Winter Sale & Wolfpack Artifact Tokens!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Dec 21, 2023.

  1. Cypharr Committed Player

    Evidently, FYI the game being 13 years old made it to have aged with grace making it irrelevant to argument. Think fine wine when you talk about DCUO or 13 years old Single Malt Scotch Whisky kapish! Since when did age become a deterrent to intangible non perishable goods. I like to see you say that WoW fans. DCUO is quickly approaching a legendary IP .
  2. Emoney Dedicated Player

    For me, I've always paid month to month so that I have the power of my wallet to vote. If I bought 3, 6 or 12 months at a matter what the devs do in that time period, they already have my money so I'm just SoL. Yes, it costed more that way, but there were plenty of changes throughout the history where I decided not to resub so it shows up on thier side as a subscription lost.

    I too would concede to a Fate token approach, or really any ingame grind as an equivalent to get these Wolfpack tokens. Since afterall, the artifact system is setup as a duo pathway between grinding with time, or spending money with no time. And if I put in the effort or money to get 3 or more 200 artifacts, I feel like some kind of bone could be thrown my way to help my alts. Especially since enhancing my alts would mean more playtime and higher chance I would buy stuff for them as I play.
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  3. Cypharr Committed Player

  4. Emoney Dedicated Player

    After talking to some other players I've heard another issue brought up....

    What do players make alts for?!? For me, I have a character for every powerset. Instead of switching my mains power, I decided to just make a new character for each power, that way I have a variety of playstyles and choose a different character whenever I'm in the mood for something different. Here's the thing though, my main is dual role, DPS and Tank, and one of my alts are dual role, DPS and Healer. But I've noticed most people make on average 3 alts for different roles. And in that scenario, these Wolfpacks don't really help. Since a Tank isn't using the same arts as a DPS, a Healer isn't using the same arts as a Tank etc. Sure some artifacts can be used for different roles, but it's not ideal, or meta. And if someone is going to spend $100, you'd want the best for your characters.

    Back to my situation, like I said, two characters are specced for support, but the other16 aren't. I'm not sure how many people are like me and have 16 different DPSs. And, in that scenario, Quislet, Strat card and Trans card could be used beneficially as wolfpacks....but at the same time, all my alts get by just fine with 80 to 120 arts like I mentioned before. This all goes back to my initial value analysis. My main is where I invested my time, it's also the character I'm most likely going to run elite plus. My alts are essentially there for variety, and farming stuff for my main. Sometimes I run elite on them, and a few times elite plus, but having 200 artifacts aren't going to really change how I play them, nor do I see it as a must buy, since I'm already running content just fine. Am I number one on the scorecard with all of them, not often. But youd be surprised how good I can do with 80 artifacts, and pull my weight in content. It's because of this perspective I don't see a $100 value. And for the people I've recently spoken to, having different support roles and artifacts needed, really kind of makes that value even less.
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  5. Cypharr Committed Player


    @Mepps some people think you are dumb. They say they are fine with rank 80 artifacts on alts and then want free rank 200 artifacts LMFAO. Stick with your rank 80 artifacts. Your main already has rank 200 artifacts what do you need a Wolfpack Token for, you mostly play your main with rank 200 artifacts. When you feel cheeky and want a rank 200 artifact on any alt take the time the 1+ years it'll take to level up an artifact to 200 on only one alt or spend $200 per artifact per character. So much comedy here. Watch out brick wall dead ahead.
  6. Emoney Dedicated Player

    Lol, why do you keep calling out Mepps like this isn't a weekend or holiday week?!? On top of that, don't put words in people's mouth, you're the only one here typing stuff to, and about Mepps. It comes across super weird and, egotistical as usual with you.

    And to your reading comprehension one asked for anything free. I've repeatedly said the price is too high, as have others. I also spoke of making a grind alternative, which isn't free either it takes time and encourages membership. There are many options and possibilities here.

