Why is US server still down?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by thirty six, Apr 6, 2024.

  1. thirty six Loyal Player

    We're getting close to an hour passed the usual time the server comes back up, and I've seen nothing about extended downtime anywhere. Any word on why, or when it will be back up?
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  2. Chilontius Active Player

    been like that last few days, its getting really frustrating. Never minded the DAILY downtime compared to most games weekly, cause it was quick. Now the daily downtime is taking the same amount of time as other game's weeklies. With no communication as to why or how long it will do that.
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  3. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    Been playing this game for the past 13 years and I've never seen an extended downtime scheduled on a Saturday.
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  4. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I'm hoping it has something to do with the PS5 client.
  5. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    There is been insane performances issues with the servers. There's no way they can bring the game back up and leave it the way it's been for the past few days especially yesterday
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  6. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    Now entering hour 3.
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  7. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    Yep, frustrating to not know what is going on.

    Glitchy screen on loading for PS5 client, only to find that the daily reset is STILL DOWN? - 90 minutes later, down with no word...
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  8. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I blame the solar eclipse
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  9. BennyKylejr New Player

    Don't give them excuses, their fault, they could atleast say something but until now, nothing.
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  10. Tarn Level 30

    Its funny that so many players simple dont understand that game become at most mediocre and still is frustrated when they dont get double art fortify, dont get new content for long months, they have constant lags, have long maintances.
    Only way to have joy of this game is to dont pay single dime, and like that you have joy that you dont wasting money on ...
  11. KidKretz Committed Player

    kids tried to play on ps4 and its not working, came here to see why :(
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  12. Chilontius Active Player

    it came up for like 4 minutes then back down, they removed the update from the top of the forums, but it still down o_O
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  13. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    Now entering hour 4.

    ..........aaaand, I'm out.
  14. Chilontius Active Player

    and according to the server page, ALL the servers are down now. (xbox and switch were up)
  15. CosmicSentinaI New Player

    My theory? The game servers have been under a Denial of Service attack. And the Devs ain't saying anything about it.
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  16. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    Calm down, Chill. It’s gonna be alright. Would you rather have the game be “down” or “up and unplayable”?
  17. Chilontius Active Player

    pretty sure it's unplayable if down so....neither?

    I also have no idea what people mean by it's been unplayable. It's been fine. It's gone down a few times, but there hasnt been copious amounts of lag, or latency issues making hits miss or anything, just been playing normally, with no oddities, then bang, down for a minute and back up.
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  18. Srchill99999 Level 30

    It’s not necessarily about the game being down, it’s more about the lack of transparency about WHY the game is down. Communication would be greatly appreciated.
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  19. BennyKylejr New Player

    Exactly, would be just a bit annoying that the game is off and they say it's gonna take time to fix it but no, they literally have said nothing for hours, huge letdown.
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  20. Joybird Committed Player

    Or even transparency THAT the game is down. Usually, when there is a problem, there is a red message at the top of the board letting us know that it is down and with an ETA if they have one. Instead, there's just silence, and we have to dig into the forums to see that the servers are down and it's not a connectivity problem on our end.