We need to talk about Legends

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by VasquezR, Nov 22, 2023.

  1. VasquezR Active Player

    One of the coolest things about the game with no doubt, is the Legends, I remember when I started playing around 2012, I used to play with my friends and we spent hours and hours in it, we entered the game, we did everything that we had to do in PvE and when we finished we would always play legends, the 4x4 matches were a lot of fun, not to mention the 8 x 8, the legends system is one of the coolest things in the game, and I see potential in it, as there are several possibilities for characters to be launched as (Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Lobo, Cyborg, and many others, is a very cool variety to think about). Since PvE is very important it also opens up the space for the conversation about Legends PvE in this topic too, I believe that the legends system can be very good enjoyed and revived, I tried to find some 4 x 4 matches recently and unfortunately i spent hours looking in the queue which I ended giving up, I'm making this topic because it's a really cool system and I have great memories of the time I played, both Legends PvE and PvP could have some attention to a future update as it has a lot of potential in my view, if anyone has similar experiences please share in this thread too :)
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  2. Drake Malice Dedicated Player

    With how many people run around as “iconics” you would figure Legends would be more popular but apparently not
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  3. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    I never cared for Legends...

    I hated not playing as a character that I didn't build.... They always seemed weaker than my own characters.

    It was like playing clamped.... and.... we all know how I feel about that. :cool:
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  4. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    I used to love Legends, both in PVP and PVE (I didn't grind for the feats back then, so no fatigue from spam). But ever since Stats Revamp, something about them changed, for the worse.

    Post AM legends have had their weapon combo damage heavily nerfed, making both modes not enjoyable for me since then. I remember that for a time, Catwoman and Cheetah didn't have their damage adjusted and ended up as top tier characters. The Devs "fixed" that by nerfing the two felines instead of buffing every other Legend to be on par with them, if you think about it, that was the easy way, but it ended up making LPVE unbearable since every character now hits like Titanic Trenton.
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  5. VasquezR Active Player

    Yes,i agree with you, i just miss the old days, because that system gave us something different to do in the game.
  6. Alushaun Well-Known Player

    It's quite limiting to play within the box they created for them. But I do appreciate the effort.
  7. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    It's not. The coolest thing about this game is the ability to create your own super-hero/villain, with a huge amount of customization options, both in terms of looks and combat. Legends is the exact opposite of that. Which is why almost nobody plays either the PvP, or PvE versions.
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  8. VasquezR Active Player

    I think you're a little confident in what you're saying, or maybe you started playing yesterday because the legends were very active, anyway, it's your opinion and i respect, and I agree with the part that creating the character is the main point of the game, but legends it was once one of the most active things in the game, today it is no longer because it is abandoned, the pvp arena is dead and it is hard to fix, but the legends are easier to revive.
  9. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Considering how many players complain about PvP being broken and how it used to be the best and most popular part of DCUO, you'd think they'd be queuing Legends all day. But apparently not... :)
  10. VasquezR Active Player

    As I said, it's abandoned, I made this topic precisely to talk about it, I tried to find matches recently because I wanted to, unfortunately I spent hours looking, anyone who lived at the time when you queued up and found matches knows what I'm saying, and no I didnt said it's the coolest thing in the game, I said it's ONE of the coolest things, we already know that pvp won't receive an update but in my view legends are easier to get attention than arenas.
  11. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    Think it has more to do with doing more work for less rewards. If the rewards maintained relevancy to progression it may see more use. Maybe. It's still playing with a character significantly weaker than your character may be, which means more time spent to complete, which means do not pass go, do not collect 200$ for more players than not, thus they won't bother.

    From what I recall, these particular missions were slapped together during one such dev's lunch hours, so they aren't meant to be incredibly complex, let alone particularly balanced. More of an afterthought than something more attention was allocated for. The only time it was tested more than this was with the two solo missions where you played as Huntress and the other as Bizarro. Those scenarios used lesser characters, hinting at a potential cost for using these characters in content beyond their original scope, and apparently the vocal community hated not being able to play as their characters and/or hated that they were solo missions. The legends alerts came some time after this, after the role-less buffs were introduced.

    It's doubtful the community could be made to care more about the alerts without an enticing enough reward. In regard to playing as legends characters in PVE content, there are suggestions that could bring several of these characters into play, and that can include coding legends characters in as support roles, giving them support role abilities that would allow these characters to be used in group content in lieu of a needed support role (aka DPS Universe Online). Given the game made the absolutely horrible choice of paywalling a 2nd armory, most players only play the DPS role. If a legends character had a support role setup and could be swapped in, I think that could satisfy the want to play legends characters, play them in content with scaled-to, meaningful rewards, and alleviates some of the issues with the lack of a 2nd armory as you can swap to an applicable character without messing with your own character's loadout and stat spread. Preset substitute at the ready.

