So it begins.... again

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by x2TMx, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. x2TMx New Player

    After a long time away from the game and coming back I find myself feat hunting and playing the game alot like I used to. Today driving to work I suddenly heard an exobyte sound (the holy sound) and I almost freaked out. Has anyone played this game so much that you hear in game sounds when out and about?
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  2. Breedin Bull New Player

    Lol, sir, stop playing and get help.
  3. Statman New Player

    Not with DC sounds... though a little while ago thought I was hearing PSN trophies 'ding' all around the house. Turns out it was just my bros message tone... awkward... :eek:
  4. Yassirnummunipul New Player

    This one made my day, well... evening; I can totally relate :confused:
  5. SYCL0NE New Player

    LMAO are you serious dude. You need to see a shrink ASAP lol. There maybe an exobit in you glove compartment.
  6. EzioNight New Player

    I hear the exobit sound at times too lol i'm just looking around to see where its at and whose but I'm going to kick to get it lol
  7. Jurgen Blitz Dedicated Player

    What happened to me was seeing a red tin barrel on my way home and instantaneously look for a target to throw it at.
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  8. Chungweishan New Player

    I threw a ball at a friend but it hit a barrel behind me instead.
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  9. Phantasy2013 Dedicated Player

    I saw a boyscout helping a dog across the street and I thought about punching..... BOTH OF THEM!!!
  10. The Kitsune New Player

    you know you have played too much DCUO when ^^^^^^^
  11. Geldonyetich New Player

    Sometimes what will happen is, if I've been playing a game a long time, I will start hearing its sound effects, but I'm not actually hearing the sound effect, I'm just hearing a sound that is so similar IRL that my brain just associates it with that sound effect because I'm so used to hearing it.

    So not necessarily schizophrenia. Just an audio equivalent of The Tetris Effect.
  12. Rebelyon New Player

    I sit in front of my desk at work and hope that I can simply press E on a cog to complete work automatically. :p
  13. Doctor Erevos Committed Player

    Every morning when I take the train to school I hope I can whip out my ps3 controller, hold X, and start flying to class. Can't wait to transfer next semester and dorm :) NYC commute MAKES ME F@*&#!&*@$# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!