PvP topic - Why don't we all have the cool stuff?

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Spytle, Apr 19, 2013.

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  1. Frozeagain New Player

    The badges and loyalty points you earn with a sub isnt enough to purchase and earn a full set of pvp gear in a day. I'd have to wait till next week at reset or wait a another month for more free badges and loyalty points.

    This wasn't the case in the past. I could earn a full set in a day before arenas became loot locked after you win a match.
  2. aceCase Committed Player

    If we don't use replay badges does that mean by the time we get the highest tier pvp gear it will be towards the end of the season? o_O
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  3. Frozeagain New Player

    This is what I'm exactly afraid of.
  4. MARK2099 New Player

    That is the main concern of all players, look T4 checkmate, with no replay badges took us close to 6 months to complete 1 full set, most barely complete 2 sets a few weeks ago and our gear gonna be worthless starting GU25, what if seasonal gear is no different? we farm with no replay badges and by the time we finally complete 1 full top tier set next season is close?
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  5. aceCase Committed Player

    And now they're throwing that style to the vault?? That's just cruel.

    I love ALL aspects of this game, PvE and PvP but if this turns out to be the case then I just might have to cut ties with PvP :(

    I don't mind spending replay badges on PvE but for PvP, ugh. For Legendary players it's like subbing three times for one game =/

    Anyways, I don't know if anyone has done the calculations yet on how long it would take, I just keep hearing the word 'comfortably' finish so I'll reserve judgement until we find out exactly how long it will take.
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  6. Tumbling Pin New Player

    I agree with pretty much all the points raised in the last 2 pages, but...

    Guys, Jens probably isn't the guy that decides what business model DCUO is gonna follow. I don't think posting your very valid and logical arguments here will do anything to change the sub + pay2win model.

    It would be great if he could get them to keep Checkmate a vendor style though. Put Archangel/Bloodbat into the vault first.
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  7. Coyote New Player

    I know I'm a little late to the ball game, and I haven't really played much(if any) of the game lately. However, I just thought I'd throw my two-cents in here cause this is really what turned me away from the game...

    I'm fine with having to work to the gear like everyone else. It's how the game should be played IMO, and without getting too into the effects of replay badges and things of that nature, as long as the slower players can eventually get to the standard of the elite players(whatever time frame that may be is certainly not up to me) I'd be happy. I don't want to necessarily be given the gear, but I don't want to be restricted from it because of my play time either.

    This restrictive endless grinding system that was implemented into the lairs is what drove me from the game because it gave the players who had the time advantage extra perks that the other players, who could not invest that much time into the game, would ever get. They obviously cannot be at the same pace as the "elite" players, but never being able to have that level of power without sacrificing even more during the saving seems very unfair to me. So although the fast-paced players should certainly have the ability to get to the high end gear and abilities first(because they worked so diligently to get there), eventually there needs to be a time where the slower players can play on equal footing as the others, because they will eventually put in the workload to deserve those perks, ideally not for a temporary amount of time either since that will only dishearten the player farther when that great perk is stripped back to the bare basics after that time period.

    TL;DR- Slower players should not be on equal pace with more determined players and the determined players should always have first access to the newer gear and benefits, but there has to be an eventual "catch-up" that gives the slower players a reason to grind so heavily for only a temporary benefit, or more permanent bonus like gear.
  8. Francesca Lima New Player

    You have yet to see a true time based game. FF11 before wow came out, it took you around 7 months to get to final level. Skills were not just given, you actually had to use the skill to level it to cap each level. You could rush to top level fast but you gimped yourself. No matter how much good gear you had on you. You could not do damage to anything or completely resisted if you tried to do anything. No way to go back and redo it unless you started a new role. Which you got to have all of them on one character and subs of the other.
  9. Karasawa Loyal Player

    If you want to be able to get a full set of gear in 1 day, just give it up because it's not happening. A sense of progression and a bit of grinding are the defining feature of all MMOs. Ultimately, it's more fun/satisfying that way.
  10. Francesca Lima New Player

    Thing I do not like about this is, Francesca is a character I made for completely PvP. I have three other mains that I completed PvE. I do not like that you are making it that one group does not have to do anything. If PvP players were able to get T4 gear without doing any work, I would have no problem with it. I do not like that, my other three characters now get a start in PvP that took my Francesca long time to do.

    At that, it is not going to level the playing field at all. I do not know any pvp league that will stop queue what so ever. When it is that much of an easy kill to take on players that do not know how to work together. I will say if it was not for me going thru all the beatings in PvP arena. I would never learn the proper way to do it. One match that I first had and our group were in lesser gear against a full T4 pre-made. We won by realizing we work together with roles.

    That video that you guys had Friday, which made me feel I am wasting my time and money. You are telling players play, as you want. Play as you want to me means do whatever. Come to raids and everyone be in DPS and you will do just wonderful. If you want to make it play as you want remove roles. Just give them the powers and to be able to do whatever they like. You are close to becoming Dungeon Fighter Online that is closing in June.

