Winter Sale & Wolfpack Artifact Tokens!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Dec 21, 2023.

  1. Ryll Committed Player


    Its so pay to win you made up the word "convenienced" to defend it.
  2. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    That's just not true. Yes you hand to buy a r0 Wolfpack art but you convert your already existing r200 art into it. No loss of XP, 100% guaranteed to be a r200 wolfpack art.
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  3. KidKretz Committed Player

    I love this item!

    now, I'm not buying it, but i love the concept!

    sadly, i make my alts different because i want to play with different stuff. i am fine that my alts might not be "meta" because its refreshing and fun to play something different.

    i said this before though, in the numerous stat clamp threads, my alt time has decreased DRASTICALLY due to content taking longer to beat now due to the stat clamp. so even if my alts WERE the same and DID all follow the meta, I no longer spend enough time on my alts to justify buying this or any other product for them for that matter :(

    but i hope it sells well, fine idea for sure!
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  4. KidKretz Committed Player

    super legit curious, what is wrong with pay to win in a game like this when we are all on the same team and the goal is to win?
  5. Proxystar #Perception

    I will ride your wolves to victory! Let's go!

    Thank you for your service.
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  6. Ryll Committed Player

    Players with little to no disposable income don't necessarily have the same experience playing a game. That is quite possibly the shortest answer without derailing the thread....
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  7. Proxystar #Perception

    I got a loan from the bank, I used the strategist card as security.

    But yeah you're right, it creates a gulf between players paying and those that are not and this pricing is intense.
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  8. Dene Devoted Player

    $90.00 for limitless artifact to use on ALL your alts.. yeah sticker shock but this is actually not bad for altaholics.. e.g. Strat, Trans etc - your DPS and even support are covered forever with just these 2
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  9. Hollow Gohan Well-Known Player

    I'm just curious how putting the artifact into a new one works with the wolfpack.

    Like, if you have a 200 wolfpack artifact on your main, does it remain a wolfpack if you put it into a new artifact (during or not during double xp). Furthermore, how does this work if you want to swap said artifact on an alt?
  10. MrSuperman Dedicated Player

    2 questions:

    If I level up an artifact using a Wolfpack on toon A, will I be able to use the artifact on toon b, toon c and toon d? Or will I only be able to transfer the artifact to 1 alt?

    And the million dollar question: are artifact xp events going away for good? I just have my strategy on arts. And this answer will alter my strategy. Please let me know.

  11. Soc Level 30

    Until they nerf it, hmmm I don't think anyone asked how we would get compensated, use wolf pack month later Trans is nerfed lol
  12. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Wolfpack Artifacts cannot be fortified into other artifacts.
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  13. Hollow Gohan Well-Known Player

    Seems a bit problematic considering if you were to go down the nerf artifact route I could just be stuck with an artifact I don't want anymore, kind of like allies. Makes me pretty reluctant to use with that in mind.
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  14. Kid Quark Level 30

    These would be a great value if Daybreak’s parent company didn’t declare DCUO to be in “maintenance mode. “

    With little to no investment being made in development (powers/weapons/balancing) or new content that doesn’t feature recycled maps, NPCs and the generic “defeat 30 NPCs” why should WE invest?

    If I had faith in confidence that this game was going to go on another five years, heck, even another three years, I wouldn’t have a problem forking over $90. But at this point, they haven’t even announced a new episode, next gen client is on delay, and we’re being told to look forward to the New Year’s event. There’s nothing more on the horizon. I can’t spend money until I know that it’s worthwhile investment.
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  15. EconoKnight XIII Legion

  16. Dene Devoted Player

    Was thinking similiar but I just do not see them doing that - UNLESS a new artficat comes along that somwhow breaks 1 or both of them lol
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  17. Proddy Active Player

    yea, I was wrong, its 85$ for exactly 9000DB better off just going for the 10000 for 85$ and have the extra
  18. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    This sale is good, the wolfpack item at most should be $25. MOST.

    Overall it's still a steal, as the alternative would be to level them up which takes forever, or pay much more on the marketplace on the stuff individually. I will never buy this at this price, but would at 25.

    How about a 1000mc ($10 usd) one time use wolfpack token redeemable for one art one one alt? Let us do it that way for cheaper. Give us options with these tokens man. Work with us devs. Compromise.
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  19. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Since we have what?, two or three double artifact nth metal xp a year... I can see them doing a few more than that a year to help "drive" the wolfpack token sales. And besides, if the cost is too much now, just wait til they put them on sale. Let those people spring to buy them now, who cares. Their money, as in other players, not yours.
  20. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Players, who can't play 12h every day, because they have jobs - and therefore disposable income - don't necessarily have the same experience playing the game, as those that can. Game needs money and players' time to run, if you don't have one - you have to put in the other. If you have neither - you shouldn't be playing MMORPGs like this one.
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