Henchmen Removal

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Francesca Lima, Mar 31, 2013.

  1. Francesca Lima New Player

    I never knew how bad the henchmen problem was until today. The henchmen are not weak like a Sorcery pet. Since all pets are being removed. I do not think it is fair to have henchmen that are strong as T4 players in PvP. A 5-person team with all henchmen is 20 players going against five. An 8-person match would be 24 henchmen and with the players, that is 32 players vs. eight. How is removing the other pets helpful if people that don’t do raids or have leagues to help them get the points to boost their mainframe items going to help?

    Most players within your game do not even have the common sense to understand how to play in a raid together in queue. You have no guides within your game that helps them understand how groups work together. Their should not have to be players as guides for the game Most people do not want to listen to players that try to help them understand things. Remove all pets that cannot be summoned as a role. If you do not want summons, remove them also with useful replacements.
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  2. Aiden Warren New Player

    Removing pets or making them have an increased cool down in arenas
    If the devs wont remove the backup/henchmen then they should be nerfed.
    reducing their damage by 50%
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  3. Francesca Lima New Player

    I am going to be a crybaby, because they nerfed my healing and is nerfing most of sorcery. We are becoming garbage compared to the other groups. I have all three healers and its ridiculous that the other two powers have so many heals that work. We cannot even skip thru the powers like the other two.
    I paid a year in advance; I want to be able to enjoy this game as much as anyone else. I do not see anyone crying nerf nature and electric. When electric is one of the best DPS and healers if the person sets it right. Henchmen do not come from Pvp it comes from pve. So yes, do not kick half of it out. Kick all of it out unless you want to bring down the 3k marks and all that to keep it up.
    Henchmen did not seem bad until I got to see a league with all advanced to four. Some people do not like doing PVE. So why allow Henchmen trinket that come in PVP and able to have T4 stats. They can heal and do many things.
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  4. Furyous D New Player

    well maybe they should just make mainframe items PVE only it would solve the crybabies whining about it and help out ppl that arnt T4 or haven't got the time to get to T4 or are new to the game but love PVP
    and i dont know what ur talking about they havent nerfed any powers all the healing powers are fine maybe u should learn to use them better and stop whining about it because its probable ur own fault and not the games
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  5. Aiden Warren New Player

    So we do a 1v1 lair battle of a dps vs a tank or a healer with sidekicks, watcher, and a boo. :)
    seems fair for a lair 1v1.
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  6. Magnificent Loyal Player

    I PVP as a fire tank so the damage those guys generate doesn't bother me at all. What annoys the bleeding crap out of me is that they get in my way when I'm trying to target the player. Toss in a powerset-based pet and a Boo and I have to fight through (or hop over/around) a small army just to hit the player.
  7. PinkHatter New Player

    I don't think henchman should be nerfed or removed. The ppl that have them have put a lot of time into playing the game or they wouldn't have them. People that have them have paid 3900 mot and should be able to use them and they should be strong. Also paying for them of a monthly cost of 3750 mot to keep them means the players who have them play a lot and should be able to keep the abilities they have paid to use. They should be able to reap the benefits of being an active player not penalized because others are not.

    Seems to me the abilities are offered to all players . So i wish people would stop complaining about abilities that are useful and that players work hard and spend that time earning the marks like the rest of so you can use what has been added to the game to benefit yourself and your teamates
  8. Francesca Lima New Player

    Henchman come in levels just like the sidekicks. Henchmen are gained by mark of Triumph the problem with this. Pvp players are not able to make up the amount of mark of triumph that PvE players can do. The system is not even at all. Marks of Strategy do not give off enough Marks of Triumph and Marks of Tactics do not either.

    You did work to get you are Triumph. You did not do it in Pvp though, because you would not even be able to get to 3k just by Pvp. You would have to be doing a lot of raids and alerts. When they remove all the other pets only the PvE groups will be able to do PvP instances. You are not helping you are making it worse then before.

