Devs: PvE and PvP Must Be Separated

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Solarstar, May 5, 2013.

  1. Mountie New Player

    Agreed, separation is not the solution. I hope they are reevaluating the equipment budgets. No matter the solution someone is not going to be happy. If they don't fix it, its the truist PvE players if they readjust it's the minmaxer's who rely on the new stats.

    I hope the devs see fit to incorporate diminishing returns into equipment budgets as it seems that they do not now. They have realized this with the new skill point slots in the weapons trees.
  2. The Jeff Well-Known Player

    I might be wrong here since my CR is already high enough for any content in PvE gear but I was under the impression PvP CR was only for tier purchase eligibility and not for PvE. You're saying someone can buy the PvP CR 77 set and instantly meet tier 4 CR requirements without PvE CR? If that's the case, that is broken and needs fixed. PvP CR should not work for unlocking PvE tier criteria anymore than my PvE CR should allow me to jump straight to tier 4 PvP gear.
  3. Mountie New Player

    This is actually an example of why the design is broken at this time.
  4. Black House New Player

    Nope, your point is moot, the gear is clearly intended for PVP the devlopers have labeled it as such, how and where players choose to wear it is up to them, socks are designed to be worn on the feet, there is however no law that says that you cannot wear them on your head, nose hands or gonads.
    Limiting others players freedom because you want to tell them what to do is not an issue for the deves,
  5. Splinter Cell Dedicated Player

    It's a matter of personal preference. I, personally, use PvP gear for PvP and PvE gear for PvE. Just saying that while you do have more health with PvP gear on, your defenses are too low so you can be melted faster in missions like the Power Core (FoS2) raid, where it can be too much work on a healer. The risks, for me, outweighs the benefits. That's just my two cents.
  6. Black House New Player

    This can't happen.
  7. DrewCheech New Player

    Forgive my ignorance, it's Monday morning, I'm hung over, and I just ran my first 5k zombie race yesterday so I'm a little off.
    But I don't get it.
    How does this prove anything is broken? That's THE strangest response I've ever received to a comment before.
    Nothing is broken. It's not like I'm cheating. The option of using pvp gear is open anyone who wants it.
    I'm not trying to dismiss your opinion, it is valid in a sense.
    I fail to see the harm, or how this will drive anyone away from the game
  8. Octantis New Player

    If people can complete the content what difference does it make, really? Are we just arguing about the principle of it? I mean, if they're not pulling their weight, then kick them; its no different from if they were performing poorly while wearing PvE gear. But if they're not detrimental to the group then really what's the problem?

    Use the kick function if they're hurting your group, leave them be if they're not.
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  9. Midnight Strike New Player

    Get over it already. The Devs have stated numerous times that they don't distinguish between PVE'ers and PVP'ers in DCUO; They feel that all players should experience the entire game. The players that mostly PVE, and not PVPV, have been telling the players that mostly PVP, and not PVE, to quit complaining about having top grind out from T1 to T4 gear even though they were already in T4, and how the grind is just like PVE. Well, that took the argument away right there. Not to mention that the mostly PVP players had to endure all of this time of players viably doing PVP in PVE gear.

    TL;DR There is no separation in DCUO between PVE and PVP other than what is in your head.
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  10. Mountie New Player

    It proves that its broken because PVP gear of equivalent level is more favorable than PVE gear in a PVE situation. This is a design flaw that has to do with min maxing.

    In the past DCUO has adjusted gear when it realized that green gear could exceed purple's usefulness when all of the stats budget were spent in a single area. The only method I know for long term compensation of stat budgeting to reduce min maxing, is called diminishing returns. The higher a stat gets the more it costs to get the next point.

    This is not something the player's did and no cheating is involved, this rests in the hands of the developers.
  11. FrostyMagma New Player

    well said
  12. Octantis New Player

    Keep in mind that getting Archangel cannot allow you to skip content. You still need a PvE CR to get to the next Tiers. If someone grabs PvP T0 to help with solos and/or Duos, they still have to farm the same amount of marks as anyone else. It's really not broken, just makes the initial grind easier.
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  13. Hawkboy Well-Known Player

    I've said it before and I'll say it again - Merge the PVE and PVP armors. Keep the PVE armor and have the mods be for PVP. The more PVP matches you win, the more you can mod out your gear for PVP. This does away with PVE and PVP and just makes it one game.
  14. Black House New Player

    The "returns" from these posts have clearly diminished, the "flaw" may lie with your understanding of pvp cr and pve cr, still not an issue for the developers.
  15. Mountie New Player

    I have considered that, sadly it doesn't change the fact all you need to do is have gear in inventory and it removes the designed challenge for the content.
  16. Potent New Player

    Talking about heads up arses.


    9K Health, or 30% Damage Reduction w/ 3.5K Health?

    You can take 9 1K hits in Full Tier 4 PvP, or you can take 5 1K(raw, equals 700 per hit) hits in the PvE gear with 30% DR and 3.5K health.

    So please, tell me again, who's going to get torn through like a hot knife through butter first? Oh right, the PvE wearing guy.
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  17. Potent New Player

    Seeings as the difference between 38 and 90 SP's would only equal out to be around a 15% difference in effectiveness. Yes.
  18. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    If you're talking about the designed challenge in PvE content, that's already easily overcome. It's very easy to get ahead of the leveling curve in content as it is. More than once I've reached the level cap on a new character just as I'm about to start the Temple of Crime/Batwoman missions. And if it's an alt you're running, all you have to do is save some Necromancer/Voodoo gear and a weapon for that alt and they've already got a nice leg up on the solo content remaining to them.

    Even without touching the first set of PvP gear, you can get ahead of the game.
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  19. Potent New Player

    Getting carried by 5-7 other players in the max tier gear through lower tier raids that the higher tiers could have 5manned or less, removes the challenge designed for the content.

    So are we going to put a CR restriction on groups now? Preventing players with a CR of the next tier to group with lower tiered players?

    I didn't think so.
  20. Octantis New Player

    Okay, 'cause I just thought of it, lol. But to be honest, players have been finding ways to do things easier for a while. From kill stealing Sub Avatars, to Raid Walk-Ins. Remove one easy road and lazy people will find another to take. At the very least, PvP weapons have a maximum damage when used in PvE, so that's a plus. If they could do something like that with Armor that could work.