    Also, it doesn't take over a year to get a 200 artifact playing the game. If you think that, no wonder you are eager to throw money at the system. Maybe you should actually play the game instead of looking for every opportunity to just pay your way to the top.
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  7. Miranda31 Well-Known Player

    This is a good argument. Most of my alts started out as DPS and I then moved them into their support role, and some still have DPS up their sleeve for certain purposes. But in those cases they would usually not require 200 artifacts. Maybe 160 at most. I have just switched my No 2 to a more meta build and only raised Trans and Strat to 80 in the hopes of a double XP week - which is now unknown as to whether/when it will be. So I would be looking at raising 2 artifacts from 80 to 160 . Whether I can then regard disposal of the old rank 80 arts as another benefit, perhaps plowing them into my Lernea's (because I want that sucker at 200, but I'm not going to run it on anyone else), is another question that I don't know the answer to yet because of the 50% "tax" if I do it now.

    But I can see with your toons you might not see a niche for it - and that's perfectly OK!

    Obsidian Chill's cost model is pretty easy to use - I've been looking at adapting it for doing cost benefit analysis of some more marginal changes. It's OK if I get a 200 artifact when I only intended to go to 160, but the relative cost calculations need to be done on the intended scenario.
  8. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    I dont think its under priced at all. The team probably looked at the sales figures relating to artifacts and decided that $100 / $90 dollars was a sweet spot to them and rolled with it. If I had a few of the "meta" artifacts at 200, I would think long and hard on buying them at $90 bucks a pop. A fair deal, imo... but its not something im dying to have right now. Im content on may of my arts at 160. Im bring more arts on other toons to 160. I'll then knick knack about bring some of the better arts to 200 over time.

    I probably would more inclined to wait it out, get what srts I want to 200, if I even care to do so... then I'll simply wait fora sale on them, whenever that may be.

    Some are saying "if it was $40 bucks - $50 bucks i'll buy them" They need to simply put some skill points in the patience and wait for a sale on them.

    I see it like this. Pay $200+ to get an artifact up to 200. This would be like going to a nice steak house and getting a hell of a ribeye steak, or prime rib, all the fixins and some red wine. Then paying a $100 bucks for the all you can eat steak at some buffet, meaning all you can make of the same artifact to feed all your toons made or two be made in the future.
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  9. Furious Vee Well-Known Player

    I'm more inclined to say DCUO has aged like milk rather than fine wine. On top of the game being outdated, there's still year old bugs yet to be fixed, constant microtransactions, lackluster content, etc. At this point, the future of this game is uncertain. In it's current state, this game is not in the position to be asking for $100 for one item.
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  10. hotsizz1e03 Committed Player

    YES the marketing is GENIUS.. Lets spend $90 on wolfpack token for ALTS while there is still lack of CONTENT.. But I digress. lol

    Devs please crowdfund for more CONTENT I BEG YOU.. MORE CONTENT means DCUO is ALIVE.. LESS CONTENT means DCUO IS DEAD. More raids and alerts!!! Episode Releases are too slow and lacking action packed content to justify $90 wolfpack token for alts.. Why would we invest in alts when there isn't any content coming out for our MAIN in a LOOOONG WHILE??? It doesn't make sense..

    Im not even asking for more episodes per year.. Im asking for more action pack content to be stuff into an EPISODE with a 3-4 episode release per year.. Thats what i signed up.. BOUNTY circuit is a GREAT improvement to content. But we do need 2-3 more raids and maybe 1-2 more alerts and duo to keep the GAP between EPISODES interesting..

