I Haven't Played This For Almost A Year.. (exclusive Styles Rant.)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dianatique, Sep 3, 2023.

  1. Dianatique Well-Known Player

    And it absolutely KILLS me that the devs wants to keep on going with the exclusive styles and materials, I don't know if they have ever preached about economic inflation and crisis on this game, but its about time they do.

    So when shaded comic material came out, everyone wanted it, everyone bought with it with their either hard eraned cash, or just scraping up atleast few money to get a few booster gold packs for it, after when that is done, the material is nowhere to be found or get ever again, and why is that? why make an exclusive item for your highly rich players when you could have made the material accessible for everyone to buy for in-game cash (a lot of in-game cash) or special marks that you need to do to get these marks.
    I even wanted this shaded comic material, but now people are selling this for billions of cash, AND they are also privately selling it for 400 dollars outside of the game, 400 dollars for an in-game material?..child, please.

    I also wanted the battle damaged slimline aswell, but that was also locked behind an exclusive booster thing (correct me if im wrong.) package.
    Again, I get that the devs wants money, but the solution would be if they wanted more money out of this, then they could have made these exclusive items a free for all buy in the marketplace for high enough cash, everyone could get it, and you'd get more money instead of inflating the cash situation in-game.
    I am just very sad and disheartened by the behaviour and general attitude towards people who has to be on this game ALL THE TIME to be able to get this, or throw money at random generated capsules to get ONE item.
    And why is the booster gold vendor needed in watchtower when the same items has been there since DAWNS of time? why hasn't it gotten an update?

    P.S Also devs, please make a seasonal vendor, I know they are *Again* suppose to be exclusive, but atleast make one so that people can buy seasonal items.
  2. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Okay, as far as the Shaded Comic material goes, they did do a Booster Bundle remix last year which allowed folks a chance at getting old BB-exclusive items. Pretty much a Bundle version of the Resurgence, so hoping/waiting for that to come around again is probably your best bet at that material.

    The Battle-Damaged Slimline is from the Secrets of Kahndaq TC, though, and a collection at that. So it's still recent enough that either the capsules or the collection pieces should still be decently available on the Broker, AND it should eventually show up on the Booster Gold vendor. It'll take a while because it is from a recent TC, though. But if another TC Resurgence takes place, that's another avenue.

    And the Booster Gold vendor IS updated in the Watchtower. I just checked and he has the most recent TC items to be added (Avatar of Peace mask and other items from that TC). The Time and Space vendor next to him hasn't been added to that I know of, but Booster himself still gets updated.
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  3. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Some items need to be rare so that people have something to grind for. Otherwise many players would get all the rewards they want and have no motivation to play, leading to even lower populations than we already see. Seasonal items are seasonal for the same reason - so that people come back to the game throughout the year.

    There are plenty of easily obtainable styles, so if you don't want to spend billions of in-game cash trading, or hundreds of real currency - just make do with those. Just because you really want something, it doesn't meant you should get it for next to nothing and with no effort. And the game needs to make money, which is why many most desirable items cost real money.
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  4. Grip Committed Player


    I like this fantasy game a lot, but it really warms my heart to read a grounded, real world fact as it relates to items of in-game "value." I missed grabbing the Shaded Comic, too, but miss me with that. It's probably the leader in the materials clubhouse at the moment, but there'll be new hotness. Welcome back!

    Kahndaqi Archaeology (battle-damaged slimline)

    1.Site Grid Map
    2:Catalog Markers
    3:Electronic Measuring Device
    4:Archaeological Trowels
    5:Handy Shovel
    6:Soil Testers
    7:Sifting Rigs
    8: Drying Racks
    9:Artifact-Handling Gloves
    10:Museum Connections
    11:Cypher Key
    12:Undeciphered Treasure Map

    Please note: I hear you asking for change and hope you get what you want. Just doing what I can on my level. Take care :)
  5. Dianatique Well-Known Player

