Thinking of becoming a villian.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BomombRook, May 1, 2013.

  1. GreenDrakkon Well-Known Player

    I have a villain that I play every so often. Managed to get him to lvl 30 pretty easy. There were a couple of differences while leveling up but nothing major. Though, I did enjoy some of the pre-30 missions more. The biggest issue I had is running stuff (duos, alerts, and raids). I can never get a group.

    Someone above said that the villain side lacks the silliness of the hero side in how they act. Well, I've found that to be not true (at least on the ps3). Every-time I'm on, I'm always seeing something going on in the chat box. On the hero side, there are some but not as many. It could be because the heros have such a large population that you have less of a chance to see or hear them.
  2. Doctor Erevos Committed Player

    Here is my take.

    Hero Pros:
    -More people
    -Better broker prices and more items
    -Faster que times

    Hero Cons:
    -The ambience is more boring if playing alone
    -Common casual player is less knowledgeable, less skilled

    Villain Pros:
    -Common casual player is more knowledgeable, more skilled (not by a huge margin)
    -Better ambience at the night clubs and Hall of Doom, there are fights everywhere

    Villain Cons:
    -Que times are horrible
    -Less people to interact with

    That's pretty much it. Also there are helpful AND idiots on both sides. The solo missions are pure preference and there are only minor differences.
  3. Herx Active Player

    I have 2 Heroes and 2 Villains, all cr88.

    Benefits of being a Villain:
    1. You get to beat up Titanic Trenton whenever you see him in Metropolis.
    2. When you see a distressed citizen thinking about jumping off a tall building, you get to push him/her off the ledge.
    3. When you catch the speeding citizens in the "Can't Stop" mission in Central City, they die.

    Benefit of being a Hero:
    1. If you have Super Strength (Iconic power), when you see a thief trying to rob an ATM in Metropolis, you can pick up the ATM and beat him to death with it.

    I think that about covers it ;)
  4. SpagTheTapdancer Well-Known Player

    circe's voice is all the benefit necessary.
  5. X-zero Loyal Player

    If nothing else you should try the villain side to experience all the content. If you limit yourself to one side you missing a good chunk of the game. But if you do come over I won't mention I have a high level hero that is not a selling point. If anyone ask just say you are leveling alt which is true

    No one will probably ask though..
  6. Doctor Erevos Committed Player

    Yo dat VOICE! Amazing job. I would jump off the Empire State building if Circe told me to...
  7. Katheryne New Player

    I find Calculator more interesting when he talks to you. Also I like how you really have no allies like Heroes do with Policemen besides your League. The stories are interesting. It feels more exclusive towards you as you will not see a high player base. My two cents.
  8. TheRealDeathern New Player

    I ran villian for the first year or so I played, then jumped to hero side when the league I was in collapsed without warning. I've been a hero ever since, and havent looked back. The biggest, and really only difference IMO between the two factions is population of players. Roles for raids and such are easy to find on the hero side, on the villian side you can spend a good protion of your time just trying to get a raid group together. Others will say that PVP is better on the villian side, or that better players reside there, IMO both sides have good players for either PVP or PVE, and it doesnt really matter at this point in time which side you choose, the gap isnt really as big as people make it out to be.

    If you could actually do something villianous on the villian side, it certainly would be more fun to play. For example, Can you rob a bank? No. Steal a car? No. Break someone out of prison? No. Con people out of their exobit? Well maybe, but doubtful. I think this is the biggest reason that there arent more villians, because this game really doesnt have any villians, only hero wannabe's...
  9. Lokkii Committed Player

    The skill level of the villian side in general is exaclty triple that of the hero side
  10. DrewCheech New Player

    True, and they earn that.
    Last time I made a villian I went with Lex as my mentor.
    You'll notice your survival is much less stable right off the bat beacuse of a lower population.
    My second mission by the school, I kept getting SWARMED by enemy NPCS, I was dying in seconds.
    Almost to the point where it wasn't fun.
    I'd suggest getting at least one other friend to make a villian with you so you can run the missions together.
  11. FaLeX Dedicated Player

    Less People in the Hall of Doom vs the Watch Tower

    Meaning Less Freezing & Crashing!

  12. DeLaaNie Well-Known Player


    *he only has gummi bears*
  13. DeLaaNie Well-Known Player

    I...I, love you!

    Btw, lol at all these people talking nonsense about "villain = PvP" and "hero = PvE". No it does not. It equals what you want it to. I don't play PvP whatsoever and I get by just fine. If you want help then either ask for it or join a league; it's really that simple.

    *not to mention I often spam, "does anyone need assistance" in both Metropolis and Gotham to aid those who need it*
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  14. neptunesBeard New Player

    The best players are on the villains side.
  15. BomombRook New Player

    Seen this yesterday. Was a bigger challenge to me then the hero missions. That first mission with the college kids was more difficult then the missions from the hero side when I first started. Seems I might turn villain but more of a anti-hero type(still a hero at heart so can't go full villain lol), so when quantum comes out I will probably make it a villain. Plus kind of falling in love with the villain armors, mostly the joker's punchline armor, Argis of Azarath (sorry if that's wrong) and the black manta armor.
  16. X-zero Loyal Player

    Most villains are anti-heros anyways. And giving the power we have in this game would people still really work a 9-5 job. Heroes don't get paid and everyone can't be born with Bruce Wayne type of money.
  17. Tharkis The Pretty Kitty Princess

    You know you're a villain when ....

    - You save Zatana and Doctor Fate from Black Adam and Felix Faust and put an end to Black Adam's plans to raise Isis
    - You help Oracle and Batman clear out an OMAC infestation in the Batcave and defeat brother eye
    - You save Batman from OMAC infection and control by Braniac and drive Braniac out of the batcave for good
    - You help superman to free his dog Krypto and gain readmittance to the Fortress of Solitude
    - You drive Braniac's forces out of the Fortress of Solitude and re-secure the power core for Superman
    - You help Superman re-capture General Zod and his lackies, and trap them back in the Phantom Zone
    - You help Wonder Woman rescue the island of Thermascera from invasion by Braniac
    - You quell a prison riot at Strikers and put Gorillla Grod back under controll
    - You stop Lex Corp from expirimenting with Doomsday in smallville and defeat Doomsday before he can become a threat to the world
    - You put an end to TO Morrow's meddling in Ace Chemicals and take out his experiments and Chemo
    - You help the biohazard teams in Bludhaven defeat Chemo to start the cleanup of the destroyed city
    - You put an end to Ultra Humanite's plans to turn everyone into monkeys and capture him
    - You save the moon from destruction and take out Queen Bee and her hive
    - You save Coast City from out of controll red green and yellow lanterns
    - You stop Ras Al'Ghul from performing his ritual and using the Lazarus waters to scourge the planet
    - You stop Mr Freeze, Poision Ivy, and Scarecrow from taking over arkham assylum and re-capture them

    Err wait... I'm a villain?
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  18. Tesseract Well-Known Player

    Chaotic Good?
  19. General Powers New Player

    Welcome to the clubhouse! The secret password is... Superman stinks. *chuckles maniacally*
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  20. General Zod 10000 Post Club

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