Sorcery Healing Load out.

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Dark Relief, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Dark Relief New Player

    Hello, i would like to discuss what is everyone favorite Sorcery healing load out that has work best for you.
    I'll start, my load out changes depending on the situation i encounter either in alerts and raids (mostly in raids). My common load out for sorc healing is. Rejuvenate, watcher, sacrificial offering, boon of souls, circle of protection, and either soul wells or transcendence.
    The rotation i use and which has work best on my case is: i use rejuvenate mainly if 1 or 2 teammate needs healing, if 3 or more needs healing ill use this: sacrificial offering> rejuvenate> rejuvenate> sacrificial offering > and repeat until everyone is heal. I also put down circle of protection whenever i can in the most needed area i can judge that needs it. Now with soul wells and transcendence what i do is, when we are making our way to the bosses is where i use soul wells since there are adds along the way. When we reach the boss i take off soul wells from my load out and put transcendence instead for obvious reason.
    Now i also use Invocation of renewal in some cases, and i know some people has found it unnecessary and useless but in some cases it can be useful. For example you can use Invocation of renewal at the beginning Gates of Tartarus ( forgot name lol) to heal the cyclops in there, it might be lil uncomfortable since u might get some of the adds to ground-pull you while casting it and cancel your power but it is worth it after you are done casting since it gives each cyclops and friendly NPC within range of it (also your teammates) around 1000+ in healing sometimes 3000+ with crits (of course it depends on how much restoration you have and also how much Skill Points you have and how you distribute them on innate in the weapons section). Of course i use Boons of souls for when someone is about to get knock out, i cast it to prevent that player from K.O and heal him/she. That my load-out and how i use it. Your turn :)
  2. D3STROYERofTANKS New Player

    When i was sorcery i used two different PVE loadout depending on the raids.
    1. Boon of souls, Rejuvenate, Invocation of Renewal, Transcendence, Soul Wells and the Circle of Protection
    2. Boon of souls, Rejuvenate, Watcher, Transcendence, Sacrificial Offering, and Circle of Protection.
    Those the two that i used but Sorcery is one of the eaziest healing power so you basically cant go wrong with that type of healing power. Its all thats works for use if u find a good loadout use it.

    I know some people who uses a dual spec healer loadout. I perfer not to but if it works for them so be it. Its all about your playing style.
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  3. thenewkidd New Player

    For healing.
    Rejuv, Circle, Soul Well, Watcher, Sac Offering, Transcendence/Sometimes Shared Fate is placed in there depending on what we are doing
  4. Dark Relief New Player

    Good load-outs, mind telling on how you use them? If you want to its not obligated though lol. Also with shared fate, how would you use that depending what you do? Just curious ;)
  5. FrailyNamus New Player

    I use this loadout to solo heal most raids:

    Rejuv, Soul Well, Invocation of Renewal, Boon of Souls, Watcher

    I occasionally like to put in Sacrificial Offering.
  6. D3STROYERofTANKS New Player

    When I was sorcery i used my 2nd loadout to solo heal prime.. Any raid that has a lot a adds to kill i used my 1st load to solo heal em. my main two heals i would use are soul well and COP depending on how strong the dps'es are. Soul wells are one of the biggest healin power when theres a bunch of dead enemies.
  7. Dark Relief New Player

    Yeah, that exactly the same load-out I use in when running Prime or when I encounter bosses in an instance. :) I found sacrificial offering really helpful if you use it together with rejuvenate. Along with circle of protection, you could heal almost as good as a nature healer using that! :eek:
  8. Anierna Well-Known Player

    Please look through all the previous threads on a topic before starting a new thread. If you had, you would've found my answer to a similar question a few weeks ago. I've copied it below.


    Sorc Healing


    Normal Loadout: Rejuv, SO, CoP, SW/Boon, Arbiter, Watcher
    Arbiter Loadout: Rejuv, SO, CoP, SW/Boon, Shared, Watcher

    Rejuv's your single-target heal, with a 2 sec CD. SO's a point-blank 360-degree AoE HoT, which also repowers the Watcher, with a 4 sec CD.

