What would be your ideas for 3 new powers (heal, troll, tank) ?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Sollace, Dec 27, 2023.

  1. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Yeah me personally I’d rather they leave the lantern stuff as is.

    If we ever got new powers I’d rather it be other things.
  2. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Yeah I think those who use the lantern rings are just honorary lanterns in the same way Alan Scott is or was. They don’t even have rings supposedly we just are granted with the powers through exobytes and for whatever reason a glowing bit on our finger where a ring would be.
  3. Sollace Well-Known Player

    If James Gunn brings Blackest Night into the new DCU (according to rumours and innuendo he's left) we might finally get the heal lantern everyone's been waiting for. :p

    Personally, I can't wait to start a heal! :p
  4. Korlick Loyal Player


    Well...people always saying healing has become too easy...too boring...
    That would spice thing up a bit.
  5. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Tank: Cosmic (Cosmic effects that match the materials and astral pets)

    Troll: Void (Big nothingness - just what professional art-swappers feel like when they play the role)

    Heal: Serums (Perfect to use as buffs for dps and healing effects for support)
  6. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    Well, those are my top wants in each role, but I've always had other ideas for power sets.

    Tank - Comic Relief/Gags/Toon Force
    Troll - Ninja (if we still had the old power trees from pre Stats Revamp, this would be divided into ninjutsu & ninja tools and arts)
    Heal - Spirit/Exorcism (power focused on using blue flames and summoning spirits)

    Tank - Necromancy (necrotic flames, necrotic ooze, bone summoning)
    Troll - Light (actual light, not hard light. Could even throw in some rainbow moves)
    Heal - Alchemy

    Tank - Astral Magic
    Troll - Wind
    Heal - Strings

    Tank - Shadow
    Troll - Magnetism
    Heal - Eldritch Magic

    Tank - Kryptonian
    Troll - Brainiac Technology
    Heal - Blue/Indigo Lantern
  7. Multiverse Creator League

    Tank- Kryptonian
    It has been highly requested.
    Yes we can technically recreate Kryptonian powers with Iconics and Earth powers.....
    but pretty sure an official Kryptonian power would be very popular.
    Lots of people want to make a Superman character.
    Heck look at how much people are asking and asking for a Superman emblem.
    And with the Superman emblem almost gone..... be prepared for people to start asking and asking and asking.... again. ;)

    Healer- Blue Lantern ( or White Lantern)
    Blue Lantern has been highly highly requested.
    Yes we can use Water or Quantum to fake out the Blue Lantern power.... but an official Blue Lantern power would be nice.
    Although I would prefer White Lantern power. ;)
    But a Healer Lantern power would be nice for the Lantern Leagues out there. ;)

    Troll- Magnetic
    We can sort of fake out Magnetic powers with the TK part of Mental...
    But and official Magnetic power would be nice. ;)
  8. Stardazer Committed Player

    I think Blue Lanterns for healer doesn't really work though. I'm thinking mostly from the villain side of things. Star Sapphire/Violet Lanterns would make more sense for healers since both heroes and villains can be deputized as lanterns. They were considered 'evil' originally and still kinda do their own thing. Also, I feel like it just makes sense thematically too, they are about love. Healing = love. Lol.
  9. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Controller: Air. Would round out the elements (we've already got Earth, Fire, and Water with two Tanks and a Healer). Air would be great for juggling, dazing, and debuffing.

    Healer: Violet Light. This one should be a no-brainer -- the healing power of love. Would also have group shields, because when you love someone, you want to protect them. Works for both heroes and villains, because Star Sapphire has been both. Also, rounds out the Hard Light support roles.

    Tank: Shadow. Nothing more aggravating than trying to hit an enemy you can't see. Would focus on evasion (i.e. lower chance for enemies to hit) and damage / crit chance reduction (being harder to hit means harder to get hit with crits).
  10. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    Oh no no no no. Love should be a tank, for it gets the attraction of the enemies and is used to protect those you love. Besides that, those Zamaron crystal are not soft. I refuse to be a Star Sapphire and be relegated to healing. Girls are not healers, let that trope die!

    And I know there are valid arguments for both roles, but my main is a Star Sapphire and I HATE the "girls are healers" trope, so I would never change into one.
  11. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    But we already have a lantern tank. And anyway, since Word of God says our toons aren't really, truly members of their respective corps, there's no reason we can't have male Star Sapphires. :p
  12. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    Tank: Elastic man powers, where you stretch your body or limbs out to pull adds and make your hands into giant hammers for damage

    Heal: Blue lantern powers that heal and do damage

    Troll: Wind powers, where you create tornados to control adds and do damage
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  13. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    Pretty sure John Stewart was once part of the Star Sapphires corps. I'd have no problem with it having more males, as long as they are required to wear skimpy suits.

    This is a me problem with unwillingness to change my main's style, backstory and role. And I don't like healing.

