Up-Votes Needed Armory Quest Bug

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by PsySomatic, Dec 13, 2023.

  1. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    Hello. I started a new character and eventually got to the base quest line, I put down the clock, table and light, but while the game was explaining the mission, I went into the menu to activate what I thought was the next quest but it was a story quest and it interrupted the dialog for the base quest and it just never gave me the next mission for the armory.

    I logged out and back in, nothing, closed the game completely, nothing. I thought after this update it may fix it, nope.

    The character name is Celista, USPS/PC, villain side. Thank you and take care!
  2. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Yeah the quest gets cuts off and you get the armory around levels 20-22 or so.
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  3. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    I am level 22 now, and unfortunately I still don't have the quest for the armory.
  4. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Did you get the Aquaman quest yet? I think this is where I usually get the armory quest.
  5. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    Sorry I have been playing, anyhow I am now at level 25 and the game instantly gave me the augments and the armory quest just now became available as well, thankfully.

    However, I have a lot of characters and I am pretty sure the armory quest never waited that long to be available. The quest itself even says it is available at level 12, so I am not sure if some kind of bug happened or the devs changed it so you have to wait until level 22-25 or something.

    Hopefully they can provide some insight here.
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  6. Ultimus Primus Well-Known Player

    They changed it to Level 25 a while back!
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  7. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    The armory mission was changed to level 25 a few years ago.
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  8. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    Interesting, however that is definitely a odd decision given that you still get the base questline at level 12, then in the middle of it it, they decided to just not let you finish the quests until you reach level 25. :confused:

    Edit: I just added TheLorax post to my message is my reply fits it as well.
  9. Ultimus Primus Well-Known Player

    What quest line? They just gave it to you when you hit that level. then you go to base to look around. Was never a quest attached to it. at most it coincided with a mission but was never attached
  10. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    There is a quest/mission attached to it in your journal. You literally had to accept it to get the base items and prior to the change, the armory as well and once you consumed and put down your armory you get another journal mission telling you to have to go activate your armory in the generator.

    Now however, when you get to level 12 yes, they just give you the base ticket, then you consume said ticket and select a base to move into. Once you do that, it takes you there and a mission is available in the journal to accept for the base items for you to put down.. and then it just cuts off and you have to wait until you are level 25 to get your armory and finish the mission/questline. I mean sure, for newer players they aren't going to notice the change, so it wont matter to them.

    It is just odd that they decided, level 12 is too early to have a armory.. lets change the mission so that you can still start it at level 12, but it stops midway through and continues at level 25, even though journal states it is a level 12 mission.

    Not to sound rude, but they should have just moved the whole thing to level 25 and change the journal entry to reflect that.
  11. Ultimus Primus Well-Known Player

    I can agree with this^^

    Ah yes, I remember now.
    They give you the base early. Sorry been a while since i leveled a new toon and I never pay attention anymore. I thought you meant a Armory quest, completely my fault. However the base and the armory are 2 different things. also I believe (this is just speculation) No one uses or would have a use for a armory at lvl 12 anyway but would have a use for a base. Just saying is all.
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  12. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    No worries. But I would have to disagree about the usefulness of a armory early on though. As someone that has been through the leveling process a lot of times over the past 9 years or so(I have nearly 50 toons). I was quick to utilize the armory once given to me and would head back to my base to save my new style, gear, etc often.

    So I was mostly speaking as a veteran player, but for newer players, they technically wouldn't even know about either of them, so moving/splitting the quest doesn't really impact them.

    It was just confusing to me as I thought it was a bug. It didn't help that I happened to interrupt the dialog for the mission at the exact moment that the change was made, then when it didn't continue, I definitely thought I broke something.. :D
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