Winter Sale & Wolfpack Artifact Tokens!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Dec 21, 2023.

  1. PftTisBetter New Player

    Do you have to buy the token for each artifact so like 3 tokens for 3 200 arts and do you have to buy it on each toon you want to share those on?
  2. PftTisBetter New Player

    yeah until you think that you have to spend that 85 bucks per artifact per toon. so youre talking $255 per toon that wants to use those arts. I mean thats WAYYYYYYYYY too much.
  3. Canadian Justice Committed Player

    Each individual artifact requires a separate Wolf Pack Token to unlock the account bound claim. There is no cost for claiming the unlocked artifact on alts.

    Example: You have a rank 200 Solar Amplifier on your main and see the benefit to having it on all your characters. You buy a Wolf Pack Token on the marketplace and use it to get the Wolf Pack version of the Solar Amplifier from the vendor. You then combine the rank 200 Solar Amp with the rank 0 Wolf Pack Solar Amp to get a rank 200 Wolf Pack Solar Amp. Now, you can log on your various alts and claim a rank 200 Wolf Pack Solar Amp from the vendor at no cost.
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  4. Ryll Committed Player


    I know a few people with 2 or more jobs with no disposable income. I also know people with no job and a significant amount of disposable income. That's why I didn't mention employment status. Another example would be the player who commented on exchange rates and wages in other countries like Brazil.

    You also have 0 say in who decides to play a game and however long they want to play for. Glad to hear you are expressing your discrimination based purely on not being able to see more scenarios than " you shouldn't play a game if you don't have money or a job."

    Such a narrow minded point of view!
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  5. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    9,000...but yeah. That's steep. I wouldn't expect it to be cheap like $10 or something but that's kinda crazy especially considering there's still the hassle of remembering to drop it in your shared bank when switching toons.
  6. Multiverse Creator League

    No need to share it.

    You can redeem it on every characters on your account.
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  7. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Well that's better but still. I feel like $50 would be a more reasonable price point. Then again, I've never paid more than $20 at any given time towards artifacts (and even that is rare). Maybe it seems more reasonable to those out there who actually drop $200+ or whatever it is for a 200 artifact from scratch.
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  8. Hraesvelg Always Right

    You keep complaining about a luxury convenience item in a video game. To the best of my recollection, I've never forked over any additional money for an artifact outside of the monthly stipend of marketplace cash I have from a sub. There's nothing stopping me from continuing that and building up artifacts on other toons I'd want them on. OR, if I so choose to spend some disposable income, I can shortcut that process. Is...a membership pay to win? What are we winning, exactly? The ability to have more toons available to assist in content? The ability to fill in varied roles? That's a win for an entire GROUP, unless you think there's some sort of great service to humanity for having subpar toons with janky augments running around. It also helps keeps the lights on for my primary avenue of entertainment.

    It seems like you keep saying that ANY sort of spending money on a game is distasteful at best and unethical at worst. It's like the whiniest of first world problems I've seen in a LONG time. It's just some sort of rank jealousy rearing its head. We're not talking about important fundamental issues like housing, food, and healthcare, here.
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  9. Stamen Dedicated Player

    That's crazy expensive, but you guys know your base at this point. I imagine this time next year you will run a sale on them. In the meantime, I might take the bait on one or two. I'm just glad this is a real thing now.
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  10. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Lol... What's the weather like - up there on your high horse?

    Nobody's forced to play this game, which was always designed to make money for corporations. When it started it wasn't even F2P. There are tons of free games available, that are not based on one of the most popular licenses in the world. Choose a product you can afford, or have time to play - there's no point moaning about this one being too expensive, or time-consuming.

    Welcome to capitalism, comrade.
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  11. Ryll Committed Player

    I think it's perfect you try to call me out for jealousy when all I have done is comment about how the wolf pack totem is pay to win.

    Pay to win includes things like paying to not grind for advancements in games.

    Look to Proxystars post about creating a gulf between players who pay and those who do not.

    Keeping the lights on is important. Were the lights dimming before todays announcement? I don't think so.
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  12. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    How do you know? You have precisely 0 knowledge about the finances of DCUO/DB. Unless you count that EG7 graph, which people were losing their minds over not long ago, and which - if I'm not mistaken - was showing a downward trend.
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  13. MystoganJella Well-Known Player

    Are the name tokens on sale ?
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  14. VariableFire Loyal Player

    Perhaps it's the cynical retail experience talking, but every time I hear people say they'd buy something if only it was cheaper I think "no you wouldn't."
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  15. Canadian Justice Committed Player

    Speaking from past experience, I routinely skip getting things that I feel are out of an acceptable price range. However, once they hit that "I'd buy it if it was only" price, I do buy it.

    For about 2 years, every time I was in a big Canadian grocery store around here, I'd check the price of a wok. I had a set value in mind of what I considered fair. Everyone told me I was nuts, never going to go that low. Until one day, not only did it go that low, it went under my target price. Instant buy. Fantastic purchase. Even bought a backup one for when this one wears out when they had a second sale several years after I bought the first.

    Same store, different item, this time a small electric screwdriver/drill. Nothing spectacular, but good for those quick little things where a proper drill is overkill. Slightly less wait this time. A bit over a year. They sold almost none at full price and they ended up on the bargain wall. Extremely underpowered and often times not all that useful but for the under $10 I paid, it's come in handy a few times.

    There's a few items I'm currently watching and should they ever hit what I consider "fair value" I'll get those too.
  16. Ryll Committed Player


    I couldn't imagine living in a world where someone is on a 'high-horse' for providing examples of scenario where employment status can have nothing to do with amount of disposable income.

    I have no clue who you are talking about when it comes to complaining about pricing. If you look back at my comments you will see that all I say is that it is pay to win. Not a letter about pricing in any of them.
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  17. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    1. Rank up and fortify an artifact to Rank 200.
    2. Purchase a Wolfpack Token from the Marketplace.
    3. Purchase a Rank 0 Wolfpack version of your artifact from the artifact vendor, Constantine, in the House of Legends.
    4. Fortify the Rank 0 Wolfpack version of your artifact with your Rank 200 artifact.
      • All XP is transferred and this fortification cannot fail.
      • This results in a Rank 200 Wolfpack version of your artifact that is account bound.
      • Wolfpack Artifacts cannot be fortified into other artifacts.
    5. Redeem a Wolfpack Voucher for this artifact, an item that is now visible to you on Constantine in the House of Legends.
    6. Log into any or all other characters on your account.
    7. On each one, you can now redeem a Rank 200 Wolfpack version of your artifact from Constantine in the House of Legends or from your base dispenser.
  18. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Your high horse is the illusion, that your point of view is somehow "broad-minded". Employment status was just an example of why people have income and would rather "pay to win" - or rather pay to play at a reasonably high level - instead of spending 12 hrs every day grinding, which very few people who have actual jobs can do. You can claim that you know whatever exceptions you want, that doesn't change the fact that - statistically - people who have disposable income also have less free time.

    I don't have to look back at anything. You mentioned the exchange in Brasil - for some reason - in the very comment I quoted. :rolleyes:
  19. Dene Devoted Player

    If you do not like it do not buy it - noone is forced to buy them, if you ignore their existence, NOTHING changes

    you are all acting like they are garnishing your wages illegally.. it is a game
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  20. Ryll Committed Player

    It's just as easy for me to flip it around and say to you prove the lights are dimming lol

    This is a moot post
