Finally a nerf centre for the powers that be?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Sollace, Mar 2, 2024.

  1. Sollace Well-Known Player

    With new directors who seem to be announcing themselves for DCUO, although we are still in the blur of what is happening at Daybreak/D-INK, with the (or the new) director(s) could we finally think of a real nerf of the powers long dominant in DCUO?

    Mepps it was full not long ago that people did not buy the powers, well that was the reason why there is no new ability to study, but at the same time, if you always let the same power dominate, How do you want to motivate people to move on to other powers if you want to be a loser afterwards? From memory, the reputation of the biggest dps of the game goes to gadget ( and yes always, him...) munition and electric and it seems to me that Rage can be added to this list, the others are reputed as bad or less good. Not to mention another major problem that annoys a lot of players, the difference in the result of damage between player power(Might) and player precision which is still certain with generally several million or ten million gaps on the scoreboard.

    Will the new people in charge of DCUO finally be able to deal with this problem still existing in DCUO? although some like to make believe the opposite, but the scoreboard is there to say that this difference is still existing and still blatant!

    I still want to believe that DCUO is not abandoned and that this is understood for the new directors assigned to X game manager positions.

    Sincerely, a long time player! ;)
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  2. Tros Well-Known Player

    I think there will always be a stronger power and people dont like when the power they like is nerfed.

    Indeed i think its easier to nerf 1 than to boost all other 14 that exist.

    Probably people will just switch to the new meta after the power is nerfed.

    Actually a good think they did was to use allies to balance the power set, like they did to Nature with the Poison Ivy ally. I think they might use that to balance the weak powers and give them a boost.
  3. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    People never cease to shock me. Calling for nerfs when it seems understanding of the powers' strengths is missing.

    Electric, for example, is great aoe, not so much ST. So you want to nerf it because you don't understand it's supposed to be aoe strong.
    Rage, melee King, and it SHOULD be: risk vs reward. Rage range isn't as strong as any other power according to most. So you want to nerf it, because it's strengths don't fit your ideology?

    Stop with the Nerf gun stuff already. Artifacts and allies are how you got beat on the scorecard.
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  4. KidKretz Committed Player

    asking for nerfs in a game that is pve where we all work together is no different then asking for your ball back and threatening to go home.

    or simply crying over the fact that little jimmys father bought him a better toy than you got....just stop!

    if we are to be kind and considerate of others then we should be asking for buffs, but never nerfs.
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  5. Sollace Well-Known Player

    Ok so a gadget player with 80/120 artifacts who manages to beat another with 200 artifacts, it makes sense? because yes, that’s still what can happen, even if the other has the best possible bar on his weak power. Everyone knows that’s what happens with the gadget.
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  6. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    If they can balance supercharges and artifacts and some powers we can maybe get new powersets added. And we can start to have pvp again and people wouldn't be so bored with PVE using the same old to break content as fast as possible. Unfortunately the best approach here is to focus on balance with a new revamp. Because frankly this revamp has left an extremely bad taste in a lot of people's mouths not to mention it's old and time to go
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  7. Great Architect Loyal Player

    There are no OP Powers. There, I said it.

    There are always people that will put the time and effort (and often money) into mini-maxing damage to the Nth degree, and end up with a Loadout, Artifact set, Allies, swapping / clipping regime that are capable of pushing certain Powers to their overperforming limits.

    Add in player skill, and you can see some truly sublime numbers.

    That doesn't mean that the Power is OP. It means that once that magic formula has been established, it will be copied over and over again, so you see a LOT of it. It's a holistic thing, where the combination of multiple factors overdrives select aspects of particular Powers / Weapons, not a fundamental brokenness of the Power / Weapon. It also usually comes at a cost - insane Power consumption, high reliance on others to provide supporting structure, and overspecialisation is a huge risk if the environment changes. Look at the fallout from the EoG nerf to see a recent example.

    If you nerf a Power, you just make it weak for players that can't / don't / don't want to assemble the synergistic machine needed to pump out ridiculous numbers, and because that synergistic machine has many, many parts, you're not even addressing the "problem".
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  8. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Do you play to have fun, or just to see your name on some leaderboard that only shows up while you're in the instance, and no one outside of your group will ever see? If you're only able to have fun by being at the top of the scorecard, then you should switch to whatever powerset it is that you think needs to be nerfed because it's too OP and keeps beating you on the scorecard.

    Also, just because you have three arts at 200, doesn't mean you should automagically be able to out-DPS someone whose arts aren't maxed out if their artifact loadout is optimized for their loadout and play style, and yours isn't. If they've got a good loadout, and are using arts and allies that complement that loadout, and you're just using the loadout the game gave you, and your arts are something like Pied Piper's Flute, Omegahedron, and Lazarus Water (or whatever it's called) and your allies are Bruce Wayne in the active slot and Krypto and Batman/World's Greatest Detective in the passive slots, it doesn't matter that you've maxed them out and that other player hasn't.

