T5 bringing back the challenge??!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ermike, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. ermike Committed Player

    I finished up the home turf feats the first week (hate solo stuff so got it out the way) except for the bounty styles which I will finish soon. I then took a break from the game for about 2 months. I logged on this weekend and was astonished to see the amount of shouts for tala. So many failing groups and that change happened a while ago. To me this is awesome. There needs to be a seperation between good and average and average players and bad players. I truly hope that t5 raids are atleast a little harder then tala with 1 giving even the best leagues a challenge. They should release an alert and duo that release the same mark so lesser players can still progress just much slower. Full t5 hopefully will mean something like it used to with t2. This would keep the leet players happy while still giving the other players progress and something to strive towards.. what do u think?
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  2. Enickma Dedicated Player

    You enjoy it that people are failing at something? Interesting.

    Why does there "need to be a speration between good and average and average and bad" players?
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  3. Frostbight New Player

    Thats just the facts of life. The cream rises to the top. I agree with him that there needs to be some differential between soild players and average players to make us stand out from the crowd. If your just an averager player and 5 other people in the same role respond to a shout for you job whats there to seperate you and make them want to pick you. I want people to say hey we need a tank..whe have Tank a..tank B...oh hey frostbight is looking to this too. Oh yeah lets get him hes a good tank. Point why its good to have seperation.
  4. MetalMario Loyal Player

    He wants to feel superior.
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  5. Enickma Dedicated Player

    The cream rises to the top, I absolutely agree with that.

    But why does SOE need to have any part in differentiating that?

    I understand what you mean when you say you want people to recognize your name, but I don't think there "needs" to be some sort of differentiation.

    Just play the game and let your play speak for itself... don't worry so much about what other players are doing.
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  6. Hennessyis1 New Player

    I call BS. No way did you kill 100 Gorilla Grodd projections in a week.
  7. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    Couldn't agree more. There needs to be a clear line of demarcation between the average players and the vets. Doesn't make us elitists, it makes the game fair and balanced again.
  8. Enickma Dedicated Player

    Actually, that is extremely possible. I have that feat because I got a group of 4-5 players together and we killed a whole bunch together. Took us around an hour and a half, or so.
  9. Darkness New Player

    Then everyone will just look for "Tank A" and everything else below will be ignored.

    Isn't it bad enough that people who wants to run BD and Prime are asking for CR88+ only? BTW, I have done these raids with CR80 people and have no problems, there are also some wipes but it seems people just want to finish each raid w/o effort and then complain there isn't a challenge in the game anymore.

    Excluding people further is not going to make them improve. Best option is just run with people and add those who are good at their role to your friends list and just play with them and your league mates.
  10. Enickma Dedicated Player

    No, that is 100% the definiton of elitist. You want a special label for players you feel inferior to you. It's fair in the sense that you've earned it by accomplishing certain things, but it's extremely narcisstic to start labeling other players as being below you.
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  11. Hennessyis1 New Player

    He said solo. What you're saying is completely different.
  12. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    i dont think ppl are inferior, cause thats rude

    But at the same time,

    all the TC is asking for is more challenging content, that the average player would fail (average in this case meaning lack of strategy and skill that would eventually be accumulated overtime)

    Why should the TC be held back cause of someone inability to perform at their level of skill?

    its like u want everything to be equal, that players should not have advantages that they earn because others might not have the skill to earn those advantages.......

    whats that called again?

    making everyone equal, for the betterment of society?

    as long as the content is eventually beatable im all for challenging content.... (meaning more SP and highter Tier gear required)
  13. Laff Riot New Player

    Just because he said he hates solo does not mean that he did not group up to do this feat.
  14. Durath Sa New Player

    Why do people act like you're going to get kicked immediately from groups for not being "cream of the crop", I haven't seen that happen much. I ran outer on an alt the other day (2 things I don't do often) and his CR was only in the mid 50's at that point while some were looking to get in who were CR 80 but I wasn't booted.

    At the same time- do the "cream of the crop" people realize if they put out content nobody can beat that it will just end up nerfed in no time so people can beat it? The fun of the game doesn't come from 99% of people failing at a thing and 1% getting bragging rights, and the Devs would never let that happen for long. As soon as they got around to fixing it the difficulty would be lower. Of course, knowing the devs of this game that could be a year....
  15. Darkness New Player

    You are not being held back at all, SOE just doesn't give you a "challenging" content. This isn't other players fault that you are uber powerful.

    You want a damn challenge, do T4 stuff with out Mainframe help, equip T2 gears, gather your other Super Duper powerful friends and have at it..... profit?
  16. Frostbight New Player

    I never mentioned CR. My point is if you have 4 players with the same role looking to fill the same spot for a raid and 2 of them arent as skillifull and dont know how to do their job your more likely going to pick the player you know has skill and can handle it. Face it if you know that player A is better at their job then playbers B and C 9/10 your going to pick player A. Not many are going to say oh lets get player be whose a controller who I know doesnt give out power becuase the feels its not how he wants to play their char but has enough cr to get in over player B who has the same CR but playes his role more efficeintly.
  17. BigDaddy14 Well-Known Player

    It is very possible i finished my grodds' in the first week it helps to be a little OCD, i actually did around 65 in one visit solo with a couple of solitary missions in between, in damage role though.
  18. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    having to handicap myself (after all the time it took to earn the gear and marks) is not wat i consider challenging content
  19. Darkness New Player

    Real in-game example. Took maybe 45 mintues to get a Prime group. We enter, one of the "I can 1man this ish" dude jumps right away w/o asking if every one was ready. Animation activates and the electric whips were attacking us, when we could finally move, our life was half way down. We wipe right away and these 2 overgeared players says "really?" and then states " try FOS first before coming back to Prime" and then leaves.

    Another example, ran FOS2 and this uber confident Tank keeps pushing forward w/o waiting for people. We wipe he push forward and yell at people to keep up. We wipe and tells people to do their job. I tell him to chill and wait and maybe pull 1 adds at a time, he says nah just do what he says and to do their job and they’ll be fine because he is a ultra awesome tank. A healer backs him up and guess what, they are from the same league even have the exact same costume. We keep wiping and dude would not adapt and just keep blaming everyone else.

    These are the people who thinks they are simply superior to others and exactly what the game do not need. Not a single time did these guys in both these raids felt the need to help or instruct other than imply “we are awesome, you are not”. This is not something that needs to be promoted. If you want to play with other players as such, add all these people on your friends list and just run with them. Hell for a league of your own and go to Prime, beat it in 3 minutes and then compliment each other on such a great accomplishment. Problem solved.
  20. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    To clarify u quoted me, but my statement is in reference to the TC. I never said im being held back i say TC.

    and i know its not the other plays fault for being uber powerful, never said it was

    im just asking why there cant be challaneging content that utilizes a persons "uber powerfulness" and to point out that this thread is not a unreasonable request

    There is Novice Raids to cater to Novice
    Novice raids have less rewards then the standard

    There should also be Expert Raids to cater to Experts
    and it sounds like thats what the TC wants in the grand scheme of things (though he uses T5 content as a poor example)