    Thank you, and I suprised myself, I already had the battle damaged slimline, lol, I completely forgot about it, now I just need the shaded comic material and Sanguine skin which will never be avaible again to the public lmao.
  6. Dianatique Well-Known Player

    "grind for" Lol you can't really grind for booster pack once they are gone anyways, so I really dont know what you are talking about in your comment.
  7. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    You don't know? lol

    As you said yourself - people are selling the items you want for in-game cash. Run some raids, farm some items, sell them, make a few billion, buy the item you want. It's not complicated. :rolleyes:
  8. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Unpopular opinion: I don't mind not being able to get the comic shaded mat, because I think it's looks weird and out of place, compared to the entire rest of the game. I'm guessing it's supposed to look like cel shading? Anyway, I don't like it. :p
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  9. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Well said. A lot of the styles kids salivate over look god-awful and make your toon stick out like a sore thumb, or look like a christmas tree on fire. I've spent many billions on broker buying styles, auras and materials for feats, meanwhile all my toons look pretty much the same as they did on Brainiac's ship, perhaps with a few accessories that suit their themes.

    The main reason people want those things is because they're difficult to get - if you could buy the comic shaded material, or OG plasmic auras for a few marks, hardly anyone would care about them. It's just a desperate way of trying to convince other players you can't be a "n00b", since you have these shiny things that are not easily attainable anymore.
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  10. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Again, because it might have been missed. :D

    Booster Bundle Remix | DC Universe Online Forums (daybreakgames.com)

    It's been done in the past, and if they do it again and change up what's available among the rewards, there's a shot.
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  11. Grip Committed Player

    This is beautiful. It is certainly an unpopular opinion, but you crushed making a clear, reasonable case for the opinion. We need more of that, and you got my vote for whatever office you run for. Also, if you wind up with one of those absolutely horrendous Shaded Comic Mats, I'll help you get rid of it :)

    Full disclosure: My content-grinding side agrees, but my designer side is impressed with anything unique and innovative. So is it cool? Sure, but not my definition of something worth salivating over especially at current rates.
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  12. Grip Committed Player

    I read your response about 7 hrs ago but decided to just sit on my thoughts til I was able process them better.

    First, glad you got the slimline; I like it too. Secondly, way to stick up for yourself by airing your grievance; the customer has a right to be heard, and you were even thorough enough to provide an alternate path to the development team. That recommendation is what brings me to my final thought about the situation. You said, "the solution would be if they wanted more money out of this, then they could have made these exclusive items a free for all buy in the marketplace for high enough cash, everyone could get it, and you'd get more money instead of inflating the cash situation in-game."

    I hate it! LOL Sorry, I mean no harm whatsoever, so please hear me out. What got us is the limited time thing. They know "Get it 'Fore it's Gone!" sells like hotcakes, so why would they pass that up? Since the day I started playing, they've institutionally encouraged regular play (all loot opportunities resetting between 24 hrs or 7 days). They advertise and preview the Bundles so those looking are completely notified. Then they drop them into the game for a couple months, so those less engaged but playing regularly (which they already incentivise), can become aware and make their choice. I know this may not be what you wanna hear, but we just missed it, friend.

    Will Comic show up in a Remix pack? Maybe. Will the company revise a strategy it's used for at least the last 9 years? Unlikely. Will you open multiple trades with a stranger for a game cash amount over 1.5 billion in hopes you'll actually get a Comic afterwards? I emphasized you because I know my answer; it starts the heck and ends with nah, man. lol Way to fight for what you want, but the reality from where I'm sitting is I snoozed and lost that one prior to my forum use, and I'll be more informed next time :)

    I can't really expect them stop the hot-selling exclusive time model because it's incredibly successful all over the business world. However, I would like them to reexamine how expensive items can be exchanged in game, make a serious effort to promote their engagement platforms to their playerbase, and maintain cash-valuable drops in the latest episodes so players don't need to play the 2+ year old content they've played a million times already in hopes of getting a decent broker item. Mutual benefits exist to keep the episodes at the front of the promotion as active as possible.

