Anti-switch Propaganda (can I Rant Plz?)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Grip, Sep 15, 2023.

  1. Grip Committed Player

    If I'm out of line here, please let me know because I need to get something off my chest, and I won't be self-censoring or editing this post. Typing it then going to sleep...

    Had a pretty great day. Won't bore you with the details. Hop on DC tonight, bowl, beat up some invaders, finish H0M3-C0M1N6 feats, link up with some guys, knock out an open world and 2 raids and logout. Next, I'm winding, sipping drink, laughing at comedy then decide to see what's hot on the forums. Fam, whyy must we tell ppl who say they own the 3rd top-selling console in history not to play DCUO on it?

    Low population?? LOL How many players do you neeed fam? We just assuming they're unable to convince 6 or 7 others with a similar schedule who also own the 3rd top-selling console in history to join them? Ugh... man. Look, I could see if they say I have 2 latest gen consoles, a Switch and a gaming rig Which should I use? ... We telling people who wanna go on a trip and own a Honda, nah, you should only go if you have a Toyota?

    It's weird, guys. I appreciate reality. I live in it. I know the population is low; I have 3 Switch games and DCU ain't one (yet?). However, it's an enjoyable game still in 2023. I know I'm rambling but I have to... So why though? We assuming everyone is antisocial or lives in a remote village plus doesn't understand how to link up with other Switch gamers online? Did DB or Nintendo announce discontinuance? Should they be too ashamed to recruit players to a long-running, successful superhero mmo because they may not want to admit they play it? Are you ashamed to admit you play it? Want DCUO to fail on Switch?

    If you think it takes 40 players to beat world bosses, ask for help; I've seen a lot of free info here. I get nuance as well as the next person. Suure there's a preferred set of servers with more experienced players, and overwhelming numbers means you can spam multiple phases- Yayy! Guys, all anyone who wants to play this game is electricity, the Internet, a screen, a supported platform and a squad. Telling them something different is bad business.

    Not sure I'll revisit this thread, but if you read this post and it hits you the wrong way, please don't hold it against me. 'night
  2. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    It's not Anti-Switch. Switch has low population & Extreme lags that they can barely even run anything. This is why I wouldn't recommend playing on the Switch. Also, US\EU PC\PS are the most populated servers in general.
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  3. FlyingFingers Well-Known Player

    Most humans hate change by nature and most can't handle the truth either. The population on the switch is nothing compared to the glorious PS/PC even Xbox is better. So once again if you want to play dcuo and not have lag more worse then stomach cramps MR Man you better play where the party is at.The switch ant and Won't BE it period end of story case closed.
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  4. BumblingB I got better.

    I have played on the Switch. I retired it, because the population is low. It's timing. Primetime is a small window in the evenings and of course weekends, if you try to do anything outside of that, you are subject to wait a very long time. Either shouting for groups or staying in queues while you do open world stuff. It was not an enjoyable experience. Especially when you couldn't even do stabilizer duos when those events were going.

    There is no propaganda on it. It's literally low amounts of players. That is to say, you CAN'T have good experience. Especially if you get a group of friends that all work together and play on the same times, but outside of that, it's a ghost town.

    Ultimately, "mileage may vary" can only go so far on there.
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  5. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    I don't think anyone has said not to play DCUO on the Switch because there's something innately wrong with the Switch. I've played on the Switch, and DCUO plays about like it did on the PS3. The reason I stopped was not because it ran better even on XBox One, but just because there are so few people on that it's really hard to get a group together, even for a PUG run.

    I know I usually run solo, but I still like to do alerts and raids. And the fact of the matter is, you've got to have people playing in order to to group up. Even on PC, I see people spamming LFG every minute or two for hours trying to get a group together, and it's not just for Elite instances. People have trouble grouping up for Regular (and once in awhile, Event/Omnibus).

    It's not that low population makes Switch bad. Low population makes it harder to play anything other than the main story and some open-world content. It means that you have to forget about playing more than 50% of what's come out since the game started.
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  6. Emoney Dedicated Player

    Well, you admit you have a Switch, but haven't played DCUO on it. Before you made this ya might have wanted to try it out and see for yourself.

