People! Do Not Post Guides In This Sub-Forum!

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Potent, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Potent New Player

    You will not be able to edit your posts after 15 minutes in any sub-forum besides Oracle's Database, which is the new Guides Sub-Forum.

  2. recespieces31 New Player

    oh man...that is good know
  3. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    Ha... oh sorry just reminds me of an argument I had with someone who kept editing his posts.
  4. Gafa New Player

    Where did you even hear this from hmm? I would like to know. It was never that way. I'll be back after 15 minutes just to edit this.

    5:28pm EST

    Time now : 5:56pm EST

  5. Mia Skye Well-Known Player

    From people who have posts that are more than fifteen minutes old. This was known before the new forums even went live because we went over to the EQ and EQ2 forums to do our research on what we were getting.
  6. Gafa New Player

    who said it was going to be exactly the same as? No one did. It was announced that it would be like. not, "the same"

    25 minutes now

    Gafa, 23 minutes ago
  7. Potent New Player

    Mepps even stated that the GUIDES Sub-Forum will have no time limit for editing. This implies that there is a time limit for editing OUTSIDE the Guides Sub-Forum.
    If you click on Oracle's Database, and open the post by Mepps, it states that it is the Guides Sub-Forum, and that it has no time limit on editing. This ALSO implies that there is a time limit on editing outside of said sub-forum.
  8. Radium Devoted Player

    Mepps told people over on the old boards that the section for guides would be designated as always being able to edit. This is why there are no stickys in Oracles database, everything in there is a guide.
  9. Mia Skye Well-Known Player

    Alright, go to the pc forum archive and find the thread where we were talking about the 15 minute edit limit where Mepps replied saying that you can edit posts after 15 minutes in Oracle's Database only.
  10. Gafa New Player

    oh. I never saw that post.I only saw the one where it was only vaguely talked about.
  11. Gafa New Player

    How about,

    I'm not a PC gamer. No need for me to go there.
  12. Mia Skye Well-Known Player

    The pc players actually asked questions and go answers for what the new stuff was going to be like. So, instead of throwing a hissy fit on the forums try to do some research.

    So, why don't you go back and edit your post, it's been twenty minutes.
    • Like x 4
  13. Gafa New Player

    That's cute. You get test servers, You get your questions answered. Have you ever been on the PS3 forums before?
    We ask questions and nothing is EVER answered.... the only questions that got answered was when there was 5632815686 topics about it. PC players can make 1 topic about it and get a reply. So in a sense I'm glad for this merge because now we can get replies and it will be a lot more fair. Don't forget that they cater to your needs because your community is like 100 times smaller than ours. They don't want you running off. ;)
  14. Evie Syrena New Player

    Are you sad because you feel neglected, Gafa? Also, show me all 5632815686 topics, please. For archiving reasons, of course.
    • Like x 2
  15. Mia Skye Well-Known Player

    I'm pretty sure they cater the game to your needs because the ps3 can't handle the game like the pc can.
    • Like x 1
  16. Enickma Dedicated Player

    You got a problem, that's fine. Don't take it out on everyone, though. You're coming off as a crying child.
    • Like x 3
  17. Gafa New Player

  18. Evie Syrena New Player

    I agree with Enickma! We don't need this sort of drama, Gafa.
  19. Mia Skye Well-Known Player

    They increased the time for us, it's now 30 minutes to edit. Different number, same principle.
  20. SOE-MOD-19 New Player

    Please try to keep this discussion on topic, it is very important for all posters to know the proper board for guide posting. Any guide posted a board that is not Oracle's may be moved or removed from the boards.