Trouble deciding on Munitions or Pet Sorcery. x_x

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Renryuu, Jan 31, 2024.

  1. Renryuu Level 30

    Hello, so I play on Switch and have been flip flopping between being a Munitions or Sorcery as a main. I don't really have the time to invest in trying to make both at a decent place since I'm mostly a f2p player. I want to try and go for a power that I won't have to worry about being a hinderance to groups as a whole, but at the same time I'm wanting to have fun.

    Munitions, I picked up after a month of doing paid surveys (don't have a source of income due to working on getting disability) and went Munitions since that seemed the most fun at the time and I had the idea of making a FPS hero type character (e.g. Doom Guy, Duke Nukem, etc.) and had a fun time with it, and still enjoy it a bit. With the free CR skip I went with Sorcery, because I had the idea of trying to mimic my Summoner from Final Fantasy 14 and have a pet focused hero and enjoy it equally and actually like it a bit more since I usually always play as a mage type character in rpgs and mmos.

    I've tried to look up about best powers and pet dps and what not and as far as I could tell, people have mixed feelings on pet dps with it being bad being the slightly more favored opinion it seems as well as Munitions being a top tier power and Socery being a bottom tier power. While I would be setting myself back since I would have to regather allies and such, I do like my Socery character more, but at the same time, I don't want to be a hinderance so if Pet Sorcery really is trash, I'd rather know sooner than later so that I don't waste time investing into it, only to end up finding out I should have just kept on being Munitions and putting focus on it.

    What would y'all suggest as far as going with either Munitions or Pet Sorcery as a damage dealer? Keep in mind I do play on Switch and that version does have lag on everything, with the lag getting worse the more people in an area. I would appreciate the advice of more long time and more experienced players.
  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    You really shouldn’t chase the “best powers” you should instead go for what you like more aesthetically. Metas change all the time. So you can’t guarantee that what is good today will always be good. Personally I do not like munitions aesthetically and sorcery happens to be one of my favorite powers. But this is subjective.

    If you like both aesthetically (from how you described narrowing down to these 2 powers), I would then look at the support roles. Munitions is a troll and sorcery is a healer. Do you have a preference on which role you’d like to play down the line? Personally I say sorcery. But again, this is subjective due to me liking sorcery more.
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  3. Renryuu Level 30

    Well when I used to play WoW, I was always a Warlock or a Priest healer. In Final Fantasy 14, I mostly played as a Summoner and a healer of some kind, eventually landing on Sage when it was released up until I was no longer able to pay for a sub (as well as my PC breaking and unable to fix it). So basically I always play as a mage or healer of some kind in games when able. While I do like the styles of both, Sorcery has always been my preferred power, but in the past I would always avoid it because it was usually regarded as the weakest power and even if I'm only a casual player, I just don't want to hold groups back. I do really like the Pet Sorcery though, digging having a personal army of pets.
  4. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Pet builds do in general have innate weakness in the playstyle simply because buffing pets isn’t as easy as buffing players. There are multiple ways to playing as sorcery these days so it really does comes down to personal preference.

    If you do decide to go with sorcery I can help you out with a few builds if you’d like
  5. Renryuu Level 30

    Is there a better way to play Sorcery than pet? I tried looking up guides on Sorcery, but most of them ended up just being pet builds or prec and I prefer might. I'm still relatively early I guess since all my arts are only 99 at the moment, so I guess I could grind to replace them if needed. Currently I've got Source Shard, Grim, and Quislet.
  6. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I’ll DM you in a bit. But yes, you can definitely play sorc as might. Remember that it’s better to go with the playstyle you like instead of trying to force a playstyle that doesn’t fit you