    I bought my wife a Switch, and I tried DCUO on it. Now, I will say I enjoyed being able to play this on a mobile type device, but that was the only upside. After about a year, I couldn't do it anymore and came back to PS4/5. The low population is a huge problem. There were days that in the HOL, there was only 1 phase of 10 players. Qing for any content could take hours most days. However, the worst part was the performance. I played on the PS3, and the current performance of the Switch is worse than that. From rendering not seeing enemies in a zone for up to a minute, to certain raids lagging to the point of non function, its horrendous.

    I wouldn't recommend anyone play this game on the Switch, and it's too bad because the Switch is a fun device.
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  7. Grip Committed Player

    Great responses overall. Cool and to be clear, I have no intention of trying to deny the validity of anyone else's experience. The one thing I will offer is a quick, clean summary of things I didn't say for those who got lost in my bizarre, emotional ramble... maybe add another couple notes...

    I Didn't Say...
    1)I never played DCUO on Switch- that would've been a lie. I didn't play it on my Switch, knowing I don't have time for 2 accounts.
    2)A player can show up solo and have an amazing experience- that's unrealistic in the current situation, and as was mentioned, worse for villains
    3)Someone with the option to play on another device should instead choose Switch- infact, I made it fairly obvious I hadn't so why would I recommend that?
    4)That the servers are teeming with other players- Why would I say that?
    5)The Switch's performance matches other platforms- Don't switch owners already understand this wouldn't be the case? We're not all tech savants, but come on...

    Not everyone who commented stated or implied I said those things, but I hope I made it clearer for those who think I did. If you wanna shout at a strawman, it's fine; I don't know him :) Some of you folks have posted here for ages, so you (hopefully) understand the text you contribute tends to hang around for a bit. Also "Switch" is a blanket term for a device in it's 3rd gen, the latest including an Ethernet port. My expectation is the next version will also follow form and commonly be called Switch as well. Have we tested DCUO's performance on all 3? Will we test the next iteration, note any changes and amend each instance of 4 years of non-recommendation, if warranted?

    The core DCUO experience is currently available for Switch gamers; they're able to design a gazillion aspects of a character they create and enter missions in an online setting. I enjoy DCUO, and there's a path for those players to do the same. My rant was me sharing something that annoyed me at the time and nothing more. You all seem like fantastic people and are certainly entitled to type any TOS-friendly thing you want; I simply shared my perspective. I'd never tell a hooper in a new neighborhood their local park with a goal and a paved surface is unfit for basketball, and that's the approach I choose here as well. In that example, sure, I may advise them of any issues with the park and possibly recommend a better one if they were able to play there instead, but as a fellow enthusiast, I would never use my voice to try to deny them the game. Thanks everyone who posted. Your posts, along with a little rest, gave me the focus to better say the things I wanted and make clear the things I never said to begin with. :) Take care

    Side note: There's a thread here somewhere in which I mentioned the population and PvP caveats just like you guys did.
  8. BumblingB I got better.

    It is weird, I've played on the PS3 before. On my little brother's PS3 before they stopped supporting it. They were NOT the same performance problems. The PS3 was a nightmare, the switch is just not optimized well and there was a bought of it getting really bad around legion of doom time, but it still was WAY better than PS3.

    I did have problem zoning into Atlantis, which hard crashed my switch to the point I just wouldn't go there anymore, but that area takes forever to load on the PC as well. So it was more the zone, than switch if anything.

    BTW, there were loading issues with open world bounties, that is probably the closest to the PS3 that I can think of in my experience. We would also experience the same problem with dev invasions. (Which my PC/PS league would joke about, that it would be the most people to ever be on at any time on the switch. lol)
  9. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    DCUO is at it's core an MMORPG - a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game.

