Daily Rewards Change? Stabilizer Duo Back?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Eve, Oct 5, 2023.

  1. Eve YouTuber

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  2. Eve YouTuber

  3. Alushaun Well-Known Player

    Noice, this is great news.
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  4. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    I'm a little torn on this. I don't mind running the duo in general, but the impatience of other players (rushing to start before making sure both players have loaded in) and one map in particular (Flash museum and the interrupts from the NPCs) have always been irritations at least, and frustrations at most.
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  5. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Just ask yourself “What would Rudeus do?” It would be great if we had a quagmire ability to stop others from running ahead and starting without us.
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  6. FlyingFingers Well-Known Player

    They should of turned this into a solo.
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  7. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    That could end up being even more problematic, though, considering some of Rudeus'....um....habits and tendencies. LOL
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  8. Stranger Committed Player

    Wow... i hate these duos. Thumbs Down for that.
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  9. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    These duos were the main reason i tried to make daily rewards a thing. Great to see them return.

    Thanks, i hate it.
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  10. BumblingB I got better.

    Not a fan of these changes.
    The duo is a nightmare to have to complete each day and the fact you have to rely on someone else to queue makes for the most annoying experience as well as really bad for low population platforms, like the Switch. I legitimately could NOT do the duo, it would never pop.

    Not a fan at all.
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  11. Alushaun Well-Known Player

    This is what I'd like. Happy to see them return, but I'd hope to run this alone. I've suddenly remembered most of my experiences with people just standing at the entrance, was with these stabilizer runs
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  12. kallader Committed Player

    Never understand why peoples are mad if you start without them you get nothing better because highscore you just mad because you are not able to humiliate the other player with your score or mad when they get a better one than you. This is more like a pee pee contest than other thing.
  13. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    It looks evenly split - about half like the idea of the duo returning and about half do not. I will fall in to the “indifferent” catagory.
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  14. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    For me it's equal parts hassles with the door on some maps (the Vandal Savage/Degaton map can be particularly bad) and just being a considerate human being.

    It's one thing if you're in a solo instance and want to rush through it. You're all by yourself and can handle it however you want to, so no harm to anyone else. But the instant a person queues into group content, even something as simple as the Stabilizer Duo, it STOPS being all about you. That other person has just as much a right to participate in the content as you and deserves a fair chance at doing so.

    I could give a rat's hindquarters about the scoreboard; it's a curiosity at best for me and the idea of using that as any kind of measuring stick is a bit silly, even more so in something as simple as the Stabilizer Duo. But I don't queue into content if I don't have any intention of actually running it or participating. It's just way too easy to look at someone rushing ahead as being rude or just plain selfish, especially when waiting for a few seconds isn't going to do any real harm.
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  15. Hraesvelg Always Right

    I'm in the "meh" category. I don't particularly like running the things, but they're not THAT long even when someone (almost always) just sits at the door. The only real benefit I see is that I don't have to remember to buy the stabilizer off the vendors any more.
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  16. Eve YouTuber

    For the most part, I'm not a fan of those changes. I think it should have been communicated with the community aswell. Not a pleasent surprise.
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  17. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    I can roll with the change (means a return to an old pattern for how I play) but it definitely could have been communicated better, if for no other reason than to get some feedback beforehand.
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  18. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    The stabilizer duo was not only a stabilizer, but also several hundred guaranteed XP every day for an artifact for each alt (namely, everyone and not just the one who was first...) ... of course, if you have one character or even several, then this is not a problem.. .but if you have a lot of them (or you, not wanting to pay for lotboxes, created several additional ACC on the PC in order to be able to open several additional hated time capsules) then very quickly these delays became damn tiresome and the Duo itself became hard labor...
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  19. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    That's kind of on the player who chooses to follow that route, though, and it doesn't really excuse not being able to show what amounts to be a tiny bit of consideration before starting in on things.
  20. kallader Committed Player

    Sorry but this one is so funny to me
    If you have slow internet or connection issue etc and you are entering the stage like 40-60 second after the first player you tell me that he have to deal with you every time ..waiting there hoping you are not another afk over 1 minute to be able to have the right to start the stage that take 3 minutes to finish that he can solo anyway because it will make you mad...:D hahahah