In defense of DPS

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Obsidian, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Obsidian Level 30

    First of all I love playing DCUO and these forums are an indispensable way of staying up to date with what's going on and finding solutions to problems. With that said, there are a ridiculous number of posts blaming the DPS role for anything that goes wrong.

    As someone who only plays DPS, it's incredibly annoying to constantly see an entire role being insulted. I chose to focus on the Damage role, and I'm good at it. That doesn't mean that I can't play an alt, and it doesn't make me any less an integral part of a team.

    I'm sure there are those who will disagree with me, but DPS are not meant to just kill kill kill, burn burn burn with no thinking or planning. For me that means basic teamwork.

    Here's what I mean:

    - I realize my weapon is not just an accessory to make my character look good. Using it gives me back power; therefore I actually use it - a lot. This helps the Controller focus on the rest of the group.

    - The same goes for soders. It's unbelievable I know; but not only do they give power back but health too. It's ridiculous to expect a Healer and Troller to keep me at full health and power if I behave like a suicidal nut job.

    - Yes, I jump in and kill things but I'll always have an eye on the Healers and Trolls. If they're being swarmed, I will drop what I'm doing and defend them. (Sorry Tanks - you have more defense than me, I'll trust that you'll survive on your own for a while.)

    - Also if the group is running without a tank (or a tank that doesn't know how to pull aggro, or what aggro even is) I'm willing to piss off an entire mob and lead them away from the rest of the group. This is actually a big one for me; the group will most likely survive even if they're down a DPS. They probably won't if all the Healers and Trolls go down.

    Basically, my point is that not all DPS are selfish, power hungry imbeciles who think they're more important than other roles. Some of us do our jobs and we do them well.

    That's all I had to say.
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  2. Rahiel New Player

    It's unfortunate that discussions so often lump all DPS together, when really they're talking just about really bad DPS players. A good DPS is a joy to group with, and makes everyone else's life easier. This is even more true in DCUO than in most games, since even a raid has only 2-3 DPS, so one person's contribution is always a big deal.
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  3. TrueMarvel New Player

    Nice thread. I have something similar in my signature
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  4. Pop a Trinket dey sweatin Dedicated Player

    Good post...

    I love dps'ing...

    I don't DPS to top the charts...I DPS to beat the raid/alert/whatever...
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  5. FeelsGood New Player

    When I was sorcery healing I did that a lot. Too bad cannot do that as electric unless i carry flux
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  6. lackofinterest Well-Known Player

    I LOVE good dps!!! The problem is a lot of players seem to equate "good" dps to just high numbers. When i meet someone that is actually good, they go right on my friends list.
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  7. OMAAR New Player

    The insulting only happen at the forums with the following equation:
    Normal Egox5.78= Forum Ego.
    Everybody congratulates each other for a good job in-game. 90% of all raids I have been are hilariously fun.
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  8. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    what i find funny is how annoyed some trollers and healers get when i pop a soder. like if i get one shotted and they are picking me up... and the first thing i do is pop a soder.. the healers sometimes get annoyed...."umm i was healing you ".. however i dont know how many times ive gotten picked up the healer was about to heal me and he gets one shotted then im stranded with a tiny tick of life... before i pop a soder so i take one just in case.... or when i empty my power bar cause a boss is just abotu to go down... and i pop a soder for power..its not an insult to the troller im not saying he isnt doing his job im saying..i dont want to be a burden on him trying to get my blue bar back up from zero.... so i fix what i just did..but almost every time they get mad cause i pop one...

    personally i wouldnt label my self as a "dps" cause whatever powerset im using im gonna do dps and the other one so whether it be troll heals or tank ill do it..i prefer dpsing but im not limited to it
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  9. MARK2099 New Player

    Op i just see a wall of text :confused:, ignore the opinions of others, as long as no one complain about you, let the others play like they want.
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  10. Obsidian Level 30

    Exactly, If I make the top of the chart great, if be it. Topping the scorecard shouldn't be a DPS's only priority.
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  11. Luthia1281 New Player

