Norseman controversy ! What grinds your gears?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by THE BATWING, Apr 14, 2013.

  1. X-zero Loyal Player

    Something similar the first time I ran gates. It was a near full league run (6members)about a month after it came out. One of our healer says it my first run so could the other dps pass if they already have something. First boss drop two dps pieces the one pug dps rolls on both and wins it. And he already had and was wearing both pieces.

    Even thought it didn't happen there one of the things that grinds my gears is when raids break about over arguments over loot.
  2. T20thoughts New Player

    I will say that it's pretty awesome to get a Norseman recipe when you don't have a T4 of that type yet. Better-than-T4 armor for fewer marks? That's a Hell Yes kinda reward. They're worth it just for that feeling.
  3. Deathmark New Player

    Embarassing to admit but up until a few days ago i thought norseman was a rare drop in the ops. I thought they were unrelated to the codexes and that as such, there was no feats for the codex so i didnt have to bother with them. I patlyy blame my ignorance on not having started to run operations before late january. Still, you'd think i'd have somehow known that by now. ...I HAVe been playing everyday for a year.

    anyway yeah i think this is a ridiculous feat. In fact, all style feats in raids are ridiculous. Rare drops, rolling against 8 people. Fun.
  4. mikekingmuse2 New Player

    Exactly. Stupid idea. Terrible idea for feats and just a bad loot system.
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  5. mikekingmuse2 New Player

    lol. More like T10.
  6. Gunny New Player

    Couldnt be said better.

    You people complain on how hard things are to get....yet you forget that once you DO get a piece, it feels that much better. I got 7/8 pieces, missing the back. Once I get it, the LFG, shout, and my league chat will probably explode from my typing.
  7. Black House New Player

    So he would argue that he needed it the most, wouldn't he? Everybody needs norseman at the moment the more pieces the better, what we need less of is whiney threads about about how your need is greater than anyone elses, we all pay for this game, either join a league, raid only with friends or take the PUG life for what it is. dog eat dog.
  8. crownclownking New Player

    How is having amazonian skipping content, isn't amazonian t3.5 that you get in gates. Seriously some ppl expect u to be full t4 before you even try to do tier 4 . So he needed the boost more that all of you since you were all full t4. Yea him needing on a piece he had already was very selfish of him. SMH seriously some players
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  9. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    You wanna know whats funny? Walking around with five pieces of T3 modded gear and 3 pieces of Norseman modded gear and having eliistdooshes QQ about being carried and even ninja looting Norseman gear in T3. While theyre complaining, you switch the T3 for T4 gear and ask them wtfh theyre qq'ing and to check again [insert bad words and insults]

    Ive seen only about a dozen codex drop between Dawn and Vengeance. I consider myself lucky to have scored 3 pieces.
  10. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Give it a few days after Origin Crisis is released and some players burn through badges to full T5 up and you'll see them shout for "need all roles for Crisis raids 95+ cr no scrubs"
  11. Zylo Committed Player

    what grind my gears is the lousy rolls i get. am cursed to getting nothing higher than 20. all i want is the waist and feet from unpaid and il finaly be done with the damn feat.
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  12. crownclownking New Player

    I know ppl confuse cr with so call skillz(lol skills on a video game) the devs put a minimum cr for a reason and that reason was that if you were a truly beastly player and found 7 other truly beastly players u would get the content done with minimum cr. People asking for ridiculously high cr are just saying "hey look at me im so bad i need this cr to do this content ".
  13. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Roll need = 0 - I may as well have passed on the drop!

    I've managed to get 3 Norseman drops - if anything I have drops, I won't roll on it. I don't DPS very often, so the Hazmat gear suits my needs, and the other members in the group can have increased odds of getting the codex.
  14. Gunny New Player

    Good ol sololooting :) A large portion of my norseman were not even rolled on :D

    Believe I rolled on my shoulders and my feet....funny, I only spent 30 seconds in the instance for the shoulders though. Que'd up for dawn by myself while I was near the area where tala would be fought. Happened to land in an instance where the other 7 were fighting tala in the same instance. As I was getting to the fight, they killed her, shoulders dropped. I won the roll.

    I'd feel bad, but it was quite dumb for them to actually reopen the instance and give me the chance. Sometimes, you never know what'll happen....they learned that the hard way.
  15. THE BATWING Dedicated Player

    That's exactly what it is ppl with lower than t4 gear have a higher % chance than ppl with full tier 4 , they want ppl to catch up that's why the whole loot mechanics are messed up , the lower the cr the better chance you have of getting loot compared to some one high which is crap they say everyone has the same chance but this is obviously not true!
  16. crownclownking New Player

    What lol so let me get this straight your saying that ppl with t3/3.5 gear have a better percentage of getting norsemen gear drop that ppl in full t4 , I dont think thats true . That doesn't mean their skipping content because norsemen is 79 and t4 is 78 that stat boost is not even worth while only if you're a feat hunter. And whats wrong with ppl catching up you want them to take forever in earning their gear. The only true grind was before replay badges . After that it became who can spend the most on their gear . Sure you still had to do the content but most did gates the easiest t4 raid. How many replayed prime to get geared up. All i agree with you is that him needing on a piece he had was selfish but thats it .
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  17. THE BATWING Dedicated Player

    Please read again the guy had Amazonian ,no t4(gear) an three pieces of Norseman no mods he keeps running the t4op praying on Norseman it's pretty apparent that he is skipping t4 and going straight to Norseman , by not moding any of his gear he stays at a low enough cr to keep him at an advantage to receive better loot role numbers ... And if you don't think the loot mechanics are messed up you should learn to pay close attention
  18. hudapak Well-Known Player

    I have yet to receive a Norseman gear. So, I understand your feelings. However, my healer still hasn't gotten a Utility Belt. The only time it dropped it, the other healer got it and he already has one. And to make it worse, those seem to drop more when I'm on my troller toon. Sad. :(
  19. crownclownking New Player

    How is he skipping content if he has on gear he got FROM T4 CONTENT lol He was playing smart cause norsemen cost less than t4 and theirs only a one point difference in item lvl. Skipping content is him being in cc or t3 duos gear that is truly skipping content . Simply because he's going from llvl 62 to 78 item level that he got in a tier below. To me it all reads like you're angry that he got the loot and you feel more entitle for some reason . I think the loot method does not go by cr simply because i have won and loss loot to ppl being higher and lower cr .
  20. THE BATWING Dedicated Player

    Are you reading ! T4gear not content