Fire's new self heals...

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Kristyana, Mar 4, 2013.

  1. Sionn Committed Player

    Hmmm I told you what was going to happen. Now you're going to lose heals that were actually helpful, and get back the useless heals.

    Stick to testing fire, and don't ever analyze any other powerset. Thank you.
    • Like x 2
  2. Kristyana New Player

    Thanks for that completely worthless contribution to this thread. Does being this dense come innately for you or do you need to put effort into it?

    I'm not saying we're losing heals; I'm saying that there may be another oversight like what caused this thread in the first place, where Tunso acknowledged there was an error in the dominance formula. A buff to the powerset's heals was clearly intended.

    A glitch is a glitch, even if it is beneficial. Sorry if I removed your crutch.
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  3. Helios Xenon New Player

    Im just happy there are people around who take an active role on improving the game and that there are tentative staff within DCUO that interact with those members
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  4. Sionn Committed Player

    They also adjusted base heals to make up for it. Which made the heals for fire tanks closer to where they should have been all along. That should have been the end of it if they intended useful heals.

    So, instead of fixing the formula the first time, and leaving the base heals alone, they made twice the work for themselves if they choose to up the base heals again. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they leave it as it is on test right now. They do seem to enjoy the buff/nerf/buff/nerf cycle.
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  5. Kristyana New Player

    No, that's not how the cycle happened with the self heals. You'd know that if you read the thread.
  6. Sionn Committed Player

    For the tldr crowd

    K reports fire self heals too much and is counting dom at 200%
    Mepps reports reviewing numbers
    Mepps reports this has been adjusted
    K reports base amounts scaled back, but still using 200% dom
    Tunso reports resto+dom formula adjusted
    K reports formula still using 200% dom
    Tunso reports he'll ask the engineers
    K reports current healing values work well, and asks to leave it as is

    Currently, 200% dom removed, and base heals not adjusted leaving fire with the pre-buff heals. I believe I got the cycle correct.
  7. Helios Xenon New Player

    dont worry, Sionn.
    After the next update it will go back to ICE being OP with 100 skill points and fire being meh until they reach 140 skill points so they can max their role.
    Just like before when Ice was OP until fire players got their SP to 90+
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  8. Kristyana New Player

    It's the implications behind what you and others are implying that it's solely my fault and the hate being thrown at me because of that.

    I want the heals to be the same as they are currently, either leaving the dominance the way it is at 200% OR buffing up the self heals to where they were when Update 24 first went live on the test server.

    As others are reporting, the 200% dominance healing glitch was happening throughout the game and NOT just to fire users, hence the probable reason their fixing it.

    They haven't stated that it's working as intended and they also haven't said it's an error. I'm holding out until there's another response, which I hope they give. IF they leave it as it is without giving us a buff back (regardless of whether it's to dominance or to the base formulas) then yes, I'll be mad about it. A buff was clearly intended.

    And let's be honest; if I didn't report it or find it, someone else would have. I wanted to report the problem and find out even if it WAS a problem before the update hit so we didn't end up with a months long nerf/buff/nerf/buff cycle. Anyone who points out a ligitimate glitch in this game that others use for their benefit is simply crucified.
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  9. Scorpion Well-Known Player

    Honestly ever since dom was added with resto I have notice a big difference in my self heals and now I duel spec for my fire. I have 123 sp and I got all the dom, resto, crit, and might boost. When I pvp I switch to tank role with dps gear on and having 1710 might, 410 prec (pre pvp weap p.i.), 975 resto, and 350 dom; I do and ton of damage and my self heals are still very strong. Combine that with tac mods core strength and breakout regen all that makes fire a lil op.
  10. Rahiel New Player

    So... testing happened on the test server, and changes happened directly as a result of level-headed feedback?

    And... this is bad?

    I mean, I'll be pretty unhappy too, if we actually do end up with both changes reverted. But I'll be unhappy because the devs made a stupid move and forgot their own justification for the change; that's not Kristyana's fault. She's put in more effort than anyone else I've seen to point out the problem and argue for good fixes; if that doesn't work, I see little reason to assume the devs would have done anything smarter on their own when somebody less rigorous happened to notice that, hey, Reignition is healing A LOT more than it did pre-GU24.
  11. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We've checked and what's on PC Test right now is the correct and intended heal amounts.
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  12. Kristyana New Player

    I hate to sound peevish, but can you doublecheck with Tunso?