    Reminder that the goal of playing the legends character in the above case is NOT TO DO DAMAGE, but fulfill the obligations of the needed support role. That would allow their powersets to be made up of a completely generic 'fill in' orientation.

    generic shield/defense power
    team breakout power
    single target or AOE pull
    generic AOE damage/taunt power + supercharge gen
    generic single target hard taunt power (can't be overwritten)
    damage + self heal supercharge

    priority heal
    group heal
    AOE/field/dot heal
    generic heal+attack+supercharge gen
    group shield
    damage + team heal supercharge

    damage debuff
    defense debuff
    heal debuff
    group power heal
    pull + supercharge gen
    dmg + team power return supercharge

    Plenty of vfx exist now that can be recycled for these loadouts - even repurposing their existing legends counterpart attacks and fx.

    Would need some other balancing options like limiting it to 1 of each per team. Would also need to cancel out if another player swapped roles into said support role. This would maintain priority for actual support role spec'd players over people just trying to spam legends characters. Additionally would need a kiosk at the start of the mission where the player would have to make the swap. If you get booted out of the role mid-mission you'd have to return to the kiosk again to swap back in when the role is absent again.

    The characters would be more capable than the role-less buffs, but naturally wouldn't be as capable as a full spec player character in that role. I'd also give them the green light to be used in duos, as well as alerts and raids, but not solo missons. Operations may be iffy depending on how the legal end works with that as some ops take place in open world areas. There may be issues with that.
  12. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    You can click on my forum avatar to see when I started playing.

    I think you're a little blinded by nostalgia. Yes, Legends used to be more popular, because a lot more children used to play this game, who couldn't make a build, or come up with their own character to save their life and couldn't afford to pay for the episodes, or reset loot-locks, so they would spend their time cosplaying as Robin and Harley, while the adults were raiding. Now most of those kids have grown up and learned how to play (while most kids of today prefer newer games), episodes are free and there are no loot-locks on most of PvE, so even broke F2P Batman fanboys have better things to do. :) Which is why Legends - and PvP in general - has been abandoned by the player base.

    It's up to the players to revive Legends. If it was such a cool experience, and not just something people did when they had no other choice, then why aren't they playing it? Except for when there's a bonus LPvE week and they want to get their feats, so that they can be done with it forever.
  13. VasquezR Active Player

    maybe I'm blinded by nostalgia, but that's a big part of this game, repeating the same things over and over again in PVE gets boring, having something else to do is never a bad thing, nowadays people are more concerned about competing in DPS on a scoreboard , which doesn't make any sense to me, I don't completely disagree with what you're saying and it really depends on the players, but having incentives would also be good, but that's just my point of view too :)
  14. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    I would be happy if players wanted to play Legends PvP. Even though I never really liked it - I need those feats on my PS account. I've been queuing 4v4s and 8v8s for months and it's simply not happening. I don't know what kind of incentives the devs could come up with, to make it worth people's time, except something like LPvE week, that's starting tomorrow. But that will only make people play until they get their feats and then they will abandon it again - I know I will.

    They can't waste time making more Legends toons, or maps, because people are already upset, that they're behind with new episode releases and nobody's asking for more Legends. They can't make Legends necessary for progress, because people who hate it - and there are a lot of them - would throw a fit, about being forced to do something they don't like.

    If you want to play Legends, best thing to do is find some players, who also like it and play with them - that would be my solution. Although It might be hard, because... not a lot of people ever really liked Legends. ;)
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  15. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Convert the rest of the legends roster to being used as allies. Id like to see Lantern allies and Deathstroke, TwoFace etc.

    Also be able to summon them to also use as sidekicks with a level up system via as a generator mod (four slot level up system ) and then maybe a unique bonus fifth slot for being in a league. The league hall for x prestige would provide the unique bonus.
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  16. VasquezR Active Player

    Yes, most people do PVE legends is for the feats, and then abandon it, even if there is a small percentage that likes to play (which I don't include myself, I like PvP Legends), but I really miss PvP legends days, because In my view, PvP arenas are much more difficult to fix than Legends PvP, in general the community today has already accepted the state of PvP and what we have left is just memories.
  17. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player


  18. Eve YouTuber

    100%, which is why I made the pillow comment. I love this mode, I hope they will give it more love in the future (updates, new legends, new maps, and better damage\bug fixes.) But until then It's a pipe dream... :(
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  19. Sphealberg New Player

    Just got a quick question, is there a place that gives details about each legend character spells and effects ?
    For example when I get into legends practice with Saint Walker, where do I look to know how to properly use his abilities instead of trying to find out on the go
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  20. Aiden_Warren Well-Known Player

    I hope that the devs adds Legends Marks in the Daily rewards. It's not great to pay for Legends characters in marketplace and never get to use them.
    Legends PvE not having loot lock daily reset might help to get marks to get legends characters.
    Newer players doesn't have it easy to be able to enjoy it.
    Legends had great potential back then.
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