    15 resto
    10 vit

    yea i will keep using my pvp neck , gaining +2 prec and +4might and losing 262 health isn't worth IMO.
  2. Mountie New Player

    Its not just you, the recent PVP gear has thrown all balance out the window for PVE progression.

    Before I was saying that GU 25 was put out to early. With this info I will say its a botched job.
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  3. Madara Well-Known Player

    because "balance" in pve progression is the most important thing devs should be working on..
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  4. Mountie New Player

    Balance is a core aspect of any game, PVE or PVP. The have made adjustments in the past to limit the rate at which players could progress in the past. (not getting loot drops unless you met CR requirements.) The PVP geat has completely circumvented the stats that come with CR.

    If you cant figure this out you need to study more.
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  5. hoaxone Committed Player

    Well if u were focusing on one stat..say either prec. Or might...there is better necks then both.I use my fos2 might neck with the might mod and will never trade that for more health.
  6. Madara Well-Known Player

    Why would I study PvE Balance..especially when the gear in question only really helps people doing T2 and below..which at this point is completely irrelevant.

    Why do you even care how "balanced" the low tier content is ? Really ? Who cares..? If anything it allows new players to progress faster which means more people will probably stick around for longer/might end up subbing if they hit T3 as F2P fast..

    At best you should welcome it, if anything it makes the game more "Alt Friendly"
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  7. Mountie New Player

    I don't welcome this because at any time were design and balance is diminished and sacrificed in a game it is only a sign that the makers have no respect of the product or the client. And eventually with all the needed power ramping it will be a mockery of what was originally created.

    Now if you want to go on about evolution of a project, the end result should never be a mockery of the original. It should be a homage.
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  8. DrSpringfield Well-Known Player

    OK, now compare the HT face to the PVP face.
  9. IQTester New Player

    i dont have the 78cr mask from home turf or the 84cr pvp mask.
    but 83 cr pvp mask:
    40 thoughness
    200 health
    26 power
    10 prec
    24 might
    7 resto
    4 vit

    73 cr HT mask
    46 defense
    50 health
    7 power
    12 prec
    20 might
  10. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    I run with a pvp neck and pvp face, both right now are 83 cr. Those are about the only two pieces I'll replace with pve pieces... for now, probably, who knows.
  11. Madara Well-Known Player

    Its already a mockery of what it was, if you didn't realize.

    Before F2P and the introduction of all this P2W crap with DLC locked content, tiers, replay badges the game was FAR better overall, the problem was there was a lack of content to do and people decided the game was not worth 15$ a month and thus gives rise to the F2P model and with it came P2W, cuz SoE has never done a proper F2P game as we all know. So your ideology about evolution of a product means paying homage to the original went out the window with DLC2 and 3, when CC and T4 were locked without Sub or DLC purchase, not to mention mods, hometurf or last laugh.

    The devs are seeing the bigger picture, and that picture is that as this game grows with more content the less inclined new or returning players are If they followed exactly what you desire people would be stuck farming T1, T2 for a month, because they would actually have to scale it like people scaled it 2 years ago.

    As a game grows you get stuck with an issue of new or returning people being completely overwhelmed with the amount of crap they have to go thru just to reach the "current" content. You can do it the way you described, making new and returning players grind that for weeks to progress to the next tier..or you can make it easier on them..allowing them to get to atleast T4 in a reasonable amount of time and begin trying to catch up to T5.

    With your option people tend to quit, and when people quit income is lost.

    With the second option, which seems to be what the devs are aiming at, is to give new/returning players a "boost" to get them up to speed with the newest/second newest content..resulting in purchases of either replays, DLCs or a new subber.

    The only way #1 would work is if the old content was still being done, which I don't know if you've went around to Sub Avas or CC recently..but its is every T2 alert and wait so long to find any1 to do any of the low content with its pointless.
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  12. Mountie New Player

    Replay badges are not the cause, F2P is not the cause, they don't actually change the content.

    Making an environment where low tier content is skipped may have an aspect in that. Throwing content under a bus by making equipment that can mimic top tier equipment without the restrictions does that, the marks merge may have played a role.