    CoP's a location-based AoE HoT, which can be cast at your location or your target's, and heals all allies once per sec for 11 secs, with a 15 sec CD. The HoT itself is separate from the animation - players need only step into the circle to receive the HoT (shown by white sparks), which will continue to tick for the remainder of its duration when they leave the circle. The HoTs from multiple CoPs now stack perfectly; the second CoP cast on the same location used to be nerfed by 50%.

    SW's a location-based AoE HoT, which is cast at your location, has double CoP's radius, and heals all allies within it's AoE once per 2 secs for 58 secs, with a 22 sec CD. It also heals allies upon enemy deaths, but both the enemy and the player must be within it's AoE, and there must be a LoS from the dead enemy to the SW and from the player to the SW. A single Sorc can summon up to 3 SWs at once, since they last for longer than it's CD time, but the procs upon add death do NOT stack. Only the last SW cast, by any Sorc healer on your team, will proc, meaning the proc from SW is a 100% overwrite between Sorc healers.

    Most of the time, use SW in that 4th slot. Switch it for Boon if you're activating switches or portals, like in Wayward Souls or Kahn, or if there's another Sorc healer in your group and he's using SW.

    The Arbiter SC turns you into a wombat and increases your power regen so much that you essentially have infinite power. At 2300+ base Resto, spamming powers in Arbiter will do FAR more healing than Transcende will do. That's why you use Shared in your Arbiter loadout - it's only got a 3 sec CD.

    Keep your Watcher up the entire time. That pet is vital to Sorc healing because it does group burst that you, the player, can't yourself do. Elec does it with Galvanize, Nature does it with Cross or Harvest or Savage > Blossom > Meta clips, and Sorc does it with a powered-up pet. It has 2 attacks/heals: Remedy and Shared Fate. It will always do single-target damage and minor heals with Remedy, regardless of how much power it has. If you keep it's power bar full by using SO frequently enough, it'll do larger heals with Shared Fate.

    I haven't changed my main on USPC to Sorc in about half a year, but on my Sorc toon on the test server, I saw the Watcher use a mini-CoP. I was totally freaked out. I checked the combat log, and sure enough, it appeared the Watcher actually did use CoP. I'll change my main to Sorc in the next few weeks to see if the Watcher also does it on the Live Server - maybe it was just fluke on Test.

    Stay mid-ranged when healing, close enough to run up to the melee DPS/tank and apply the HoT from SO and run back, but not quite close enough to take all the spike damage. Keeping the right amount of distance between yourself, your teammates, and the enemies is an important part of healing, not just with Sorc, but also with Nature (using Cross) and Elec (using Galvanize). If you're out-gearing the content, meaning you won't get 1-shotted by anything, it's best to melee everything, since that'll cut down on the time it takes to reapply your melee HoT (SO).


    Normal Loadout: Rejuv, SO, CoP, Shared, Arbiter, Watcher
    Arbiter Loadout: Rejuv, SO, CoP, SW, Shared, Watcher

    Read the PvE section before reading this. There's relevant information there that I won't repeat here.

    Shared's your preferred debuff. You use it for 3 reasons: 1) It debuffs tanks and tank-powerset DPS. duh. 2) It heals. 3) It spreads BK.

    As a Sorc healer in PvP, Karmic Hex IVs are VITAL. You simply cannot heal competitively without them. These consumables have an 8 sec CD and apply BK as 360-degree AoE, along with a 360-degree AoE Might damage tick. This BK causes effected enemies' attacks to heal your allies, and lasts for 8 secs after the initial application. After applying BK with Karmic Hexes, spread it with Shared. This will not cause the BK to last any longer, but infecting the maximum number of enemies with it is important for 2 reasons: 1) Increased healing from enemy attacks, since more enemies are effected; and 2) Casting CoP on enemies previously infected with BK will inflict a PI DoT. This PI DoT will be small, since your Might in healer role and healer PvP gear is so low, but it's important nonetheless.

