2x Nth Metal is live this week!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Kikumod, Mar 21, 2024.

  1. Kikumod Daybreak Games



    This week, your chances to receive Nth Metal as drops when defeating enemies is doubled! This means whenever you trigger an opportunity to get Nth Metal from enemies, that opportunity will trigger twice. The bonus begins today (Thursday, March 21, 2024) and runs through Wednesday, March 27, 2024.
    Nth Metal is used to fortify and rank up your Artifacts. This bonus week *does not* grant any bonus Artifact XP when fortifying. This bonus week *does* stack with the Nth Metal Detector in the Marketplace (which separately doubles your chances to get Nth Metal.)

    The bonus week begins with daily server restarts on March 21, 2024 and ends at midnight PT/GMT on March 27, 2024.
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  2. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    Thanks for the Bonus week
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  3. Oltron New Player

    So another kick in the face. At this point I feel like you guys are trying to make us stop playing. No one wants double drops. They want double fortify. This is getting ridiculous. DO BETTER
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  4. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    Alarm clock...this could be a solution...
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  5. E.K.75 New Player

    How about, I don’t know, some advanced notice like Mepps used to do?
    if those who are being given the job within community relations don’t want to do it, then give the task to someone who does.
    ”We have a reduced staff and are doing the best we can.” Again, give the job to someone who wants to do it, because right not the appearance is the employees either don’t want the job or are too lazy to do it in a timely manner.
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  6. August Moon Well-Known Player

    Gotta agree with this guy here , we can't swap our artifacts for 100% of the yield . Too many people are stuck with a playstyles they don't like (since you can't preface your artifacts) people are upset and annoyed . Not to mention the other people who have been keeping their nth metals stacked up since last year (when you last did bonus nth) please find a way to allow us to feed old artifacts into new ones for 100% of the yield so we we're not held hostage for a doubles week
  7. Emoney Dedicated Player

    Well, yall need to be more specific lol. For months people on here begging for double Nth week. The devs finally gave it to ya, and now yall say, we meant double fortify.

    This week should definitely help all those who are running out of storage for Nth metal lol.

    Maybe next week we will get double fortify, or, maybe 9 months from now, we shall see.
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  8. Oltron New Player

    Look at ANY OF My Post. I have said EVERYTIME. Double artifact xp fortify not double yield. No one cares about double yield and they know this. Double fortify xp is what we want and it’s no secret .DO BETTER DCUO
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  9. tehDarkNite Well-Known Player

    updates be like

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  10. AmónRa New Player

    I have been researching and looking into the weekly bonuses and have found that they now notify us after the US server have been reset.
    By them implementing the bonuses after the US reset it means the EU server gets about 6 or 7 hours less amount of time for bonuses.
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  11. Icon Active Player

  12. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    Kick in the face would be no bonus weeks at all. Bonus weeks were for lockdown covid. We haven't been in lockdown for a very long time the fact that we still get bonus weeks you should be grateful
    • Like x 3
  13. August Moon Well-Known Player

    How exactly does this help people who are running out of storage space due to nth metals? "This bonus does not grant any bonus xp when fortifying" this literally makes those people's problems worse ,because now they've got my nth metal to store
  14. August Moon Well-Known Player

    I'm sorry but, grateful for what exactly ? The bonus weeks are literally the only thing keeping a majority of the game constantly coming back and that's only due to FOMO. Without them people wouldn't be logging on until the next dlc. Most of the population are already maxed out on cr or close to it. People have ran out of things to do. And before you say "get your skill points up" people have are already way passed enough to max out their primary role , anything else is worthless. So again. I ask, what are we grateful for ?
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  15. Emoney Dedicated Player

    Yo, it was sarcasm, that's why I typed "lol" at the end of it.

    But honestly, since the Wolfpack, I don't see us getting the 2x fortify anymore. If people wanna save all that Nth for over a year and not progress artifacts, it's thier choice, but at this point I'd say they're only hurting themselves.
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  16. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    We are grateful for the game imagine being invested in a game that could shut down today or tomorrow. With how much cash flow dcuo makes and about to make even more in 2025 with james gun. you should be thankful to be invested in an mmo thats not gonna shutdown anytime soon. For game to be fully independent tells you that the game is making way more than you think it is dimensional Incorporated is fully independent from Daybreak and eg7. Meaning the game makes roughly 77mil a year just in memberships alone. 385k active memberships 77mil counting who buys a membership when a new ep drops 3.6mil as of 2023 each month
  17. August Moon Well-Known Player

    First , imma need your sources to back up these numbers, secondly, all this money made and they still had a layoffs ,the graphic update is non existent. and we still haven't heard crap about the new episode. The game is literally falling apart ,and dev to community communication is all but gone. So .....ill ask a second time. what are we proud of? Because all that you've listed sounds like a sunk cost fallacy to me.
  18. August Moon Well-Known Player

    It just sucks because if thats the case then theyre hurting people who dont make alts. There's people trying to get into the game but they're on a slow grind due to how ridiculously high the nth metal threshold is and how ridiculously low the yield is. Then they have to sit there and put their trust into other peoples input on an artifact they might not like, with no way of reversing their investment. Back then we had total and exceptional recovery kits to take care of this kind of issue. why they haven't invested in replacing them is beyond me
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  19. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    Eg7 shows the game makes roughly 3mil to 4mil a month go look at the graph. The layoffs came from eg7 the layoffs are because they are implementing AI into the gaming community. Eg7 has been hit hard they lied to their investors and community a lot of their investors pulled out. The layoffs are from eg7s poor choices to invest money into things that have no benefit. Investors are scared and they are jumping ship. Eg7's Last Resort to stay alive is to invest in AI so they laid off a lot of employees
  20. Emoney Dedicated Player

    Actually, from the very last EG7 report, not the one you referenced, that 3 to 4 million is their entire portfolio, and that's mostly from the smaller mobile games they're publishing. This game only makes about 8k a day for them. DCUO isn't as big of a cashcow as most here make it out to be, and with all the recent turmoil, I'd assume the figures are even less now.
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