Which Alert(s) do you just absolutely detest?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by aceCase, Apr 8, 2013.

  1. aceCase Committed Player

    Regardless of how geared you get, I think we all have an alert that we just hate doing. Probably because it takes too long, or its boring, or maybe it brings back some bad memories from when you were new to the game or not overgeared.

    For me it's Stryker's Penitentiary , mostly because it brings back bad memories :p
    I can breeze through it now but I just still hate that place so much, thank the lawd that I finally got the styles I needed from that place and never have to do it again.
  2. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    Arkham, Hive, Oolong. All 3 are wayyyyyyy tooooo looooong. Wont do them.
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  3. recespieces31 New Player

    T2 Oolong and Hive
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  4. aceCase Committed Player

    Oolong used to be much longer. The people that got the speed feat from the original Oolong deserve much props.
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  5. X-zero Loyal Player

    Inner: It is just too long for the reward it gives. Back in the day places like arkham asylum gave 6 marks instead of 4 because it was so long inner needs to the same. I ran it actually twice. Once on the first day to see how it was. Once more with my league another day for everyone to agree that once we are out of here we aren't coming back.

    Oolong Island: I like the idea of an island alert but it is also a little long with a boring story.
  6. Nitefelina New Player

    Oolong, just to boring IMO
  7. Dogzday Dedicated Player

    Yes, I've heard about that area after the second boss fight. Thankfully that place is decommissioned. I've never ran Oolong since that long ago but that must've been T3 times and speed feat then must've been so much more tough.

    And to your OP: I would say the Alert I've always hated doing is Arkham Asylum because it took too long. I could get the same marks in 2/3 the time so why run Arkham? When South Gotham Courthouse was the only T3 Alert, I kinda liked doing it. Now I'm doing only League of Assassins for quick marks.

    As much as I dislike Hive (not a lot) I must complete the Hive Defender set. Only have the Back, Waist, and Shoulders.

    I also dislike Stryker's mostly because of the annoying control effects and just Grodd in general. He's just irritating. Everywhere you go, he tries to mind#@$% you.
  8. Zizzi New Player

    Hive: Too boring.

    Arkham: Too long most of the time... And there are usually some issues with finishing it if you solo queued.
  9. Radium Devoted Player

    Outer and Inner, just not even worth the time.
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  10. mecha New Player

    toolong island

    hive you can skip parts
    arkham isnt so bad, its just the vines part
    worth the chance at cleaver and the marks
  11. neptunesBeard New Player

    I like Oan Sciencecells. That's it.
    I can tolerate LOA Arkham Star Labs and Courthouse though.
  12. JayJay2515 New Player

    I refuse to do Oolong, LoA, Arkham, and Area 51 because I rather stay alive than die from boredom
  13. Radium Devoted Player

    Lol, the people who got the speed feat originally just Rifle glitched right to the end.
  14. Enzan Committed Player

    Arkham Asylum. Way to long, and annoying to go through for me. It's easy for me, but I just don't like it.
  15. Sechuran Fox Dedicated Player

    I find Oolong and Courthouse to both be a little dull. Not a huge fan of Science Cells either.
  16. Green Lantern New Player

    Courthouse. Because all it takes is one weak link and the wipes start. Strykers can be extremely annoying because of the stuns every 3 seconds. Especially the one that has you headbanging for 60 seconds. No stun should be long enough to give you time to put the controller down and take a break. I did Inner on day 1 and breezed through it but I could tell without a proper group that alert could be a nightmare so I haven't taken the chance since.

    Love Arkham, LOA, Coast City, Star Labs, Oan and Smallville.
  17. Juggalossus Well-Known Player

    Mainly because whenever I pug it, it seems half the people cannot figure out the last boss. And after endlessly attempting to teach people. It is in vain...

    Don't get me wrong, I love having strategy involved in gameplay, rather than Gun & Run and Smash & Dash... But sometimes I think theirs too much strategy in some of these instances for the average casual players in this game. It really takes the fun out it.
  18. mecha New Player

    you mean oan? i run that everyday, i love it

    my only complaint is that its too short and i wish we could travel deeper into the cells and find more interstellar bounty hunters, crazed killers, creatures to kill
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  19. Binary Zero Active Player

    Oolong, Hive Moon Base, Courthouse, and Arkham.
    Too long for their own good and/or terrible to fight through without a decent setup.

    Also the ramped up difficulty at the beginning of Oolong and the Moon Base (I talk about YOU, Elite Captain 'I spin and kill within 2 seconds' Bombus) make it frustratingly hard to stay motivated for the rest of the instance.

    Most likeable one is Oan Sciencells : For once, the bad guys come to ME instead of the other way around.
    Reminds me of the Prison Break instance from WoW's WotLK expansion.
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  20. Sechuran Fox Dedicated Player

    See, I think that would be a huge improvement for me. I love Stryker's, Ace, Arkham and Coast City. I never liked the whole 1 room thing that Oan has going on.