    Spytle and crew are forgetting what was made with DCUO and botching the job.
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  13. Madara Well-Known Player

    It was dead before mark merge, was dead before new PvP..its been dead for almost a recent changes had anything to do with it..the content is just outplayed. You might see 2-3 people at Sub Avas if lucky..where as before it was like 15+ people out there..

    "Replays not the cause" no they really are..why bother doing content that gives 10 marks when you can replay content that gives 100s ?

    "F2P not the cause" obviously..DLC wasn't out til after F2P.

    What I am saying is the "F2P" Buzz is don't have an absurd amount of fresh people running around..couple that with the fact that content is old and the majority of people are already in T3 or T4..coupled with the fact Feats have to be repeated..which just further declines the incentive to make a new character..couple that with respec instead of making Quantum when it releases alot of peeps are just gonna respec into it on main..

    Point is low content is PvP gear had nothing to do with it..the content is old..its out one hardly makes alts..f2p buzz is over..if the new pvp gear helps people rush thru that DEAD ZONE then good.

    As for PvP Gear in T3+

    I would much rather have the option of something being viable rather then being locked into certain "builds" concerning my items. Diversity is always a good thing. Why should everyone be forced to have Lockbox rings/neck to be viable ? Allowing people a choice in what they use is far better then.."Farm this, farm that..oh you dont have a sub? well better sub 4 rings and neck"

    I even use the PvP neck over my lockbox healer neck..cuz its better overall..i lose resto and power..but gain so much more..a choice I made.

    As long as people can't wear full blown PvP gear and kill T4/T5 content effortlessly then its fine. Mix matching PvE and PvP gear like rings/neck is a good thing in a RPG perspective. Choice is never a bad thing.
  14. Pop a Trinket dey sweatin Dedicated Player

    Missives could have been a good way to get top end players back into the lower content, but the reward wasn't great enough and people just delete the missives. They are almost worst than trash in some cases because at least you can sell trash.

    There should have at least been some feats involved in the missives. And there should have been more variety of missives.
  15. Lamar New Player

    t5 pve is here
  16. ToneMD New Player

    From most accounts, what was originally created was a mess. I wasn't here at launch or beta but those that were whine about how bad it's gotten at the same time that they complain about stuff being broken since launch.

    I assume there is a reason why there was a dev shake up a while back right? There seems to be a different vision at play now. It's a different game.
  17. Madholm New Player

    It's clear that replay badges are the issue here. Without those badges this gear would not be remote close to available by now. Replay badges screw up progression in both PvE and PvP, and its pretty obvious in this case. Even on the test server the developers asked Odyssey not not use the PvP jewelry on their test runs. That won't be the case on live and peoe will be running it with 1k+ additional health.
  18. DrSpringfield Well-Known Player

    Freezing is nowhere near as bad as it used to be.
    The lack of content is nowhere as bad as it used to be.

    PvP is nowhere near as good as it used to be.
    Playing alts is nowhere as good as it used to be.

    They've done a lot of good, but they've also changed things that absolutely no one ever complained about. All we ever wanted was to make the game more fun. But you can't please everyone all the time so of course there's going to be mixed opinions if they've succeeded or not.
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  19. TheRealDeathern New Player

    Merge the two gears already. No need to have strickly PVP gear, or PVE gear anymore, and quite honestly I never saw the point in the first place. So what if a person levels their gear up in PVP, or comes from a background of more PVE... why should they have to start at the bottom because they havent PVP'd before or how come they are limited to T1 alerts when they are well versed in PVP? Simply make gear with both toughness/defense and let it be used in either circumstance and be done with it already. History has shown that segregation does not work. All the different gear does is drive a wedge between the player base, cause confrontation between those that have and those that do not, and makes the grind that much longer for which ever aspect you are picking up fresh. Enough already. The time for dual armors for the same role should be gone after this update. I for one, vote to merge the two starting with T6 gear. Whose with me?
  20. Hendrix Well-Known Player

    A lifetime legendary player suggested that the new seasonal PVP update with a new PVP CR indicates the protracted demise of this game where it will only survive on PVP support after they finish/resolve the PVE story and the PVE subscribers get bored and move on. The game will linger only because of the separated PVP gear that resets seasonally. It is a prolonged business move. Apparently the key to making your MMO development money back is to get a small amount of money for a long long time.