I', sorry, I can't believe emotes are profitable

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kuno, Dec 7, 2023.

  1. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Don't talk about SWG. That itch was never scratched ever again...
  2. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Can't help it, the game was a regular part of my life (started about a year after it launched, stayed to the very end). Plus playing a game based on a licensed property got me prepared for a lot of the...idiosyncrasies that the license holders can have and that we've seen here at times. LOL

    Agreed, though, I don't think we'll see the likes of that kind of MMO any time soon, if ever.
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  3. Proxystar #Perception

    It's actually a half decent game to just take a casual stroll through, but yeah my goodness, is it monetized to all hell and back.
  4. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    Does help that it's surprisingly generous for a game with EA involved since you can get Cartel Coins just playing and for having 2FA and from my understanding after a sub runs out you keep access to everything that came out during and before your sub.

    Some of the dialogue is hilarious lmfao.
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  5. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Even though it's been years since SWG's shutdown, I don't think I could give it a fair shake because I'd still compare it to what I could do in SWG. I won't say the thought of trying the game never crossed my mind at all, but there was just so much you could do in SWG and I never really got that impression from SWTOR. SWG seemed to me to be saying, "Here's all the stuff you can do" while SWTOR seemed to say "This is all the stuff you're going to do."

    Besides, locking cosmetics behind a paywall? No thanks, SWG gave players the ability to wear what they wanted over whatever armor they were using with the inclusion of the appearance tab. I'm too much of a style junkie to like get locked into wearing that outfit if I didn't like the looks of it, which is why I loved seeing a version of the appearance tab in THIS game. :)
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  6. kallader Committed Player

    I agree 100%
    Because you are right they will probably find a way to close the topic by simply delete it or they will lock it after one of the team will say they working on ""something"":(
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  7. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Well, I could try by continuing to talk about past and present Star Wars MMOs, but I don't think that'd be enough to get the thread closed down unless I got really REALLY hardcore about it. :D

    It really is a basic economic thing, though. If the costs of making the emotes are more than covered by the prices they set and the sales they have coming in, they will be profitable.
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  8. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    In Realm Of The Mad God this "skin" costs ~$30...


    That's around $0.75 per pixel.

    Puts DCUO monetization into perspective, doesn't it?
  9. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    Well said.
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  10. kallader Committed Player

    :D the last big post about critic was the g7 post peoples complain about it and they take it down... some of the peoples who post on it got an alert to tell them not to challenge the team saying if they have critic or something to tell about the game to not do a post about it but to send a ticket to the team to express you disappointment and saying further rule breaking can resolve into your msg on forum be filter by the team and your account could be terminated...I got my alt account banned because i have say too many time the monthly item was trash XD
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  11. Ryll Committed Player

    I dunno, how many players do you see running around using water power? Unless the new powers are top tier people ain't going to play them en masse.

    The same can be said for iconic powers. When was the last time you saw someone using batarangs? Or any of the other iconics that don't fit in the meta.

    Lets see them *not break* a current powerset by introducing new powers to them. Or do you want the chance of not being to able to play a power for X amount of time because its broken and they would have to fix it.

    The low hanging fruit for profit at the moment are emotes...and you can't believe they are releasing them?

    They don't unbalance the game in any way.

    Theres almost no risk in terms of profit margins.

    Making a ragdoll dance in game or whatever triggering emot is easy compared to building a power let alone a powerset from the ground up.
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  12. VariableFire Loyal Player

    The funny thing about complaining about cosmetics vs new powersets to me is that if they DID try and make a new powerset, it would almost certainly play like a reskin of a current power. Either that or it'd be busted and take years after release to fix. That doesn't take into account the time to create it in the first place. Remember most powersets were before the deluge of artifacts and allies

    It's a bit weird to me that there aren't more cosmetics, heck they've even taken some out of the MP and put into the game when you'd think they'd go the other way. I was surprised when I came back from a break to find Dark Mecha head that I'd bought in the MP when I first started now is a common drop in 31st content.

    Anecdotal evidence for cosmetics: introduced a co-worker to the game. He and his wife have now spent several hundred dollars already in the first few weeks, primarily on cosmetics. Most important, they're having fun.
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  13. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    Devs before reading this thread...


    And after...

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  14. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Yea pretty much. I have yet to find a multiplayer game that didn’t try to mass sell cosmetics. Even single player games have this lol. If it’s possible to create some type of cosmetic than there will be monetization built around it.
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  15. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Never played that game. I think worst game I ever played that had monetization was wizard101 when I was young. If people think loot boxes here are bad…. Ooof lol.
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  16. Alushaun Well-Known Player

    I had no idea the salary range for game developers was $70K - $120K, which is standard for the tech industry. I also work in tech, just through a social media company and know these rates.

    Considering the weight of the position and the target painted on their backs by players/consumers, they typically deserve better pay. Thankfully they seem to be unionizing. Not that any of these emote profits will touch any of their wallets, but then who knows. I don't work there.
  17. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Lets not forget the perma sub if you have a house lol

    DCUO needs to make money, being free comes with being an expectation that the monetization is gonna be aggressive, and yet its still perferable to DCUO's la carte experience of non legendary in the prior system,
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  18. GGreenie New Player

  19. Dene Devoted Player

    You don't understand it because that side of things is not why you play.. we are not all you and the Devs job is not just for 1 section of the community.

    Emotes are whatever to me but them adding them is 100% part of the game.

    Just do not engage or buy in to the emote side of it.. if enough do it, they'll switch focus. Thing is, if it works, why would they?

    you say "Every damn game even if its mobile has a system to upgrade, unlock or gain new abilities."

    If they do that? Then what? 5 minutes after releasing a new power, new abilities etc etc there will be youtube videos and/or forum posts shredding it to bits, complaints, balance issues, more complaints and for what?

    Oh and imagine of they monetised it like Mobile games do.. the uproar and pay2win crying would be off the charts
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  20. GGreenie New Player

    I mean it's pretty obvious at this point it's a game for sims players and role-players who stand in one spot for hours and play dress up, nothing wrong about it but lets just be honest about it.
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