    And I never had a problem with "but that lantern corp is already [role]". If I was a billionaire and bought WB and Daybreak, I'd order Orange Lantern to be made asa troll powerset, Ultraviolet as troll, Violet as tank, Blue and Indigo as healers. Not really well distributed among the different roles... Someone could even argue we actually need 1 more lantern tank and 2 more lantern healers to be evenly balanced because of Green and Yellow being trolls (but still part of only 1 powerset).
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  14. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    I have no problem with this requirement. ;)

    Violet should also be a good DPS. After all, like the song says, "Love hurts, love scars / Love wounds and mars / Any heart not tough / Or strong enough."

    We'll just have to agree to disagree. I see love as being more about helping and protecting others, while tanking is more about being self-sufficient enough to protect yourself from getting hurt.
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  15. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    I always personally saw tanking as having the duty to protect others from harm. So much that sometimes, in my early days with the role, if someone died I would be blaming myself for failing to protect them or not being good enough before being reassured from someone else that it was heal's fault or just plain stupidity or RNG's cruelty.
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  16. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Oh, I didn't mean to imply that tanking is selfish. But tanks protect the party by buffing themselves and drawing attention to themselves. Healers protect the party by buffing others.

    But I agree with you about tanking. The only time I don't feel responsible for a teammate going down when I tank is when I can see them doing something stupid that was the direct cause of them going down -- which is usually a DPSgetting between me and the enemy because they have to top the scorecard. Or like the time I was tanking and the DPS kept spamming Lasso.
  17. Ascended Well-Known Player

    I don't think we're getting new powers, haven't the devs said they're not worth the time and effort of creating them?

    Years back I had been looking forward to Serums, inspired by Bane and Hourman. But the game leads decided it was too 'pro drugs' a stance and I doubt they've changed their minds on that.

    But if we did get some new powers? Ideally I'd like to get stuff that feels very DC specific, like the Lantern powers. People who throw fire or manipulate earth are a dime a dozen across every superhero universe but DC has stuff that you don't find anywhere else, and I'd like to see the powers lean into that. Unfortunately, a lot of that stuff would be pretty limiting, or not different enough for what we can already do. Like, I'd love to get a "Speed Force" power, but would it be different enough from what we can build now to justify it? Probably not. So with that in mind....

    Tank: Size. Inspired by heroes like Atom and villains like Giganta. I've heard that the devs can't really do much in the way of physical/stretchy powers; too hard to code around different styles and colors and materials and auras and accessories, etc. Just making someone bigger/smaller probably isn't as problematic as something like Plastic Man stretching, but who knows how they hang stuff on character frames? And a growing toon would still need to be able to fit inside whatever the smallest space in DCUO is, which might be pretty limiting. Plus there'd be issues with a big giant dude blocking your line of sight. But if the devs could pull it off I think this could be a really fun power with a lot of variety and options. Might be the power I most want to see.

    Heals: Source. Inspired by New Gods like Highfather (hero) and Darkseid (villain). I'm surprised this hasn't happened already. You have awesome, classic powers here like Darkseid's Omega Beams, Boom Tube teleporting, healing via Mother Boxes, etc. We have a ton of New God assets and characters and styles in-game....if DCUO does ever make new powers I'd be real happy if this was what they did, since it seems far more plausible than Size control but still has that "DC specific" flavor.

    Control: Shapeshift. Inspired by heroes like Metamorpho and villains like....Shimmer, I guess maybe? So, I figure stretching powers are a non-starter because the game engine probably can't jank the character frames around like that, but the way Metamorpho does things, that must be possible. We have powers that fire a beam of *whatever* from your hand and this would be the same kind of thing, at least from an animation standpoint. Instead of a semi-transparent beam of fire (or whatever) it'd be a opaque pile of elemental mush, but functionally the same thing from a coding perspective. Tons of fun options with a Metamorpho style powerset, from gas clouds that debuff your foes to turning your hand into diamond hammer and smacking someone in the face.

    But y'know, if full-blown powersets aren't an option.....why not a limited version? Something with only a single loadout's worth of abilities, like the Legends PvP avatars? Seems like the easiest way to introduce such a thing would be through artifacts or trinkets that overwrite your loadout when you equip them, but if the devs wanted to put some extra effort in they could update the Iconic Powers menu and expand it. That'd give us those proper Kryptonian/Amazon/whoever iconic powers without needing a whole powerset to do it. I wouldn't even argue with this being something on the Marketplace, depending on the price tag.

    I suppose another option would be to take the movement mode powers and update/expand them, and make them into full, proper powersets able to carry their weight in endgame content. That'd give us versions of Air Control, Speed Force, and whatever you wanna call the Acrobatic stuff....Ninjutsu? It'd be easier on the devs, since they'd just be building on established assets, and give players a chance to try the new stuff without having to roll a new toon or buy a power respec. The problem here is how you'd square that with combat roles, so these would probably have to be dps only abilities.