    Without a "very large number of people participating simultaneously" it's not really the experience it was designed to be. Sure - you can play quite a lot of it solo, or with a small group, but the problem is - sooner or later you're going to hit a wall and your progress will either slow down to a crawl, or be stopped altogether. And the more you enjoy the game before that happens, the more disappointed and cheated you're going to feel when - through no fault of your own - you can't reasonably continue the experience. Especially if no one warns you about that possibility when first starting the game.

    If people want to play on severely underpopulated servers and factions - that's ok. But they should be able make an informed choice about playing a game that's not fully functional.
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  10. Grip Committed Player

    Big facts, LowFlyingMoon. Thank you for adding it to the discussion. Tbh I vaguely knew this definition but as an outsider to the genre overall, I never considered it or broke it down. LOL Infact, I read your post, and thought "Interesting!" and because I like learning, I looked it up, too. While I didn't see "simultaneously" during my quick search review, I wouldn't doubt it's there somewhere had I bothered to dig deeper.

    I'm not sure what the official "large number" threshold is or what DCUO's numbers are, so I can't say if it currently qualifies as such on any of its platforms, including Switch. Considering the destination summary you get via search says "action-packed, physics based MMO game for the PLAYSTATION®3 and PC gaming consoles," I'll give them a slight pass for outdated classification maybe. Is there a Sparsely Multiplayer Online game class or some other more appropriate branding to be used?

    My first exposure to the game was seeing it played in someone's living room and watched the man play with a character actually looked like him (relative to the technology limitations) and he was literally setting people on fire!... basically as himself. I mean, technically they were Brainiac drones, but same difference. It was cool enough to get me to buy a ps3 and join him and his gaming clan whose core had been together for several years through DC and other games.

    I also linked up in game with someone else I knew before I started but I didn't even know she played. As a person enjoying myself tends to do, I told my friends about it and drummed up a little interest there, too. Over time I met even more cool folks to play with, but also some challenging ones, too (which no one wants while on their downtime). I learned how to add friends, make and join custom chats and file the comments of strangers away unless for some reason I thought they could be useful.

    It's kinda cool how comms in runs I've joined a random in and how stray "Cool style" msgs have lead to DC network growth. During long dry stretches of content, players have drifted in and out, but if really needed, most've been reachable by txt or social. I wish the game was more account than character oriented to better support team-ups, especially ones outside our main circles. If you msg someone, and they don't know the character name, as it stands, you have to go through your name and all your other toons' names to get past their warning bells lol a touch tedious, but not devastating. I'm learning through this conversation that players wander onto multiplayers without plans to build and maintain a network. Call it inexperience.

    No matter who disagrees with us about it, if asked I'll keep letting people know what to expect from the population size or whatever else seems relevant to a potential player's questions/concerns. However, I will never tell anyone they can't enjoy playing DCUO; I do it every time I logon, and I see a path for others to do the same. I respect that not everyone shares this view.
    Nothing there about laying down facts in an organized fashion or providing context :) No one can complain the label wasn't on the tin :) Take care!
  11. The Anxient Loyal Player

    I've played on switch for about a month or so, around the time rsk got the new skins. There were two major issues that made me sit it down. The population was abysmal. I don't think I ever got into a raid the entire time I played. Second was how unstable it was.
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  12. The Anxient Loyal Player

    I've played on switch for about a month or so, around the time rsk got the new skins. There were two major issues that made me sit it down. The population was abysmal. I don't think I ever got into a raid the entire time I played. Second was how unstable it was.
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  13. Grip Committed Player

    *nods* Early on, I thought cross-play was a possibility, and my "ingenious* plan was to carry the Switch everywhere I went to farm bytes and run the vault every spare second I could find. I didn't quite have the faith the portable hybrid would be optimized well enough as a replacement device. Once my cross-play dream died, I still briefly considered side-running there just to try to become a "WTS OG Names Guy"... unsmart considering no legal exchange method would help a player on separate servers. Ultimately, just to get the feel of it, I messed around on a friend's here and there, and felt it was decent enough to get into the p2p game at least for someone without better options.

