Hide and Seek

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Killua19, Apr 14, 2013.

  1. Killua19 New Player

    Stop me if you heard that one:

    You going 1vs1 lair battles..but your enemy just runs away and you cant grab him...it goes on and on and finally frustrated you leave?

    Dear SOE is there no way to stop that Hide and seek BS??

    It just drags the match to a grinding hold and instead of making 1vs1 fast and cool it made Lair Battle frustrating and downright insulting. I mean can we report players? Do they get kicked?

    If you cant run around in the whole lair anymore to fix it? DO IT!

    I cannot describe how frustrating and stupid that is
  2. mikekingmuse2 New Player

    To test your complaint I tried running away in a lair battle. Didn't do anything to help and got killed easily.
  3. Statman New Player

    I'd prefer this than the ability for my opponent to leave. That's even more annoying, especially when they leave coz they're getting beaten.
  4. mikekingmuse2 New Player

    They should just make it so you get marks even if they quit.
  5. Nitefelina New Player

    I just sick a pet on them and once I leave combat throw every and every pull on my bar to yank them back into my death grip.