Downtime Server Downtime - January 31, 2024 - GU140

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 30, 2024.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    All worlds will be taken offline at 6AM PT on January 31, 2024, to launch game update 140 and to merge Switch US and Switch EU servers. Downtime may last up to 10 hours.

    GU140 prepares the game for the Valentine's Day event. The Switch merge will allow all Switch players to play together on the same server.

    The full update notes will be posted in the Live Update Notes subforum when available.

    Switch Merge FAQ

    What happens to conflicting character or league names?
    US and EU Switch worlds have shared names since launch, so conflicts should not exist except in a few exceptional circumstances. In these rare circumstances, the most recently active name will persist while the other will be granted a rename token.

    Where will the server be located geographically?
    The combined Switch world will be located in the US. This may result in a minor increase in lag for distant players.


    Update: All worlds are online. We are investigating reported Xbox crashes.
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  2. MchaelAceHunter Well-Known Player

    How on earth is this gonna help the lag situation? It's so laggy as it is on Switch EU. Yes more ppl that's great. But some feats rvreally hard to do due to lag ruining it. Can't even jump over wonder woman's pulses cause half the time, one or couple of us don't see it til too late

    Gentleman ghost on switch EU is awful as it is, him and Dakota bosses are the worst in open world. Plus the fact when our league on switch EU, does a boss tour ever Sunday. Pretty much in 4 worlds, we wend up crashing and booted off the game. Thanagar, chaos Gotham, bop as of late. Atlantis has been a huge problem as well in open world as soon as a group goes in the tp for Atlantis boom many of us booted off game.

    Plus as a suggestion for future episodes. Can u bring solo bounties back like in riddled with crime? That may help the lag instead of doing big open world bosses. Just make them challenging enough for one or if needed a bit quicker can ask for help
  3. Trollstoned New Player

    This means the merge for USPC/PS and EUPC/PS is inevitable in the not so distant future. Since EU is seeing a significant decline in players and activity.
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  4. AInitiative New Player

    Please do the same thing with US Servers PC/Playstation and EU Servers PC/Playstation that would be amazing and the best upgrade ever. And also please let us to create an account to save our character and play with him on PC or Playstation 4 and Playstation 5. Thank you.
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  5. TheMikeB Active Player

    Not true at all and probably a bad idea from a character name standpoint, especially with a recent name reclaim. Players just switched names and a merge would potentially take that name away already.
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  6. Aiden_Warren Well-Known Player

    I'll be seeing you in legends pvp soon. I'm rusty but going against you is suicide lol. But I've no fear like the trash talkers fakes lol.
  7. Cypharr Committed Player

    With this update I'm going to try and recover my lost US account that disappeared during the transfer of ownership from SEO to Daybreak. It's just a matter of time before EUPS/PC and USPS/PC or merged together. Whoop! Whoop!

    In anticipation of the future USPS/PC please don't bring your economy's mentality with you let that dissipate when the merger inevitably occurs. Thank you & Godspeed.
  8. PrinceD Active Player

    An idea that I think could work if possible would be to keep the names, but create a system that shows who is from the EU and who is from the US, like when we are playing on the PS we can see who is from the PC or like when we are playing in a hero character when a villain writes in Chat we can distinguish that he is a villain, following this same idea, I think that this way there would be no problem with people losing their names, but I don't know if it would be possible, but it really is quite problematic since we had a reclaim recently , that's why I presented this idea so that no one would be harmed.
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  9. Snowy OwI Loyal Player

    Please DON'T merge uspc/usps with Eu...:rolleyes:
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  10. CrYsiS44 Well-Known Player

    EU/US server only benefits those in the U.S. those playing in Europe, MANY will suffer massively from lag. I’ve tried 3 times to make a U.S. account over the course of 10 years. On ps3/4 and 5 all have pretty bad lag (even ps5) that’s with a wired connection, 523gbps down/52 up, 27ping.
    if they can sort the distance issues - absolutely! But… until then… I’d much rather play an underpopulated EU, than a lagged out U.S. (which wouldn’t be playable anyway)

    Even as is now - the EU in certain areas is absolutely disgraceful for screen stuttering, and the more ppl, the worse it gets. (Not just during weeklies) flashpoint doomsday fight is really bad, Dakota, cursed Gotham gorgon and ghost (especially ghost) many of the EU players would no longer be able to play competitively. But tbh… this company wouldn’t care! They’d see them as casualties.