    LASTLY, Please stop counting 10 year seasonal as NEXT MONTHLY "CONTENT".. on the calendar.. Youre just FLUFFING the content chart.. Seasonal's are NOT something thats going to make ppl hop online and play but the rewards can be nice at times..
  11. Cypharr Committed Player

  12. NeaKarlsson New Player

    youre trying to make the game more "alt" friendly but youre going about it the wrong way. other MMOs encourage multiple characters/classes with ease and seek to earn revenue in other ways which are more of a players choice to spend or not. for example, other games sell cosmetics, houses/bases, styles, and other things that dont affect running content.

    most games let character progress be shared because its in the interest of making a better experience for the players. the amount of money required to unlock skill points and styles in DCUO is honestly atrocious and i WILL boldly say the system is designed with 100% pure greed in mind with no consideration for player experience.

    the entire idea of allies and artifacts has been awesome but the time and/or financial investment need to allow player to run most content(now, post stat clam) without extreme struggle to the point of frustration is just poor marketing plain and simple. the idea that this game is the only super hero MMO as well as having the DC Comics endorsement has allow you to add these things to a game with an established following as well as pop culture interest to let it grow is the only thing that drives players to spend money and continue to play.

    I get that DB doesnt care as long as they make money and some will always side with the devs and some will voice their distain. whichever side you fall on its the same idea as a drug dealer selling narcotics with no regards to the effect on the consumer, a restaurant who serves food knowing it will make people sick, or a doctor who orders a procedure knowing its wrong to secure a sales/insurance bonus/quota.
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  13. Miranda31 Well-Known Player

    I just ran the numbers for the member cost of buying everything for ranking up an artifact from 80 to 160. It came to a smidge under 10,000 DBC. As I would normally cover at least part of the requirements in catalysts and Nth metal by grinding and accumulating source marks, I'm left thinking I wouldn't want to acquire a Wolfpack if I had fewer than 3 of a given artifact in play on alts I wanted to do more with than farm seasonals and new episode open zones, and do casual runs with friends. This assumes I already have a 200 artifact ready to exchange.

    I guess there's an opportunity cost there for not buying the token. If you already had the Nth you could do something else with it, as well as feed your superceded arts into something else. Buy quarks instead of seals with the Destiny tokens perhaps.

    But there's a half-price sale on catalysts right now...
  14. Cypharr Committed Player

    Well said. Spoken like a true champion. If you don't mind please enlighten other to take up your cause. Tell them they don't have to buy the Wolfpack Token the can proceed as per ushe. Thank you
  15. Ghostknight Well-Known Player

  16. Cypharr Committed Player

    This was so boring to watch, can someone be so bitter? Not even a liquor of information just rant after rant "skeet skeet bang bang" ffs the utter nonsense I just wasted 11 minutes of my life on. Was it supposed to be a comedy cos I wasn't laughing. Calling people out disregarding there privacy the list goes on. Is that even legal? Maybe some persons he talked about can report the video on YouTube. Why is he so opinionated on topics that the fact says it all. Is this the kind of YouTuber you get you information from? This tells me everything thing I need to know about the kind of person you likely are. I would say this YouTuber should take a page from Obsy, Multiverse or Woolie but having seen this it will be a disgrace for them to associate with a person like this. OMG I can't.
  17. Royal Knight Kiryu Well-Known Player

    Can I do this for ALL my artifacts or is there a limit, because when I go to my dispensary it says one out of four. I’ve already done one for the transformation, but I’d like to do it for the strategist, rao, Lazarus, pit, orb of Orion, and a page of destiny.
  18. Miranda31 Well-Known Player

    Yeah, I gave up at 8 minutes. I watched the channel for a while, about a year ago, but the repetition and unrelenting negativity was too much.
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  19. Miranda31 Well-Known Player

    I don't know. I haven't tried yet (still working through the pros and cons for my set-up), but it's supposed to be an "all characters on your account" deal. You could try watching Obsidian Chill's video about the Wolfpack on YouTube, the section showing the dispenser is from 8:30 in. If your dispenser looks different, take a screenshot and contact support.
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  20. Emoney Dedicated Player

    Hmmm, I wonder why you didn't like it, LOL.

    I thought it was freakin hilarious...

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