    I know what it's like to be frustrated about something. Those feeling can easily blur our focus on what the core issues are that contributed to the original frustration, and to top it off, when you share your feelings in a designated space to do so, you're guaranteed to get a few robot-fix responses from your peers. SMH (Oh, thanks Siri.. lol) Wish you the best, Dianatique.

    Open Letter: If you see "rant" in the title and you struggle with empathy, please just move on... no offense intended :)
  13. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    If they do ever do it again, I do kinda hope they adjust some of what items are in what rarity box. Not drastically, just stuff like not having the drone in the rarest box with stuff like Shaded Comic and extremely desirable auras. I wanted one for my toon Polly Graham but there weren't many available since most people, whether keeping the item or selling it, are never gonna pick the drone over the other stuff in that level box.... and what few there were available were going for far more than I can afford.... so much they couldn't even fit on the broker! I don't expect a total upheaval or anything, just there's a few items that could be moved around in the rarity tiers IMHO.

    Also.... on the topic of limited time styles, the Superman emblem is available again until the new year for anyone that missed the news. It is 150 Source Marks on Tempus Fuginaut in the House of Legends. It does grant the Honorary El feat and once you've consumed it, all toons on that account can style unlock it for free. This one is unfortunately not DCUO's fault as it's because of licensing stuff and DC/WB being protective of the emblem, so much less chance of it coming around again than the non-Iconic stuff. Only available until the year ends.
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  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I believe if you look back at things like the Batman cowl they put in the MP a few years back, you'd find that most people are less interested in buying direct than gambling for a 'rare' item. I know that makes no sense, as I'd rather be able to buy direct too, but the cowl wasn't moving and ended up being cut to 50% as it was 'too expensive' at something like 20 bucks (the price of 2 booster bundles), yet people would likely buy 100 boosters to try and get something 'exclusive'.

    The exclusivity makes it a chase item and people do enjoy the chase.
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  15. the solowing Unwavering Player

    The issue i have with it, is its JUST the cowl. I can buy so many other things id get more value out of then a cowl (hell i could buy a entire set of styled gear for $17 elsewhere). Which would appeal to a very small section of the community who wants to look like Batman. As Mepps said, "we have our own themes".

    Maybe the license brought up the price. But at that pricepoint and the audience that intended to buy it, may have been smaller then expected
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  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    The point was people asked for the cowl for years (rather the 'original' cowl you couldn't get), they added one for the MP...no one bought it. I'd guess that if that same cowl went into a BB instead as the 'exclusive-rare' drop, a lot of BBs would have been sold.

    But who knows?
  17. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Becaause rare = money, and rare stuff comes from TC/BBs so if you blow a ton of money on TC/BB thatll bodes well for your ingame wallet if you get something good.

    Real money kinda makes you ingame money. Its pretty much game sanctioned RMT.

    I dont need to want the item itself out of the BB/TC. I know somebody else wants it and tthey're willing to pay millions/billions for it.
  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, but it just reinforces the fact that they will never put that stuff (or at least not much of it) in the MP vs a BB/TC, because once it's open to everyone, it's no longer rare. Which is the topic I responded to...'why are the items exclusive' from BBs?

    They only have a few ways to put things out in game. DLC/seasonal vendors, MP, BB/TC are the biggies and obviously BB/TC is the best money maker...which is why it keeps going that way.
  19. Dianatique Well-Known Player

    I don't, you are making the argument that people aren't gonna get on to grind if there's a seasonal vendor, when in fact, don't you think that if people don't get on to "grind for seasonal items." then the devs needs to make their game more interesting for people to return.
    So yes, there NEEDS to be a seasonal vendor, it wont break the game since its just pure cosmetics, you are just worried that people aren't returning (which they still won't do, the player count for this game is quite dead tbh.)
  20. Grip Committed Player

    The conversation seems to be shifting some. Thought LowFlyingMoon response to your Booster Bundle styles in comment. Mostly unrelated to what they designate as seasonal event items. Or that's how I read it at least