Please!!! bring back the old PVP maps

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by master shunglao, May 4, 2013.

  1. master shunglao New Player

    We all miss Starlabs 4v4 , Watchtower 5v5, Ace chemicals 4v4, heck I even miss australia 8v8 and moonbase 5v5.
    Please let Us know why were they taken out and when will they be back? :(
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  2. General Powers New Player

    Star Labs was a personal favorite of mine.
  3. Akusai New Player

    It's seasonal pvp. This was discussed in the patch notes for GU25.
  4. master shunglao New Player

    1 of mine too bro:(
  5. master shunglao New Player

    when is the season changing ?
  6. Akusai New Player

    The specific dates have not been discussed but I imagine every 2 to 3 months
  7. master shunglao New Player

    wow that is bad 2 to 3 months . a lot of pvper are in raged and are starting to give up on playing the game as much
  8. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    Yea moon WT and moon are my favs.
  9. Lokkii Committed Player

    this game will be better off losing a few people, if they are raging and thinking about quitting. The changes to PVP were overall for the better, besides PVP'ers crying has done enough damage to this game.
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  10. B3astinevery1 New Player

    i hate pvp i hate how unbalanced it is
    im a hl troll and cant get a match without a million ice tanks
  11. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    The next GU we are getting arranged matchmaking so the hardcore pvpers should be quiet for awhile.
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  12. Sophittia Well-Known Player

    That's because Ice is the new FOTM. With the shields they have healing them with white mods, everyone is switching.
    It won't be long before enough people have cried about it that it gets nerfed like so many other powers before it.
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  13. B3astinevery1 New Player

    i did 20 liar battels in a row probly 19 of them ice tanks however all 20 losses lol
  14. master shunglao New Player

    I feel you
  15. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    It's very boring running the same thing day after day... What were they thinking?

    Taking away content is not going too make PvP better, just boring as hell...

    SOE, please re-think your strategy on PvP, it's a yawn fest as is!
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  16. master shunglao New Player

    but how for the better? a subtraction of maps isn't better. I'm a all around player and good at every part of the game so . usually when a person states negatively about 1 side of the game usually sucks at the part they comment negative about..i just don't understand how giving new gear without giving feats for completing the style and subtracting map is good players that love pvp side of the game more.
  17. master shunglao New Player

    I so feel that very same way
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  18. master shunglao New Player

    I miss wt so bad . I hope they bring a new map out like wt without jump pads and second landing . they should make the temple of issis map 5v5 . that would be a cool death match
  19. master shunglao New Player

  20. Lokkii Committed Player

    its not a subtraction of maps, they are gonna be rotating, inform yourself before you flood the forums with nonsense