    Also, how many SP do they have, and how have they invested them? How many SP do you have, and how have you invested them? If you have 300 SP, but you put most of them into Health, you're not going to beat someone who put their points into Might or Precision. Yes, these are all extreme examples, but the point I'm making is, it's not all about the level of your arts / allies. It's about whether you're using the best powerset for your play style (or whether you can adapt your play style to the powerset you want to use), whether you've optimized your loadout for your play style, whether you've specced your SP to best suit your play style (and to boost the appropriate attack stat), and whether you're using the arts and allies that best complement your loadout and play style. Are you using the highest level generator mods for your attack stat? Are you using equipment mods that best suit your loadout? Are they using Elite gear and Elite generator mods, but you're not?

    TL;DR: There's a lot that goes into determining how much damage you do. Just because you've maxed out your arts and allies, and they haven't, doesn't mean you should automatically do more damage. And just because they can out-DPS you doesn't necessarily mean their powerset is unbalanced or OP.
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  9. CrYsiS44 Well-Known Player

    Absolute bollocks! I’ve seen players using prec, and absolutely dominate the board with 80arts, 16augs, 3 level 5 allies, and just over 400sp.

    I see it time and time again with prec especially. They don’t even have to be that good a player to out dps a might player with max everything and high sp.
    The only thing in this game that should give you an advantage, is what it always was - sp. So should be the only thing that makes a player stronger. It’s meant to be the entire purpose of it.
    There 100% are more powerful powers! And they’re made this way so people will become jaded with their current power, and buy tokens to switch. There is no balance! There never has been.
    And whilst player competence has always been a factor in all powers. Without question - there are powers that are 100% without question, stronger. It’s not peoples lack of understanding of powers. It’s an imbalance that’s been left that way for monetary gain. If you think that people can’t work out that certain powers are better suited for AOE, or AOE/ST, or just ST, then you’re plain ignorant af! And tbh! You wrote it with such confidence too. Which came across as arrogant, and absolutely incorrect!
    Take ANY power, and use it as might, then use it as prec, with WM. And then post the results. See which hits harder. The entire game isn’t sprite/flurry/shureken/speedster/gadgets for no reason. Prec players rarely have max everything. Because they don’t have too. It’s not this way by accident.
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  10. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Using allies to balance a powerset is such a F- bad idea. Why do you have to grind for WEEKS to make your power good when others dont have too??
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  11. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Same could be said with having to grind for artifacts and hours of testing Might loadouts, just to be swepped away by some guy fresh off the brainiac ship with a YouTube Precision loadout lol
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  12. Red Wáve Well-Known Player

    Yes it makes sense. The player with 200s that gets beat by the 80s/120s suck at dps'ing.

    Before Wolfpacks, my Alts with 0-120s routinely beat bad players with 200s by upwards of 50%. Saying "beating by millions to tens of millions" doesn't mean much, when an Alert like CHMe has 400mil Boss health to go around. If the top gets 180mil, 2nd gets 160mil, last dps gets gets 50mil and Tank gets the last 10mil, then either the last dps sucks or the other 2 are playing with 2-3x10 Allies and 4-9x200 Arts.

    I keep hearing that "Prec is op" but I have yet to see any in-game proof. When I get "beat" on Red Inferná on ST (Krypto 5 /BWL 10 / Shazam 9, 200 Strat/Trans/Solar/Scrap, t3 Phoenix/Orbi/Supply/Trinket/Seasonal Henchmen or Dark Robins cr430, 780sp, Hearty in Chest and 2% Health from A and B Affinity cuz Tank) using AHV > Absorb Heat > Snuff Out > Repeat, RSK, Immolation, Fireball Barrage, it's either within 10% dmg or ppl exploiting Ebon or that 1 guy who has my deepest respect by being able to be Rage Prec, somehow play with 5 or 6 Arts without dropping damage and abuse Berserk being broken with Allies/Orbi/EoG without dying. Or it's in CTe when I forget to swap my Battle Tank to Hybrid AoE/ST for 1st boss and where I swap RSK for Lasso 2nd boss and swap Solar for 160 Lasso during adds. Even then it's by Prec due to Brawling and what I "lose" 2nd boss, I make up for lb.

    Other than swapping Scrap during Fireball Barrage (since I got it Wolfpacked last month) and abusing the hell out of Superspeed'ing during Absorb Heat to get in and out of melee for Fireball Barrage to get all hits, I don't feel like I'm doing anything special. But my damage has generally doubled within the last year. Not so much due to my Arts and Allies, but because I've started caring about my damage. Making sure not to swap Henchmen/Trinket before AHV goes BOOM, not "wasting" my SC without any of Supply/Shazam/BWL Bat Card (well, before getting Scrap anyways) and just getting better at either be doing mechs (including pickups) or dealing damage, minimizing my "wasted time" of doing nothing.

