Ground Breaking Guide to Earth

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by AIpha, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. Quagmire New Player

    Thanks alot!!!
  2. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    So guys I have a confession. I relapsed to fire...again. Tanking is [phenomenal as earth but I just can't get the hank of dps'ing. My numbers pale in comparison to when I'm fire. I don't spam jacks and I incorporate other powers but I can't seem to get optimal dps. Maybe it is because I always get interrupted or knocked back at inopportune times. Anyone have any suggestions for when I go back?
  3. AIpha New Player

    Try out the might loadout. Yes it doesn't have as much potential but it is ranged, and similar to how fire dpsing works.

    Rumble Crush- Shards-Totem-Debris Field-Reinforce-Meteor Shower/Vaccum Bubble. Crush a group with Rumble Crush then use Debris Field and Spam shards. Always set up totem clip with reinforce before you start a rotation. Simple, might based like fire but still should see similar numbers to your fire dpsing.
  4. AFrenchGuy New Player


    Ok thanks for this.

    Now i use this loadout :

    Amazonium Reflection (Stuns when ennemies hit me + "Shield")
    Earthen Grip (I can't play without this power, for example when i run PBG i need to pull golems that are far away)
    Epicenter --> Is it really useful or can i remove it ?
    Brick Golem (damage absorption)
    Damage Shift ("")
    Shards (Crowd Control)

    Also, i don't understand you about the Gemstone shield.
    Do i must use just 1 aftershock ? Is 1 aftershock work like a shield ? because i think it breaks quickly (i have 1060dom)

    sry bad english
  5. AIpha New Player

    Thats a good pet loadout yeah,

    Here is my explination of gemstone shield and how it works with aftershocks/damageshift

    1. How does GemStone Shield work?

    Gemstone Shield can absorb 100% of your dominance and 100% of your resto but it counts any damage absorbed while activating towards that and doesnt refresh with each aftershock. So say you have 1000 dom and 775 resto, you are able to absorb 1775 damage with gemstone shield BUT if you take four 500 damage hits the first cast(1 shard/50%) will absorb 250 damage with 250 getting through. The next aftershock(2 shards/63%) will absorb 335 of the 500 with 165 getting through. The 2nd aftershock(3 shards/87%) will absorb 415 with 85 damage getting through. The last aftershock(4 shards/100%) will be 100% absorption taking all of the 500. So since activation the shield has taken 1500 damage. That means it can take 275 more damage before you start taking normal damage again. Hope that helps people understand how the shield works.

    2. How does Gemstone Shield Work with Aftershocks/Damage Shift?

    If a normal add were to hit for 1000k after mitigation has been applied from defense. For Aftershocks you would take 500 damage. That 500 damage is what is affecting gemstone shield. Based on the numbers from the previous example your gemshield can absorb a max of 1775 damage. If one aftershock is up it will absorb 250 of the damage leaving 1525 damage left to be taken by that one shard but 250 would get through and hit you. If 1 aftershocks of gemshield are up(2 shards) you it would absorb 335 of the 500 leaving 1440 damage left it could take while you take 165 damage. If 2 aftershocks of gemshield are up(3 shards) it would absorb 415 of the 500 leaving 1360 it could still take while you would take 85 damage. Finally if 3 aftershocks are up you are at a full shield and it would take 500 damage leaving 1275 left to take.

    Basically you can choose to decrease the damage you take over a longer period of time or you can choose to block 1-2 attacks and have the shield break.
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  6. AFrenchGuy New Player

    ok thank you!
  7. Lacedog Loyal Player

    I'd recommend everyone pick up that cash pvp trinket for the breakout. Since unstoppable is uwc, but of course really isn't.
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  8. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    The funny thing is I do better with the dazed loadoat but not as good as when I Fire dps(melee). I think I just need better muscle memory for my rotations.
  9. AIpha New Player

    Thats what I do. My belt is Breakout, Tank Buff, Sidekick, Daze Consumables
  10. Lacedog Loyal Player

    Is that what you plan on using for t5? Cause thats what I'm talking about, and for my whole team to get, not just me.
  11. AIpha New Player

    Lol yeah thats what I use now and plan to keep using. I think it wouldn't be a bad idea for everyone to use them as well. I saw lots of pulls in the t5 raids that result in kos.
  12. Lacedog Loyal Player

    Cool. I was just wondering since you mentioned above having to use unstoppable again. That power is such a waste now since they screwed up the uwc powers.
  13. AIpha New Player

    It is but I would still recommend it for your teammates. For myself its pointless yes because you need to be preemptive with it but if you use it to help teammates then its worth it.
  14. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    It may not be so useful anymore. I say try something else, like Unstoppable when you need that 360 AOE plus also it is the immunity ability.
  15. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    what does UWC mean?
  16. PurpCity New Player

    usable while controlled
    • Like x 1
  17. Quagmire New Player

    Whats the tank buff for your utility belt that helps the party? Forgive my ignorance
  18. blklightning New Player

    The utility belt items don't help the party, per se. I have a similar belt loadout:
    Breakout = PvP trinket (it only breaks me out, but is reliable and frees up a loadout slot for other things)
    Tank Buff = things like the FOS and Central City tank trinkets that buff health and/or dom. They don't direclty affect the team.
    Supply Drop = I like to keep my team powered sometimes.

    I use 2x Tank Buffs. I alternate between my FOS trinket for added health and my CC trinket for added health/dom.

    I imagine that I'll be going to back to unstoppable soon, once a cleanse is more necessary for my team mates.
  19. AIpha New Player

    FOS1 trinket or CC trinket
  20. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    What does the CC trinket do? I never bothered to get one for my tank.