No more MoW?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by twist, Apr 23, 2013.

  1. NexGen New Player

    Fixed that for ya. The monthly rewards are the big deal, and only increase here.
  2. neptunesBeard New Player

    Actually no. It would be easier to get T4 considering all the different ways you can get MOT.
  3. Schimaera Devoted Player

    1500 divided by 125 makes 12 which should proove my point
  4. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    If you are talking about whether Gates dropped 10 or 12 MoW previously, it has been dropping 12 for awhile now but it used to only drop 10. I'm not sure if there was a defect that was making one of the bosses not drop marks or what but at some point they upped the amount.
  5. Rahiel New Player

    Sure, but sub-t4 content gives 5x fewer MoT than t4 content, and going forward I suspect most players won't be running t3 content for the marks (just as players didn''t run t2 content for marks before). So mostly it'll just be the reward boxes making it easier.
  6. neptunesBeard New Player

    Are you joking? You can get almost 3000 marks in one day from doing all the FOS raids, provided you get the monthly bonuses. Having that plus the MOT from T4 runs, you should be able to get T4 in half the time.
  7. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    Yes but those reward boxes are monthly not weekly. The Raids reward much less without the monthly boxes. Granted it will take less time to get a full set of gear, without replay badges it's probably not going to happen for you in a week. Plus people are still spending marks on Mainframe, Utility Belts, and now Recovery Kits too.
  8. neptunesBeard New Player

    I know they're not weekly, except for the 4man T4 ones. It's still less time.
  9. Rahiel New Player

    Right, which you can do once a month, and gets you about halfway to one piece of t4. That's not a dramatic improvement when it was already possible to get a full set of t4 in about a month. A t3 raid with the monthly reward box is still less marks than a t4 raid without the reward box - which means you have to be saved to every t4 raid for the week before any t3 raid starts to look appealing, in terms of marks.

    It's more than zero improvement, but you seem to be vastly overestimating the effect.