    And for the record, I don't impose on others that they should swap Arts/Trinkets. Speed Hacking is clearly cheating. I report them whenever they do it in my blind ques, I do not join groups with speed hackers, and I leave as soon as I realize that's intended for a Feat run or whatever, but I don't really care how other people gets their Feats. As I see it, it's on everyone themselves to decide how much swapping they want to both do themselves and play with people that does. I personally consider keeping full uptime on max Ebon stacks an exploit, if the LO/rotation includes a Finisher and I won't do it myself. But since it was somehow possible to program both Everyman and EoG to be dynamic effects, that dissapear on unequip, I don't mind running with people abusing the fact, that the Dev's was unable to program Ebon the same way.

    And I've never understood why people care so much about what others are doing. Perhaps it's my Danish culture. Maybe it's my autism. DCUO is a PvE game. Idgaf about what others do or say when I'm not there. If I find their behavior unacceptable, that's what the Ignore List is for.
  13. Dene Devoted Player

    Nah.. that is a myth, any power can be great with the right person behind it.. not everyone is suited to understanding each power etc

    Your example shows that ANYONE with ANY POWER with 80/120 artifacts, who understands and uses the power more effectively, will always beat a 200 artifact person.

    Even if they had everything the exact same (powers, artifacts and artifact levels, allies, gear etc etc) one will know it better/use it better and therefore perform better.. it is the nature of DCUO.. you can't nerf powers based on some being more skilled with it than others.
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  14. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Balance doesnt just have to be "All powers do the same damage"
    Balance should mean:
    Some powers best in AoE and group damage
    Some powers best in Single damage
    Some powers best for shielding
    Some powers best for healing over time
    and so much more

    Just because might Electricity does more damage to groups, doesnt mean its best at single damage also. Ice maybe better at single target.

    Balance shouldnt be "This power is the best at everything". It should be "this power excels more in CERTAIN content compared to others. That means content needs to be more diverse to facilitate other playstyles, That meaning some content will have add dense encounters, others will be single boss thats strong and mechanics based.

    If all powers were the same, it would just be like buying skins for a base power set. No one would buy powers so i understand why some are naturally stronger.
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  15. SingingCoyote Active Player

    You're just bad
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  16. BLK Well-Known Player

  17. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    All of this is fairly accurate however it's not supporting the point that you think it is. The widespread FALSE perception that precision DPS is stronger than might is due to the fact that precision builds that produce high damage results are much easier to make and execute. The hardest part is finger dexterity and practicing enough to get the muscle memory down. But Might requires a lot more. This is why an average prec dps's with mid arts/allies/sp/etc almost always outperform average might DPS's or even above average ones.

    But the sweatiest of the top sweaty might DPS's rarely lose to even the best precision DPS's. Trust me. I typically run with a lot of elitist, 10-art swappin, 820+sp having, don't run anything but E+, try-harder than the sweatiest of try-hard players and these days I rarely run cog when trolling because they're almost all might. And they rarely get out-DPS'd by precision. I'm gadgets prec with all 200 arts (some light swapping), maxed allies, 827sp and I'm almost never top DPS and sometimes get blown out of the water. Granted, I do Gadets prec a little different than the meta because my way is more for for me and I hate Superspeed. But it ain't THAT different.

    Now, maybe the way you judge power balance is by how they perform when just kinda jumping in, throwing together a half-decent loadout and smashing through reg. If so, by that standard, prec is far superior as it has a much higher floor. But if you judge power balance by their maximum potential damage output (ceiling), might is superior to prec with maybe the exception of the bottom 2-3 might powers. It's been a while since I've heard anyone who knows their s*** say differently.

    Yes, there powers that are better than others. but with the exception of the worst 2-3 powers, the worst-to-first differential isn't nearly as big as you and many others seem to think. I know some crazy head-scratchingly OP DPS's (a few in my league) that frequently cycle through powers and once they've spent enough time figuring out the the nuances of the power and getting their LO/rotation together they're back in E+ runs doing what they've always done. Just because few know the recipe, it doesn't mean the special sauce doesn't exist.
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  18. KidKretz Committed Player

    beat them WHERE???
  19. Sollace Well-Known Player

    I'm sure that those who say this isn't true don't go through much elite or ellite+ content to be able to say such a thing, show me quantums or atomics in dps in this type of content, we never see any and mainly in elite+, those we do see constantly will be part of the list I mentioned in the first post.

    In the league, the speeches that remind you that you should play this or that power are legion in order to hope that you'll be more effective as a DPS in this type of content and this is even more problematic when the group troll favours one category of player to the detriment of the other stigmatised...

    This is the sad reality that a number of players have been enduring for many years in DCUO, and it's high time we changed it!
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  20. Proxystar #Perception

    The issue isn't precision, anyone who thinks it is, doesn't actually understand the problem.

    The issue is that not all powers are equal and there is a reason you see almost all precision players using electric and gadgets, it's because those powers are broken not because precision is broken.

    Until the developers pluck up the courage to actually front up and tackle the problems with those powers, even if some people cry about it, these problems will remain.

    Nature might can now also join the club of broken **** in this game that needs fixing, thanks to the broken ebon and DKS artifact(s) and poison ivy.

    I have zero confidence the developers care about the issue though because gadgets precision has been a problem since revamp.

    I think at this point, for some absurd reason the developers are protecting that power for some reason.
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