    DPS isnt a role


    Jk. I feel you TC
  12. Dynamo New Player

    haha i was gonna make a slightly similar topic but aimed at controllers who say they get incredibly bored in raids because everyone treats them as a battery.

    the suggestion i had for them is the same as they give to other dps, ie to use ur weapon more. u can easily control a raid with just ur weapon combos.

    we just ran a pbg w/o a tank, and i was trolling as the main and i could easily keep the adds off of the healers using my hb combos all the while defribing and keeping the PoT up.
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  13. Alpha Well-Known Player

    Doesn't matter what role you are. Trolls get reamed almost everyday in game and in forums. It is what it is. Tank are called useless by many and yet many a group keep shouting for them. Healers are yelled at for not having 2k resto n batcave raids also. Believe me I've seen it. A lot of people in This game like to mouth off to other roles on how to do their job by yelling and cursing instead of speaking respectfully while giving suggestions. If you have an idea you think might work present it Nicely and you will be surprised. Not that you won't find a poop shooter I. The group but it Seems alot of us forgot how our first few minutes out of brainiacs ship were.
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  14. GrimGhost New Player

    sorry boss, this was the only thing you said that makes the difference between a good/bad DPS. every other point you made are responsibilities that EVERY player must have....not just DPS. claiming them as reasons to have DPS on equal standing with the support classes is flawed to say the least.

    DPS'ing is necessary in a few cases but helpful in most to complete raids in a timely manner. regardless, the role has the LEAST responsibility during a raid. this is why every person can roll on DPS gear during loot drops...less responsibility, less reward. i've even seen DPS'rs not pick a fallen teammate up for sake of more pewpewpew, quoting "Hey, it's not my job".

    Can a DPS cause a raid to fail?
    Only in cases where a boss can enrage otherwise NO.

    Should DPS share their loot rolls with everyone else in the raid?
    Unless group loot rules are pre-established by the group at formation, YES.
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  15. Feenicks New Player

    My favorite role. And I seem to be half way decent at it. Raid night comes and it's assumed I'll be one of the DPS.

    Prec/might mix. I'll use my powers of course, but I will also use my weapon.....alot.
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  16. Statman New Player

    In the threads about 'DPS' players being horrible, I like to always make a point that singling out DPS as a role isn't going to change anything, being a horrible player isn't associated to being a DPS, yet that's how it's always made out. There's horrible players of each role. People who make these threads tend to be completely ignorant, and are just looking for an out to blame someone else.

    I have the utmost respect for all the players I know that are good at their role, reguardless of what it may be.
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  17. Dump Truck New Player

    There are many good, and bad DPS's. There are also many good and bad players of other roles. Here's how I judge...
    If I beat you while I'm in tank stance (regardless what gear I wear) = BAD
    If you beat me while I am in tank stance = Good enough

    While players claim - oh' well you are wearing DPS gear that's why. No, it is not why. We are both in DPS gear but I get no damage modifiers while you have a modifier for your stance and modifiers for each power you cast.
    I also judge based off content, If I have to wear more than two pieces of tank gear in an FOS raid to tank it - the group stinks.
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  18. TheMessenger New Player

    Another pointless thread saying I am a great DPS.

    I will say if you can only play as a DPS then you are not an integral part of the group.

    Decent DPS's are a dime a dozen. Even pretty good ones are all over the place cause thats all anyone seems to care about these days. A DPS can be replaced faster than ANY other roll in this game.

    BUT a good tank/healer/controller is hard to find most times.

    All the power to you if all you wanna do is run DPS, just run it far away from me.
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  19. Sechuran Fox Dedicated Player

    Agreed. Horrible players are horrible players regardless of their role. The only reason people seem to associate it with DPS more than others is because there are sooooo many more DPS than any other role. I think the game could benefit from more people shutting their mouths and learning how to play well with others than anything else at the moment to be honest.
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  20. Tobruk New Player

    heres the real issue. If you look at those who complain about DPS, along with the DPS who dont understand how to run as a DPS you will find one common accurance. They are all on the PS3.
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