    You say around the rsk skinning... were you able to test the OLED version while connected to a router? I'm thinking that release was in Oct '21?
  14. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    I tried playing dcuo on the switch the solo content you won't have any issues but you will hit a wall unfortunately. As I said before I feel bad for anyone playing on that platform because there are players who put in time who have max arts and everything it's just sad honestly because of the population is dangerously low :( I wish we could have crossplay with them though :( .
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  15. Grip Committed Player

    I'd definitely feel bad, too, if I knew them. I only personally know 2 Switch DCUO players, 1 adult with 3 dozen games and can't even be bothered to collect daily rewards regularly and a teen who also plays PS now. I really hope none of those Switch players who went all out have gaming PCs or PS. Yeah, you're definitely making me want to campaign for Switch only players to give it a chance to join them now... maybe not over-invest though
  16. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    You mentioned portability a few times, I just want (to whom it may apply) to be aware that with Xbox you can actually play DCUO from anywhere using the Xbox App Remote Play on a phone/tablet/portable device (just carry a controller to link via Bluetooth). Not sure if the same can be said for PS or PC but I would hope so? It just streams your screen from home I've played from the bar a few times lol.

    As for post relevance, I won't say any ill-will about Switch (and definitely not try to disuade others on how they prefer to play) but the struggle is real enough on Xbox I couldn't imagine the poor Switch for those who haven't established a solid circle of friends (that didn't quit already).
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  17. Grip Committed Player

    Had I known about the Xbox App Remote Play, that would've been my dream instead of using Switch as a farming tool for the cross-play that never happened. Alas, I would've had to drop everything and everyone, knowing few of my PC friends would join me and even less of my PS friends would even consider considering it. The lovely Microsoft v Sony gaming holy war...

    My 360 for PC Controller felt good in my hands, but I've never touched the latest couple models. Imagine... I could be running around Dakota with a functional lightstream behind me :) lol You're late...

    Edit: Obviously, Xbox is world-class hardware and software so no one would call it out for performance issues, but I wonder if DCUO's SOE past hurt it when it came to enticing Xbox diehards. Thoughts?
  18. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    I think it's most likely down to 2 things: 1) XBox players tend to be hardcore gamers, and tend to play games like CoD, Halo, and Dark Souls. 2) By the time DCUO came to XBox, it was already several years old and frankly, it was already showing its age in the PS3 days. Even in 2013, it looked pretty dated, and that was only 2 years in.

    DCUO having started out as a SOE game is likely a non-issue. I'm sure if God of War stopped being a Sony exclusive, XBox players would be lining up to buy it.
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  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Problem is YOU shouldn't be the one campaigning to get people to play it.....DBG should be. As far as I know, there weren't a ton of people at launch (and yeah...I did set up an account to grab a few names and play 1-30 on) and it's like they said 'welp....that didn't work'. I'd love to see what would happen if they put a bit of advertising into it over and above a tweet 'hey...DCUO on switch now' or some info here in these forums where all you'll update is existing customers. But...the same can be said for PC/PS/Xbox...we don't get any advertising either.

    I've gone on a few dozen times since the first few weeks I gave it a shot and popped in to grab free character advance the first year. Unless there has been a big spike in population (from the vibe here...there has not), I'd guess it's only gone down hill. One vivid memory I have is queueing up for the stabilizer mission (this was pre-clamp/changes) and it taking about 30 min to get a match....FOR THE STABILIZER MISSION. That's pretty 'low pop' any way you slice it.

    That having been said....I wouldn't tell someone NOT to try it on the switch, but outside of the $5 for premium access (still a bargain in the time saved for inventory management), I'd say stow the credit card till they get a feel for how accessible content is, or till they fall in with a populated league.
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  20. Emoney Dedicated Player

    Are they the exact same issues, no, but very similar. This game was too much for the PS3 to handle towards the end of the cycle...there were rendering issues, pop up problems, crashes from too many players, sound dropping, lag and framerate issues.

    All of these things happen on the Switch as well, but as I said it's worse on the Switch. Zoning in, the rendering takes longer, open worlds can lag to a crash, and some raids lag out and crash.

    Add all of those issues to a extremely low population, it's simply bad. At least the PS3 had the population going for it.
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