Now that we have a full team can we have some fan service?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by kallader, Mar 31, 2024.

  1. kallader Committed Player

    We propose styles /accessories/emotes/decorations etc for years and mainly never got any of the proposal we ask for add into the game so is this just a waste of time or someone will eventually add some in the game?

    Example The Doctor Fate 21th days reward are way too random why not just give us like 10 choice from proposal peoples made and we vote for the one we like or something like this...

    Proposal should be include into the content creator program
  2. Wallachia Devoted Player

    I am your fan service.
  3. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    We haven't had consistent content for the past two (soon to be three) years and you want fan service? Priorities?
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  4. GhostsAndMagic Dedicated Player

    Fan service? How about they update PvP (or at least acknowledge it even exists)
  5. tehDarkNite Well-Known Player

    YEESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! start by reversing all the clothes they put on Circe

    And bring the power girl loading screens back!
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  6. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    So a Blue Beetle style situation? When the content creator program is in place, sure, why not?
    Until then i'm sure they have bigger concerns and priorities.

    Just be aware that you're still most likely not get what you want unless you made 1000 of 15000 suggestions.
  7. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Man honestly **** the styles.
    - PvP comeback
    - Actual good/different content
    - Power balance
    - Allys that dont serve as buffs for under performing powers
    - Artifact meta change
    - Super speed clipping nerf (yes, im one of those too, i want to be nerfed because prec is boring af)
    - Old t1-4 content to have no lootlocks in openworlds or clamped openworlds

    Thats what i want. Realistic? Probably not given the track record of the nerfs and communication in the last year+
    We have 1000s of styles already. Just give us actual content, i dont wanna play dress up, i wanna punch starro in his big meaty eye, not hurt bizzaro and punch tera for screaming my ears off (Raid reference)
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  8. Alushaun Well-Known Player

  9. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    You heard me :)
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  10. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    We obviously need more Batman and Flash cowl variants. It’s the only way to keep interest in this game going.
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  11. kallader Committed Player

    Was giving an example fan service can be everything that peoples ask for long time
  12. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    That’s a list I don’t think the devs will give us anytime soon at any rate. I guess some think we’d be better off asking for some new Lantern accessories at this point.
  13. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Yeah, it sucks but just adding styles wont keep the game running much longer. Stuff needs to be reintroduced
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  14. TheMikeB Active Player

    it doesnt exist
  15. Alushaun Well-Known Player

  16. Multiverse Creator League


    Oh..... wait.....

    ;) ;)

    But seriously..... I understand that some people don't like to get Batman Styles or Flash styles.....
    But wether people like it or not....

    Those are popular characters.

    Heck the Flash TV show created a LOT of Flash fans.....
    and those Fans want to recreate their favorite character from the TV show.
    We could see a LOT of them in game at some point.

    So even thought we already have some Flash cowls in the game....
    Pretty sure the Flash fans would like to get more Flash cowl options. ;)
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  17. Multiverse Creator League

    Even asking for new Lantern accessories is iffy at best.

    People are still waiting for their Blue Lantern emblem accessory..... or their Orange Lantern Orbital Strike for that matter. ;)

    As for the list.....

    We already know that they gave up on PvP.
    They Devs never said it officially.... but last time we got anything PvP related was with the Suicide Squad film in 2016??

    And it is not only DCUO.

    Destiny 2 has similar issues balancing PvE and PvP..... we see Destiny 2 players not happy wit the state of PvP in Destiny 2.
    We see complaints from Destiny 2 players not unlike the DCUO complaints when it comes to PvP.

    Balancing PvE and PvP..... not many manages to do it.

    Heck Overwatch 2 just gave up on adding PvE to their game......

    Power Balance..... we already know that Artifacts and Allies are how they will try to balance the powers.
    And we already know there will not be major investments on DCUO...... pretty sure a Power Balance would be a BiG investment.

    Most of what is on that list... we already know they will not do it.
    Or we already know what they plan to do with Artifacts and Allies.

    Does that mean that people cannot keep on asking??
    But it is no mystery if we don't get a PvP fix despite those asking for it.
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  18. L T Devoted Player

    heh-- I see what you did there!
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