    Arbiter is amazing for holding nodes. Simply amazing. A couple months ago, after I had farmed for my t4 healer PvP but before I went troller for styles, at the start of an Auzzi match against a CFB premade, I held the enemy node alone against 4 CFB members for just over a minute, much of which time I was in Arbiter mode. That wombat is so incredibly OP. Now, with HT trinks and mods, a decent PvP healer is like a tank for the first 1-2 mins of a match. You use SW in Arbiter mode so you can cast it while a wombat, then it'll continue to give a HoT and procs upon enemy deaths after you've reverted back to normal form.

    Kite. This is probably the most important thing a healer can do in a deathmatch. If you're superspeed, you'll spend the entire match jumping around like a Mexican jumping beam, every once in a while throwing a block to hard stun an enemy or a tap range to BB whoever your team is targetting, plus using an occasional Phase Dodge when you're targetted.
  9. Dark Relief New Player

    Yea but I wasn't just looking for your answer only :) I want to see everyone's loadout that has work for them not just yours only :p

    By the way pretty nice loadout and description you put there! Really loved it! I still haven't even touch arbiter yet and I see a lot of people somewhat use it, I think I should check it out and see if it works for me.
  10. emperorf New Player

    my loadout is: rejve , SW, CoP, Boon, IOR, trans

    but i think aniernas lodout is way better going 2 have 2 use that
  11. Mileena New Player

    My loadout is: 1) Condemn 2) Shared Fate 3) Rejuvenate 4) Circle of Protection 5) Watcher 6) Soul Well. I want to change Soul Well to Healing Crystal though. I have to get to level 28 though.
  12. Dark Relief New Player

    Ohh? This your first time trying sorcery? :) if so you have a lot of fun to have with it! :D
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  13. Mileena New Player

    Yeah. I really like sorcery. I think it's the best healing power, in my opinion.
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  14. ferdinand New Player

    Do ur healers defo need shield like boon or sworm shield
  15. Dark Relief New Player

    Lol I won't call it the best healing power in the game as to not get hated by nature or electric users, but I had try all 3 healing powers and the one I was more comfortable was sorcery :) electric was really over power for me haha and nature was hard and birthing for me to mastered :p soo woot sorc healer!
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  16. Dark Relief New Player

    I am sorry, I quite don't understand your question.
  17. Dark Relief New Player

    By the way how do people feel about healing with another sorcery healer in a raid?
  18. Mileena New Player

    Yeah. I agree! I like it better than nature. I haven't really had a lot of experience with electricity yet, but it looks pretty cool.
  19. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    Healing with another Sorcery Healer is no longer harmful except in two situations:

    1. You both cast Boon of Souls. The shields go to the caster and three allies with the lowest health so one BoS would overwrite the other.
    2. If you both conjure Soul Well's the small healing ticks would still be granted but only the last Soul Well summoned will grant the bonus tick of Healing per enemy's death.
    Aside from that, I currently run this loadout for most raids solo healing or not:
    • Circle of Destiny
    • Rejuvenate
    • Boon of Souls
    • Invocation of Renewal(Soul Well in Gates)
    • Watcher
    • Transcendence
  20. Dark Relief New Player

    Nice, yea I try to follow that guide with soul well when healing with another sorc in a raid. I would ask the other sorc for restoration to see who has more of it and if other healer has more ill let him use it only. Of course I don't reach agreement always since a lot of people like to be stuck ups with their loadout lol. My point is a lot of people will go and say that two sorc healing will penalize healing a lot, I found this very false on my opinion. I had heal Prime on various occasion with another sorc healer of course if you know how to configure your loadout with the other healer to prevent the least overwrite as possible which you can do it.

    There are some variations you can try and setup with sorc loadout and still beast heals. And I try not to use soul wells in prime since I considered a wasted in there. Last time I completed prime with other sorc healer we had a 10k difference in heals points that I saw in the scoreboard with the other healer having the 10k advantage and we pretty much kept everyone alive on that battle.