The Mother of All Power Eaters

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Note Worthy, Apr 15, 2013.

  1. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    Arrooooooooooo!!!!! The WarDog has spoken!
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  2. Warlan New Player

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  3. Furious Crazy Gang New Player

    I kind of don't understand what the point is here as any good Dps knows that a mixed balance between power usage and weapon combos is the best way to do massive damage! I have dps'ed with many different powers and have topped the damage out charts with all! The idea for a decent Dps is to do the most amount of damage with the least amount of power in possible! Hard light is the best power for this as the power combos available means you can use the powers without using much power at all (unless u clip like the omarr thread explains)

    As a Dps u need to do as much damage as possible without using up all ur power in a few seconds that the controllers are then powering out like mad to keep everyone powered up! Ur power hunger means u will get power over the healer or tank that may need it more than u! With a healer with little power means the grp is strained and wipes occur! My goal is to do the most amount of damage with using as little power as possible to make the raid easier on all and honestly the grps im in all complete content everytime with no power issues!

    The game is about team work not all about how much damage the Dps can do using all there power as fast as possible!

    Sorry not a rant just very confused as to what this thread is really about and whether this is just a personal test or whether this is how u feel the game should be played from a Dps point of view? If this is so i would honestly suggest playing the game using the other roles instead of Dps and really understand those roles before going back to Dps and then see the game for a hole than just from Dps side!
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  4. Note Worthy New Player

    ive done that loadout its fantastic
  5. Note Worthy New Player

    this wasnt supposed to be a guide explaining how to dps im pretty sure we all know how to do that already lol, and as i said i also want the loadout to not only use power but to create the most dps as well so it will in the end be balanced ive used in raids countless times and never ran out of power
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  6. Note Worthy New Player

    number 6 on bar was venom and i've learned that gear is not nearly as important as the skill the player posses. I dont like ng and fg the clip is just too weird for me and in a raid i prefer gauss cause of the burst damage whereas ng does more damage eventually but by that time the other dps wouldve eaten the targets
  7. CheckmateEnjoi New Player

    Galvanize, Voltaic Bolt, Bio-Capacitor, Neo-Venom Boost
    Rest doesn't even matter.
  8. Madholm New Player

    Yup... Jaymoony DCUO video shows it nicely.

    However, I've tested a build similar to his other electric build and found it to be more enjoyable.

    I've found his videos to be 10x better quality than most other offerings. There is no annoying voice over, just straight up rotations and demonstrations. I'd recommend watching a lot of them; it will give you tips and ideas for coming up with your own weapon/rotation combos.

    Edit - Aslso, OP.... you left out neo-venom boost in your last power slot that you could clip into after GG to consume more power. I'm really not sure why you think that is the highest power consumption loadout there is.... it's pretty much the same rotation that beast gadgets dps are using. I used that setup for nearly every raid when I was gadgets.
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  9. compasionate grenade Committed Player

    what role loadout is that? U got galv and bio for heals and bolt and nvb for dps.
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  10. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    In the spirit of the thread my max dps rotations for the powersets I've played:
    ' / ' = clipped
    ' ^ ' = jump canceled
    ' - ' = next thing done
    Impaling Ice^frost snipe/reflection/ice bash - weapon combo - impaling ice^frost snipe

    Tectonic Break- weapon combo - jackhammer - pebble blast-debris field - weapon combo - pebble blast

    Briar/Bloom^thorn shield - weapon combo - vine lash/bloom^thorn shield.
    I use staff on this one as the timing with staff and bloom is perfect, so it's not hugly power draining but what I found to be max dps.

