
Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Sparky Healz, Apr 4, 2013.

  1. La Chupacabra New Player

    Either way, the games run on the PS3 isn't going to last more than a year after ps4's release, hopefully they figure out a way to port this since it's an MMO and has more volume/currency going through it than standard games. If I had to guess, the way I see it, in 2 years either:

    -ALL DCUO servers closes for good
    -DCUO PS3 servers close, and continues PC side, quality of development goes up
    -DCUO get ported to the PS4, quality of development goes up

    I'm really crossing my fingers for #3, but I'd say #2 is more likely, and #1 is a worst case :(
  2. Laff Riot New Player

    I know but it seems a PC user feels that it wont make a difference. And what is even funnier is that some PC players play on a laptop and a lot of laptops only have 4 GB RAM. The PS4 has 8. So how will that make no difference? lol

    But sadly so far PSN is not going to be transferred to the PS4. So that means people who bought DLC can NOT use it on the PS4. Maybe this is why SOE wont say anything until the PS4 hits.
  3. Laff Riot New Player

    Sadly you are most likely right. It will be #2 most likely until SOE stops making any money since the PS3 really funds this game. I hope for #3 there though. I would continue to play then.
  4. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    I'm hoping all the backlash from this causes them to try to somehow get it to work.... I know it won't be easy, but it sounds like this is a deal-breaker for a lot of possible PS4 buyers.....

    They also never said they can't say anything until PS4 hits, just that they can't say anything YET. Jens always seems to use a smiley face after saying that so hopefully he's hopeful they can make it work somehow..... If we don't hear anything by the end of the summer then I'll start to worry.....
  5. Oel Em Well-Known Player

    Backwards compatibility isnt really an issue. There is no way to port the ps3 version to the ps4. That being said, there is no reason they could not recreate the game for the ps4 with its own servers using more of a pc model. It would be safe to assume the ps3 servers wont last much longer because they are so limited, a year longer at most. The only real issue would be moving accounts so people dont have to start over, but I doubt that would be very difficult either, time consuming sure.
  6. Laff Riot New Player

    Yeah that is a big deal breaker.

    And I agree with you. It will most likely be able to be transferred over.
  7. TheRealDeathern New Player

    Start over? YUCK!!!!! I really dont want to start all over. So much time invested already, i hate to think of the day I have to disconnect for good...
  8. recespieces31 New Player

    I think that it would be a rather stupid business decision to not carry over people's PSN accounts, especially since a lot of people, myself included, have put a lot of time an effort into their PSN accounts...I can understand not allowing use to download anything bought on the PS3, but not having my PSN account I have had for over 6 years will be very, very frustrating and an immediate deal breaker for me
  9. Binary Zero Active Player

    Unless SoE locks the game down for a relaunch, similar SquareEnix did with FF 14: AAR, I doubt there will be a PS4 'port' for this.
    Sure, they can squeeze out more from the Unreal 3.0 engine than they did prior to launch, but that will be an overhaul which might not be profitable for SoE.
  10. Fritz New Player

    People need to be realistic here, this game has a grim future.

    Its been how long since a new raid was added?
    Things that were bugs, like clipping, are now features because soe doesn't want to spend the money to fix it.
    They add stupid things like farming for exobits and its OK because there is nothing else to do.

    Its not like this game is rocking the money train here.
    If it costs them anything to port the game, it's not going to happen.

    The most likely scenario is ps3 will die off in less than a year after ps4 is released, dcuo will be discontinued on ps3, and will be allowed to run on PC as long as profits>cost with zero updates.
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  11. Syrie New Player

    All this PS4 talk and nobody has still hit on the large number of people who wont be converting to the PS4 until at least the second version comes out. Smart gamers know that the first version is always the most expensive and the worst to buy. You really aren't gonna see a large PS4 conversion until they come out with at least a second version that is more affordable to people who have responsibilities and can't drop a grand on a console. Besides you also have to consider like in the past when a new console drops it only comes with about three games ready to play, yeah not gonna be a quick conversion over to the PS4 just yet
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  12. Laff Riot New Player

    Hopefully Sony has something up their sleeves and telling us half truths. But so far from what I have seen and read, we are just pretty much done as it is come Oct when the PS4 hits. And no to those that think I am talking doomsday for the PS3 on that day is not what I meant. The PS3 wont be shut down then.
  13. Laff Riot New Player

    I agree with you. I made that mistake with my PS3 and bought the 60 gig launch and that hurt. $600. But the PS4 wont cost $1,000. Its projected to be about $400 give or take a hundred. But you are right though.
  14. Fritz New Player

    It will take a little time, like a year, but the ps3 will quickly become an outdated machine.

    You don't see super-Nintendo on the shelves anymore do you? People loved those old games. It did not matter.
  15. Binary Zero Active Player

    The PS3 will live for a few more years until it will fully replaced. There are still quite of games coming up for that console.
    I don't know where you go the idea with the Super-Nintendo, though. Thats two decades away.
  16. Goony New Player

    i just hope if/when this gets transfered over our characters transfer with it, like have a month where you can convert your character over
  17. Statman New Player

    At this point, I'm staying with the hopeful. I hope in some way SOE is able to get a PS4 version up and running and I won't have to start over. They haven't given us a yes or a no yet, so I see no reason to completely rule it out.

    If it doesn't happen, I'm not gonna be shattered. I currently have 2 PS3's, only one of which I'd probably trade in, so I'll still have the other one around to get onto DCUO if I need to.

    I don't think anyone should get their hopes up for it, but I also don't think we should be completely ruling it out just yet. Wait for the devs announcement whenever that may be coming. Assumption is just evil.
  18. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    I believe people are thinking a little backwards on it. I do not believe they will port the PS3 version due to PSN issues. However, I do believe they'll merge servers and port the PC version to PS4. It will finally have the entire player base in one world, and I think the PS4 can handle it (Sony is already saying the PS4 has a PC architecture to support easier usability for developers).

    Of course, the rub for everyone will be the potential that you lose your character name. When they merged all of the PC servers, the duplicate names came down to time played (the one who played the most hours got to keep their name while others were changed to something like EconoKnight_ZH to signify it was on Zero Hour server). You were given a free name change token if you wanted to try for something new.
  19. Loadingscreens Committed Player

    pretty sure you guys are looking at it wrong.

    First: Not everyones gonna buy ps4 first day, and a majority that do buy it, wont be for DCUO. look at all the F2pers, they, imo, vastly outnumber the Subbers. you think they are gonna shell out hundreds of dollars to play DCUo. i dont think so.

    second: how would it work if SOE DID port this game over? would PS4 have its own server? how would it work if they shared a server with PS3 players? it wouldnt be fair to the laggy buggy ps3 players. if PS4 did have its own servers, i would think it to be a small amount of players, unless SOE makes DCUO a launch title and offer it for free, which may seem enticing to people who have never played DCUO.

    third: what would happen to the old PS3 servers if DCUO was ported over? can SOE support 3 different systems? i would think it difficult if they did decide too. Will SOE continue to support PS3, even though after the PS4 launches, the PS3 servers days will be numbered.

    there are a lot of questions on how will SOE proceed. im sure they are currently thinking about it, or maybe even launch a new 52 wolrd inspired DCUO game on PS4 and make it entirely seperate, while still supporting dcuo on PS3 untill ts inevitable shut down.
  20. Liongale Dedicated Player

    To keep it short and sweet: If DCUO gets on PS4, they can upgrade the game and make it better. Then the PC version can get better too. I see good things thanks to the PS4. Less limitations. kgo hurryhurry ps4