    Instead of merging - they should be looking into promoting. To get numbers back to the EU. Looking at the gap between new and very end game players, how to address feats, what retaines players, engaging more with the community (in-game) asking for possible idea’s (in-game) what’s wrong (in-game) toxic behaviour & cheating (in-game) dealt with there and then. The game needs a return of mods or devs who play the game.

    As it stands: the EU is now mostly alts and mains. The same few hundred ppl who consistently make new toons out of sheer boredom. New players come, but never stay long (it’s always been like this) D.I. need to start promoting this game, AND putting its profits back into THIS game, and not others. I don’t pay into this game to fund others. I’m paying to help keep THIS game alive, and towards the maintenance and whatever else for THIS game.

    Were this game to merge, I’d most likely stop playing if it was even slightly laggy. Not a single chance would I accept less quality over quantity.
  11. WelcomeToDarkness New Player

    I am right there with you on that . I am in the US but i do play on the EU servers . To much bs on the US servers . If or when you devs decide to merge USPC and EUPC I may just stop playing and take my money else where .
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  12. Ron64 New Player

    Außerdem sage ich, dass es ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung ist

    1. Ich habe mich auf dem US-Server vor ca. Einem Monat einen Account erstellt und muss sagen, dass die Spielqualität nicht schlechter, sondern eher besser ist, von langsamer keine Spur
    2. Der EU-Server liegt sowieso im Sterben, weil einfach zu wenig Leute spielen, wird aber wahrscheinlich auch an der mangelnden Werbung liegen

    Ausserdem finde ich es sehr schlau, die Zusammenlegung mit dem Schalter zu beginnen, auch aus der Überlegung, weil die wenigsten Spieler sind und wenns nicht gleich fehlerlos klappt, was sehr wahrscheinlich ist, trifft es zumindest nicht gleich die breite Masse ;)und es ist eine Super Gelegenheit aus dem Fehlern zu lernen

    Eine Zusammenstellung des Servers wäre auf alle Fälle ein Gewinn für alle

    wünsch euch viel glück dabei und hoffe das selbe gibt es auch bald für PC

    und wenn das schon nicht klappt, sollte man den spielern vielleicht die möglichkeit geben ihre toons von dem eu server der quasi eine leichehalle ist einfach auf den us server zu schieben
  13. Vvolcanic Rage New Player

    only merge im honestly interested in is the merging of the replay currency which will allow us to replay stuff on diff platforms (PC PSN etc)
    a merge with the same restrictions doesnt count as a merge
  14. glimmer New Player

    "Where will the server be located geographically?
    The combined Switch world will be located in the US. This may result in a minor increase in lag for distant players."

    - as much LAG as it is, distant players will HAVE more, more lag, specially during RAIDS and populated areas (like WT center ) areas that people gather. hoping the FUN will not decline!.
  15. Ron64 New Player

    hahaha das meinst du aber nicht wirklich ernst, oder? ;)
  16. BlackGryphon Well-Known Player

    Yet another transparent attempt to cut costs; this time at the expense of performance.
    I guess that the "creative staff" have run out of ideas to fleece players with marketplace items... for now.
  17. Elpower Active Player

    Since they merge the servers, why not enable the groups of both factions?
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  18. Snowy OwI Loyal Player

    Translation please.
  19. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

    He said… “ But you're not really serious, are you?”
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  20. Norldis New Player

    Im from Moskow, im play on US server, im play on US and 10 years old, on EU im have lags, on US havnt lags.
    In Europe old internet lines, its dont upgade 15-20 years, "mammoth **** is younger")))
    The only thing I'm afraid of is that they will forcibly connect me to EU server(physically) and here there will be lags.
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