    Have any of you fought T4 Henchman? You cannot beat them when its three and they can heal and everything else. The henchmen are more powerful then a T4 Sorcery fully molded pet. I have seen teams wipe out big time also because of the Henchman absorbing the damage for the players. They are the new toy blimp and yes, you love it when you can run in PvP and wipe a full T4 group without effort.

    Three henchmen and a player are four T4 players. Add all of that up to 8vs8 and The Pit 5vs5 and all the other things. Keep it in PvE. You worked hard for it in PvE let it stay their. People worked hard in PvE to get those pets that had before mainframe. I have never had a Miss Boo or Mister Boo and other rare pets but those people worked for them too.
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  9. Aiden Warren New Player

    I didn't even work for Mister Boo, and neither did my Brother on the PS3. I just grinded the Klarion 15 times for the feat and did Lex Luthor Challenge and I got the Mr Boo lol

    My brother flooded the t1 alerts ques and got in the Watchtower Containment Facility and he got the Mister Boo. and he got it right after he got on the PS3 and waited for the small update to complete and did the klarion event twice and got the que for Watchtower Containment and got Mr Boo and didn't know lol.

    me and him both got Boos without knowing and jut like that lol.

    I only saw Miss Boo.

    and yeah they want to use backups in pvp cus they scared :)
  10. Tirocerto Poppi New Player

    Francesca Lima is RIGHT.
    WTH isgoing on in this game? Since Hand of Fate people are using PVE stuff in PVP and you guys think that's normal? What?!
    The arenas are already full of PVE DPS's and you think is right for me, a troller (that HATE the DPS class, for the record), beeing hit by orbital strike and 3 mod4 PVE henchmen? And i'm not even talking about the clippers that look like a frog in front of you killing you without any animations.
    Geez, i workerd VERY HARD to get all my t4 PVP troller gear and i'm very proud of beeing able to put down a lot of t4 DPS with the shame that i call my "prec&might".
    But no, the DPS class is never happy. Now they are coming to arenas in PVE gear with PVE henchmen.
    I'm very tired of this class and the defenders. A simple restriction of PVE stuff in arenas should solve the problem, but NO.
    You are benefiting a great part of this game just to ONE ROLE just by doing NOTHING. By neglect of yout players.

    I already spend a lot of money in this game and i'm SICK of this creative team. You are RUINING this game.
  11. Volaron New Player

    I've seen you drop henchman in 2s before. On Topic I've yet to test the health on henchman so I can't comment on it, but unless I can kill them in one shot they need ANOTHER reduction. Like originally stated the problem with henchman ISN'T their dmg it's the fact that they're THERE. The current dev mentality on it is If they sync their pets, the pets will eventually go away and THEN you can fight. No. I shouldn't have to wait through someone's "1 minute CC"? Let's call it that. A 1 minute CC where I can't target anyone. I shouldn't have to wait through that THEN fight. They've made some awesome changes in this new update! I'd venture to say it has the most change out of any other update, and it's all positive! but something else should've been removed from Arena's with this new update. Henchman.
  12. Aiden Warren New Player

    heh, I haven't pvp'd in a while, and I actually never have used henchmen, and don't use sidekicks either, not even in PVE much. In which I banked them a month ago, then deleted them for bank space.
    and if you say in 2's, but actually I have all mainframe Full up. All Boost II's as well. Even tho I don't use Supply Drop, or henchmen or sidekicks, but since my mainframe is at the 29th or a day after, because I was marks cap right then. and since then I always grind over 1200 marks a day to make over 800k a day. So if you say you saw me in 2's, your mistaken me for someone else, even my henchmen is at Boost II, but they were deleted month ago.
  13. Elusian Crowd Control

    They cant heal. What you mean is a a singel sidekick pet, only he can heal himself and you. Backup just does dmg.

    Also, they dont need a damage nerf that would make them utterly useless and sry to tell ya but we dont need another qq request from the pvp base that ruins the pve aspect cause they are too lazy to spent 30 minutes in the month to get the marks for the even battlefield.