    LLL, FFF, or AAA combos

    Mass Terror - weapon combo - pyro/menace - weapon combo - psychic shock

    Of course you can toss in WD and Phase dodges in there to add damage and cut the animations a little but you can do that to any rotation of any power set pretty much. Toss some consumable uses in there too, love dazing devices for mental and earth.
  11. Wilder Midnight New Player

    for mental: telekinetic bolt-mass terror-psychic shock-tk pusk, tk push, tk push.
  12. Well Endowed New Player

    You do realize this is Note Worthy right? Not sure if you've ever had the pleasure of doing any content in game with him. Let's just say it's a constant measuring contest.
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  13. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    Yeah that looks about what JT was talking about. However, this guy was using Spin Chop, so the powers came a little quicker and the combos were shorter so he used a bit more power than Jaymoony. Either way very clever loadout and props to whoever originally thought it up.
  14. thelostczarnian New Player

    how does that help controllers if there are no orbs in alerts and raids?
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  15. Itachi New Player

    I've seen dps that spam every power they have whenever they can get out dps by the other person who just uses there weapon and hardly any power and they are both equally geared and have the same powerset. I just laugh how the other person makes them look at the end of an alert, dps #1 has 10 000 power in and 200000 damage out while dps #2 has 50 000 power in and 100000 damage out lol.
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  16. The M New Player

    Note worthy, any chance you can do this with fire and ice, and give your pro oppinion about them?
    Enlighten us!
    This would be greatly appreciated
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  17. blklightning New Player

    Didn't pay attention that there were no orbs. Was already corrected on that, if you had read down further.
  18. Anierna Well-Known Player

    M00NY's committing a cardinal sin in those vids: He's not jump-clipping Spark Barrage. So he's immediately losing significant damage.

    Below is my rotation that I posted on a previous thread about trollers having too much Vit. I used it to argue that even with full t5 gear, trollers would STILL not have enough Vit to keep 4 high-performance DPS powered.


    Here's my rotation for doing maximum damage with Elec:

    Wired: 350
    Whirling Dervish: 350
    Spark Barrage: 250
    Attract: 220
    Electro-genesis: 270
    Electrocute: 350

    Normal Rotation (22 secs):

    Attract > Genesis > Wired > Spin Chop > Attract > WD > Spark > jump > Electrocute > Spin Chop > Attract > Spark > jump > Spin Chop > WD > Spark > jump > Spin Chop > Attract > Spark > jump > Spin Chop > Spark > jump > Spin Chop > Attract > WD > Spark > jump > Spin Chop > Spark > jump > Spin Chop > Attract > Spark > jump > Spin Chop > WD > Spark > jump > Spin Chop > Attract > Spark > jump > Spin Chop > Spark > jump > Spin Chop > [REPEAT]

    Powers Used in a single 22 sec rotation: 7x Attract, 1x Genesis, 1x Wired, 1x Electrocute, 4x WD, 11x Spark

    Total Power used in the 22 sec rotation: (7*220)+(1*270)+(1*350)+(1*350)+(4*350)+(11*250) = 6660

    Power Used per sec: 6660/22 = 302.73

    For maximum damage, I'm using over 300 power per sec. Gadgets and HL use almost as much - between 250 and 300 power per sec. At the moment, two t4 trollers with 1300+ base Vit CANNOT pump out enough power to sustain 4 Elec, Gadgets, or HL DPS using max-damage rotations for an extended period of time (over 5 mins of constant combat) without the aid of Vit 4 soders and everyone rotating uses of Supply Drops and/or Zesti Parties - and even then, it's damned difficult.

    Even with 1600+ base Vit, which I'm guessing T5 will give us, I still don't think trollers will be able to supply enough power to fuel 4 top-tier DPS, each using over 300 power per sec. Therefore, while I see how fixed power costs COULD become an issue sometime in the future, I don't foresee it causing a problem any time soon.

    I'm using over 300 power per sec with that rotation - and I'm not just spamming powers either. I'm using Spin Chop between each power chain. If I wanted to speed it up even further, I'd abandon trying to keep the CD's for Wired, Genesis, and Electrocute in sync, and just keep them all on constant CD by clipping the Genesis and Electrocute animations with Karmics or EPDs, and relying on EPDs or a Gadgets DPS to Electrify everything for me. I'll make a vid of the correct Elec DPS rotation later, but my previous clipping notation should be clear enough.
  19. CheckmateEnjoi New Player

    Just power consumption, not really going for a good dps or healer loadout.