    This game seems to becoming more money oriented that players will just get tired and leave. You refuse to admit that its party oriented at all. This game is hard and easy at the same time. It is easy because you can do everything without planning like other games. Hard because players wont even try to work together unless in a league or friends.
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  11. Well Endowed New Player

    Guess I have to refresh this since no one's answered... @Spytle

  12. Coyote New Player

    Oh I didn't mean I don't want people to have to grind to get the equipment, I really enjoy having to work to get the accomplishments because it's a good feeling to finally get that sweet reward at the end. You're right, I didn't play FF11(I wish I did though...), however I do think that kind of system is what I want in a game. What I meant for an endless grind in this game was the "renting" aspect that only gives you temporary benefits at the cost of extreme farming. Systems like FF11 and other games that require you to work towards the gear at even a very lengthy amount of time is fine by me.

    What I don't want to see is a system that requires you to have little-to-no benefits during a period of time while saving for massive benefits that will only be around for 1 month, only to be reset after that month and start the process over again while people with more time get those perks permanently. If the more dedicated players get the perks first, I 100% support it, just as long as the people who enjoy the game, and want that same level of competition but can't support the time input, get to enjoy those perks later down the road on a permanent basis rather than getting a "taste of the good life" and then getting shot back down to the bottom after only a month.
  13. thelostczarnian New Player

    um...i take it that you have an issue with something. please tell us what it is we want to know. all i see is a wall of text talking about many different things. please i have just one question. Do you have a point or a purpose. please answer with one paragragh that stays on the same topic. whatever that may be. even your first sentence makes no sense at all.
  14. thelostczarnian New Player

    that is the general idea. everyone get a reset at 6 months. this is so new pvpers with be able to join every six months. as is it now, no one with less than full t3 belongs in arenas. i spawn in to batcave, inspect the pug to my left...bloodbat...then look at the competition...full t4 premade...dam im done before the match even started. i go fight the good fight so they know i was there but thats all it is. they know theyve won and so do i. this is all you see in arenas. as it is now, you must grind legends till you get full t3 before you can even think about arenas. i am full t4 and it took me 3 months to achieve this(use the complimentary sub replays and buy more replays with complimentary sub cash and this is manageble). i like the 6 month reset. the grind in pvp is part of the fun(remember when we where ALL t2 gear for a long long time?)
  15. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    well seeing this i have a few things to say,
    spytle, you could not have said it better. to many people think because they don't play the game it should cater to them and make them equally powerful to everyone else. WRONG ! this isnt a modern warfare game where everyone is reset after X amount of levels. if you want to play high end game, you have to play low end game first.; simple as that.
    I also see alot of people saying they items that others have, even saw one post about replay badges.... if you want replay badges go out, get a job, make money. an mmo isnt here to give freebies to every tom dick and jane who feels left out. most of the things they give out as freebies are reward items that were given to members that owned a membership at a certain date. the only actual free give away was the hack attack and that was because the game was down for a little less than a month.

    to sum it up adequately..... if you want to play with the big guns, learn to shoot first.
  16. thelostczarnian New Player

    maybe people will stop using replays in pvp because there will be no point and just grind out the time like everyone else who knows
  17. thelostczarnian New Player

    um...yeah who are you again? league? server? do you even play? do you even lift?
  18. Sore Steadfast Player

    Sorry, I didn't read all 7 pages so forgive me if my feedback has been addressed.

    Competitive Environment
    I like it when there is a clear top-tier for PvP that most players can reach. From there I do like equality. I like it to be like Legends but with my toon once you reach that point. I like knowing we can all reach a point together where skill is the final differentiator. I personally lean towards the Olympics mentality over the Entertainment mentality. I enter PvP to compete and win, not just to pew-pew and see colors flash on the screen.

    Meaningful Investments and Differentials
    I am not a fan of consumable or expiring performance enhancing gameplay elements, especially in PvP. This includes boosted mainframe abilities, buff sodas, serums, grenades, etc. I do like lasting differentials, specifically in terms of skill, skillpoints, gear, and mods.

    Keep in mind this isn't meant to be an argument or stump speech. It's just an articulation of my preference and mindset. I'm not saying you ought to design to my preferences but that I see clear decision points where the team chose to go left and I would have appreciated right much more. That's not to say that going left isn't a well thought, logical, rational path to choose.
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  19. Frozeagain New Player

    Make a classic mode:

    Classic mode: bloodbat gear only, no pets, consumables, mods

    Basically like when the game first came out.

    I'd sub for LYFE if they did this. It would keep the competitive scene very happy and the rest can do whatever they want.

    For the record, I don't mind the grind. It's the seasons gear that has me a bit Leary.
  20. Phantasy2013 Dedicated Player

    Looks like some of you better find jobs or do more chores around the house to get more allowance to buy those replay badges, lol.
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