    The reason I ask - what happened to the base heal buff we received in the first version of update 24? It seems clear from the Dec feedback in this thread that a buff was intended to the self healing and the 200% Dominance was a mistake (for all powers, being corrected in this update) hence the buffs to the base healing numbers. The only reason I thought the heals were a bit overpowered was because of both buffs combined (the accidental 200% dominance buff and the buff to base numbers)

    If the numbers are truly what they should be then in truth fire heals received no real overall buff, dropping our healing ability back down to the level it was pre - update 24.

    Is this a conscious decision to rescind the buff in preparation for the increased stats of T5 or for some other reason?

    For what its worth, you'd give a roughly equivalent buff that the dominance glitch does if you increase the heal amounts by around 25 to 33 percent across the board, the way that it was in the first version of update 24.
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  13. Kristyana New Player

    I think this will be my last post in the thread here, since the developers have looked at it and stated that the heals are now doing what is intended.

    I am asking that the base healing values be buffed to what they were in the first iteration of Update 24, which was roughly 25%. Otherwise, there's no real buff to our self heals.

    I'm comparing the old values of our heals prior to update 24 compared to what we have now, so here's some hard data with the numbers and exactly how much we actually are buffed now.

    Stoke Flames
    Pre-U24: 14 to 17
    Currently: 15 to 18
    Change: +5.8% to +7.1%

    Pre-U24: 73 to 82
    Currently: 48 to 58
    Change: -34.2% to -29.3%

    Fiery Weapon
    Pre-U24: 73 to 82
    Currently: 72 to 85
    Change: -1.4% to +3.7%

    Absorb Heat
    Pre-U24: 14 and 17
    Currently: 15 to 18
    Change: +5.8% to +7.1%

    Burning Det
    Pre-U24: 21 and 28
    Currently: 23 to 32
    Change: +9.5% to +14.2%

    Pre-U24: 60 to 64
    Currently: 59 to 69
    Change: -1.7% to +7.8%

    Pre-U24: 146 to 160
    Currently: 150 to 172
    Change: +2.7% to +7.5%

    Backdraft took a heavy nerf (this is kindof understandable as it was a spammable move and had the highest amount of healing/time on cooldown) and you can see the mean range of everything else that got buffed, using the high and low values.

    I want to compare this to the original version of Update 24 where Stoke Flames topped out at 21 per tic instead of 18, when the developers made the change before they were aware of the dominance doubling glitch. Compared to the current values at the time, this was a change of +24%. I didn't get the exact numbers for all the base value changes but the numbers were similar across the board. I always thought that this was the intended buff as reflected in the patch notes and the fact our dominance was doubled as part of the equation was a mistake.

    While we did get buffed overall (barely), the extra healing we're doing now is mostly from the dominance glitch, and if that's being taken away we need to have something to compensate for it, especially since Ice and Earth got their shields buffed by 43%. I'm not saying fire self healing needs to be buffed that high, but with the exception of Burning Determination, the ~3% to ~7% buff fairly weak.

    You don't even really begin to see returns on it until the Tier 5 gear where Restoration is added to make our heals more effective. At that level it scales better, but since no <T5 gear has added restoration, you don't see ANY returns on increased restoration until Tier 5, and that just doesn't seem right.

    My request is to raise the self healing numbers up to around this same 25% (or at the very least, make the range of the buff more consistent) OR add restoration to all tank gear in the same proportions as you get in T5 so players can get some return from restoration before the T5 level.
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  14. Scorpion Well-Known Player

    What about Overheat? In my expience it always healed similar to backdraft, but with the extra damage from P.I. and DoT its been more useful.
  15. Kristyana New Player

    I need to recheck my notes but I don't believe it was one of the heals that was changed, could be wrong though. Plus it's also a brand new power they introduced with the fire overhaul
  16. Scorpion Well-Known Player

    I only really tank in pvp so I prefer overheat to backdraft cosidering when I first tested right after GU 24 their heals are almost the same but I if after GU 25 if overheats heals become less then backdrafts I might have to reconsider my loadout.
  17. SuperiorMouse New Player

    the initial reaction is to jump and say overpowered. but the devs aren't stupid or short sighted. they tend to do everything intentionally... even if it does sometimes take a while to see the plan. this must be in anticipation of the T5 content which is heavily rumoured to be brutal and unforgiving.